Messed around with pld for a few lvls,and decided to go ahead and take it to the max.
My question is what is the (proper) way to hold hate?.
Because when i lvld my war i got really mad when i lost the mobs attention.
I like to keep em centered on me only,unless i had a backup with voke ready.
Sure, i have cures,just got cure II so that helps alot.War subbed i can voke every
30 sec.
As a pld,when a fight begins ill voke the mob off the puller,hit it a few times,and
save my cures for me only.(is that right).
Our job is to grab hate,and hold it no matter what.
Seems to work in the dunes..with so much going on in battle,i am looking at three
things puller,never took an eye off him/her.the mob,and my stats..
how do other plds do it...
My question is what is the (proper) way to hold hate?.
Because when i lvld my war i got really mad when i lost the mobs attention.
I like to keep em centered on me only,unless i had a backup with voke ready.
Sure, i have cures,just got cure II so that helps alot.War subbed i can voke every
30 sec.
As a pld,when a fight begins ill voke the mob off the puller,hit it a few times,and
save my cures for me only.(is that right).
Our job is to grab hate,and hold it no matter what.
Seems to work in the dunes..with so much going on in battle,i am looking at three
things puller,never took an eye off him/her.the mob,and my stats..
how do other plds do it...