Re: Holy Crap
Even if SE gives us auto-refresh and better shield blocking (both reducing the damage we take), we still get hit and we still don't deal damage while tanking (NIN is a DD and a tank at the same time). There would have to be some kind of major change to change the current player attitude towards PLD. def vs mob attack just doesn't compare to shadows that always completely nullify damage. Level 12: A high def tank takes ~10-40 dmg a hit and does just under par damage. A blink tank absorbs the damage completely and deals OK damage. Level 75: A high def tank takes 130-180 damage a hit and does crap for damage (~4-7%). A blink tank absorbs the damage completely and deals good damage.
Even if PLD takes less damage and get's auto-refresh, people still wouldn't want them because the auto-refresh would not be enough to make PLD self-sufficient (would still need healing and refresh), and because we're still not dealing any damage. SE has to make it so that tanks who take damage, and don't deal damage, disirable by players. How they can do that, I just don't know. Nerfing Utsusemi (the reason why PLD is a 'waste' of MP for endgame exp) would completely ruin NIN as it currently is. Giving PLD provoke (even it it was on a 1-min cooldown) would just make PLDs into wannabe blink tanks 74+.
Even if SE gives us auto-refresh and better shield blocking (both reducing the damage we take), we still get hit and we still don't deal damage while tanking (NIN is a DD and a tank at the same time). There would have to be some kind of major change to change the current player attitude towards PLD. def vs mob attack just doesn't compare to shadows that always completely nullify damage. Level 12: A high def tank takes ~10-40 dmg a hit and does just under par damage. A blink tank absorbs the damage completely and deals OK damage. Level 75: A high def tank takes 130-180 damage a hit and does crap for damage (~4-7%). A blink tank absorbs the damage completely and deals good damage.
Even if PLD takes less damage and get's auto-refresh, people still wouldn't want them because the auto-refresh would not be enough to make PLD self-sufficient (would still need healing and refresh), and because we're still not dealing any damage. SE has to make it so that tanks who take damage, and don't deal damage, disirable by players. How they can do that, I just don't know. Nerfing Utsusemi (the reason why PLD is a 'waste' of MP for endgame exp) would completely ruin NIN as it currently is. Giving PLD provoke (even it it was on a 1-min cooldown) would just make PLDs into wannabe blink tanks 74+.