Hey I'm currently a lvl 32 pld. Was partying the other day with a good group and i was main tank. Had a blu in the party and everytime she used bludgeon i lost hate immediatly and it was pretty hard to get it back. Anyone else noticeing this problem when having a blu in there party. Appreciate any info.
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trying to hold hate
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Re: trying to hold hate
If the blu's in the party spam bludgon from the start you are oviously going to have a harder time holding hate, just try to cure yourself asap once you get hit and if that dosent work then use sentinal, if that dosent pull hate use shield bash, then cure somemore till the 2nd provoke, thats what i had to do in my blugon burn party last night from lvls 34-38.
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Re: trying to hold hate
The problem a lot of classes seem to have is understanding that just because they can steal hate from the tank doesn't mean that they should. BLU is still pretty new and people are feeling it out. There are bound to be some issues with that for a while.
As long as you stick with your regular hate routine (Provokes, Cures, Shield Bashes, Flash when you get it, etc.) you should be fine. If someone wants to test you and constantly steal hate, let them a few times. Eventually they'll realize that it's just better if the mob beats on you instead of them constantly getting hit all the time. At least, if they have any sense they will.
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Re: trying to hold hate
The other usual tactic for those instances is to let your main healer know that if someone else takes hate from you, you'll handle healing them till you get it back. Where a whm is normally going to use the smallest cures possible to avoid getting hate you can let the Blue get beat up a bit (to lose some hate) then Cure 3 them to get the mob nice and aggro'd.
Ideally that also helps the Blu learn where to manage their own hate better but your luck will vary there.
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Re: trying to hold hate
Well if the blu is taking too much hate early on ask him to wait until your second voke before he starts unloading on it, if he disregards your warning and decides to spam his moves with no consideration for your hate control... well you could always ACCIDENTALLY forget to hit your voke macro...
I do not recommend that except in a very severe situation when the person is hurting the party. If you want to get back hate quickly though, just have your Cure II ready and when the person takes hate and gets a hit or two, just Cure II them quick.Drk 75 War 42 Sam 37 Thf 37 Nin 37 Drg 22 (Next subjob to be leveled)
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Re: trying to hold hate
Originally posted by DrkMateoWell if the blu is taking too much hate early on ask him to wait until your second voke before he starts unloading on it, if he disregards your warning and decides to spam his moves with no consideration for your hate control... well you could always ACCIDENTALLY forget to hit your voke macro...
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Re: trying to hold hate
I dont know your financial status in game and what the price will be on your server but on Seraph you can buy a cape caled a Breath mantle it gives 18 HP and Emnity +3 when you use one of the charges (It has 50 charges) Lasts for 30 minutes You have to keep it equipped all the time you are enchanted and if you zone/warp etc you lose the effect. I however found it to be well worth the gil. There is also a level 36 one that gives 38HP and +5 Emnity. Either way good luck and have fun.
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Re: trying to hold hate
Also in the Emnity department - if you're fighting mobs that aren't kicking your butt to hard - there's Dorado Sushi with it's +3 Emnity. It might be a bit pricey at level 30-ish but later on it's a cheaper alternative than Tavnazian Tacos (at least on Pandy) and works very nicely if you're chaining Ts and VTs.
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Re: trying to hold hate
</salute> fellow Paladins, I just joined these forums.
To the OP -
I think Aelathir said it best, hate is the responsibilty of the party, and not
just the tank's. You just do your thing and you will be fine. Sometimes you
will lose hate, or at least sometimes I lose hate. It is not the end of the world.
Once you hit 36, start using the High Breath mantle. I use it at 75 and IMO
it is better than a Gigant and goes for around 50k on my server. (I almost
feel like it is robbery when I buy one b/c I think it is so good)
~ Rawr
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Re: trying to hold hate
I wouldn't worry too much about a BLU stealing hate as long as he has Coccoon active. At level 32, they can actually achieve better Defense scores than a Paladin can, though it costs them MP to keep up their defenses.
Best bet is just to let the monster beat on the BLU with Coccoon up, then cure the BLU for enmity.
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Re: trying to hold hate
Don't worry ... at higher levels (50s) BLUs attacks does **** and can't pull hate off a very good PLD. We had a PLD hold hate off of two MP blowing BLUs in a party two nights ago. PLD pretty much did not lose hate unless the COR started off with Slug Shot from the beginning...
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Re: trying to hold hate
I'd also like to point out that High Breath Mantle is only worth 55k on Midgardsormr, and from what I've heard, (hadn't had the opportunity to EXP with it yet,) each charge lasts 30 minutes. That's 55k for 25 hours' worth of partying with Enmity +5 (+38 HP is nice too) on your back slot. It may serve you well in four levels.
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Re: trying to hold hate
You can just cast cure on the one who's recieve all that hate.
Your cures aren't just for yourself. Even those with lazy /ma cure <me> in macros.
At lvl 32 plds aren't really much tanks. Plds don't really have much tricks up their sleeves without flash and defender, more def up traits, and higher level cures.
If you have to play part time healer, so be it, it's more useful then trying to create infighting in the pt.
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