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An idea for Paladins

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  • An idea for Paladins

    I was looking through a D&D player's handbook earlier today and was reading about Paladins. I've noticed the similarity between those sort of Paladins and FFXI Paladins, so I thought I'd throw this idea out there for fun. Some of the abilities that we already have resemble those in D&D, for example Holy Circle works in a similar fashion to Turn Undead. The main differences are that Turn Undead can instantly destroy any undead creatures that have half the HD or less of the Paladin using the ability. (HD is Hit Dice, just so you know. It's used to measure HP totals. I'll refrain from using technical game terms from here on in) Also, Turn Undead causes undead to cower in fear and attempt to flee the immediate area of the Paladin using the ability.

    My idea hopes to address our somewhat subpar damage. The ability is called Smite Evil in D&D, and since SE has been ganking ideas from D&D for years now, I doubt they'd have a problem doing it. Of course, it's just a pipe dream and I don't expect it to even be considered, so don't bother replying with "I doubt this would be implemented because [Insert long winded excuse here.]" Try to have an imagination. Anyways, Smite Evil or Smite as it would probably be called deals holy based damage. Maybe it would have a similar duration/cooldown as Berserk or some similar ability. It adds Holy-based damage to the Paladin's attacks (whether it be in the form of an added effect or just raw damage added on) for a set period of time. It'd be cool if the effect were enhanced on Demons and Undead and maybe have a chance to blind it's targets. Just a thought..>.>

  • #2
    Re: An idea for Paladins

    As an avid D&D and FF XI player who happens to absolutely love Paladins in both, I have to be very glad that I'm not the only one who has had this idea.

    It was a few months ago when I was pondering the gap of supposed usefulness between Pld and Nin, and someone had recently made the point that Ninjas could be reasonably effective DDs while tanking.

    Enter smite evil. Now, the shield mastery update improved both tanking and damage capacity (faster TP gain means more weapon skills), however it would be even more helpful if we could spike damage using a Smite or Smite evil ability. Looking at the D&D version, you get a boost to accuracy and damage, nothing the ecquivalent of a Sneak Attack in either D&D or FF XI, but helpful nonetheless.

    Perhaps Smite could be a sort of miniature Sneak Attack, strength related to Cha (or maybe Mnd), with a 45-60 second recast timer. It would help grab hate in emergencies, and help us contribute a bit more to the death of the mob.

    Of course, this is never going to actually happen, but 'tis fun to ponder nonetheless.
    The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

    Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


    • #3
      Re: An idea for Paladins

      I think this is a great idea. Would be nice to have a little damage to our attacks. The new abilities they gave us are pretty cool. Just wish shield mastery kicked in a little bit more.
      Keep those good ideas coming who knows SE might actually listen to reason soem day lol.


      • #4
        Re: An idea for Paladins

        Or they could just give EnLight to PLD an call it a day.
        "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


        • #5
          Re: An idea for Paladins

          Give us Magic Attack Bonus to make our Banish and Holy better XD Ok, no, seriously. It's a good idea on its own, but we already have our own spin-off of "smite evil." All they need to do is up the Banish line for us a bit more. Maybe give it a ridiculous improvement in accuracy against undead (after all, the MP cost is pretty steep as it is, it becomes a tremendous turn-off when it gets resisted.)


          • #6
            Re: An idea for Paladins

            Originally posted by Armando
            Give us Magic Attack Bonus to make our Banish and Holy better XD Ok, no, seriously. It's a good idea on its own, but we already have our own spin-off of "smite evil." All they need to do is up the Banish line for us a bit more. Maybe give it a ridiculous improvement in accuracy against undead (after all, the MP cost is pretty steep as it is, it becomes a tremendous turn-off when it gets resisted.)
            Well, see the thing is that MP is nice for cures. It'd be cool and flavorful if we could smite them with our mighty blades (being warriors first and foremost) by channeling holy energy.

            You gotta admit, that's cooler than Banish anyday.
            The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

            Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


            • #7
              Re: An idea for Paladins

              Regarding spells, I would love to have an AOE spell like Banishga to get on multiple
              mobs hate list quickly. (an AOE flash even better, lol). One of my biggest problems
              is holding hate on multiple mobs (more than 2). They like to wake up and go after
              squishy blackmages.


              • #8
                Re: An idea for Paladins

                Originally posted by Cade
                Or they could just give EnLight to PLD an call it a day.
                I've always thought that this would be a nice thing, and would work well for Paladins. A little bit of extra damage, a little bit of extra hate... I don't think it could really hurt at this stage.


                • #9
                  Re: An idea for Paladins

                  Doesn't the ZM8 Boss use En-light?

                  Anyways, yea, seeing our banish/Holy spells strengthened would be nice, I miss FFT where Holy was a incredibly powerfull spell.


                  • #10
                    Re: An idea for Paladins

                    EnLight would totally work. More DoT and Enmity would be quite awesome. Totally forgot about this board for a few weeks though. 8600 new posts. ; ;

