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Paladin DD 101

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  • #46
    Re: Paladin DD 101

    Weeee have you ever tried a PLD/SAM combo? I like having shield bash so NIN wouldn't be ideal due to that aspect. I was wondering if the SAM as a sub would really make that much of a difference for you TP skills when used as a sub for PLD?


    • #47
      Re: Paladin DD 101

      there`s a reason why /sam is very rarely used :p.
      the only time I would use /sam would be for snoll bc maybe (you have 45 sec to kill a bomb from time it engages you)

      i would rather pld/war than pld/sam if i had the choice between the two. you would benifit much more.

      i think a very big percentage of the community would agree
      Weeee of Kujata(Main)
      PLD 75
      Ninja 75
      RDM 75
      THF: 75
      RNG: 75
      BST: 75
      BLM: 70
      BLM: 75
      THF: 71
      Heeeeeee(RL GF):
      Mnk, BRD, WAR ,BLM: 75
      Cooking: 96
      ClothCraft 94+5 My Blog

      Fyi: No Excalibur or aegis(working on aegis) rest is legit ;o


      • #48
        Re: Paladin DD 101



        • #49
          Re: Paladin DD 101

          Well, here's some updates on what I've found out so far:
          On D weapons, I really don't need as much +attack as I thought. I probably don't need as much +acc either, but I'll find out tonight hopefully when I get to DD as PLD/NIN.

          I had tanked in a D weapon party as PLD/WAR with a BRD. They weren't that great with getting ballad on me, but I always got double minuet. So my attack was always 400+. Near the end, he 2hr'ed and I got 570+ attack. I hit in the same stinkin' damage range. no matter what my attack was.

          I also did PLD/NIN at 1 Dynamis run as DD/extra mob control (no more DD'ing in Dynamis for me. My silly low damage made me cry.) With the gear I had, I could switch around to a total of +12 STR in gear. Quickly found out that +STR is what I'm really missing.

          So tonight, I'll try to buy some more +STR gear and see how I do. I'll have someone in the party parse the fight for me too. I want to see how badly I'll be outdamage. In the last D weapon party I was in, I was doing ~800+ damage a fight as the tank, compared to ~1500+ from the dedicated DD's. Typical Vorpal Blades were 350-450 when all 4 hits connected. Though, the parse includes fights with statues prior to moving to D weapons, and I was testing between Joyeuse and Company Sword for hate/damage. Company Sword seemed to be the better sword. Better damage output (2 Joyeuse attacks = damage from 1 Company attack. Company WS > Joyeuse WS by like 150+ damage). Less TP given to the mob with Company sword, which actually made the Company Sword better for hate control (I took less damage).
          Last edited by csBahamut; 11-28-2005, 09:51 AM.

          Be like a Paladin.
          Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


          • #50
            Re: Paladin DD 101

            I would just like to point out that STR doesn't just up the minimum and maximum by a fixed ammount. It adds a fixed ammount of damage to each hit, thus raising the minimum and maximum. Don't overlook STR just because you don't feel you need to increase the min/max.


            • #51
              Re: Paladin DD 101

              1H Sword WS 100% 200% 300% #Hits Secondary Attribute TP Adjustment
              Fast Blade 1.00 1.50 2.00 x2 STR_20%, DEX_20%
              Flat Blade 1.00 x1 STR_30% More stun
              Circle Blade 1.00 x1 STR_35% Attack Radius
              Spirits within 4/32 6/32 15/32 ×1 x HP
              Vorpal Blade 1.00 x4 STR_30% Crit Rate
              Swift Blade 1.50 x3 STR_30%, MND_30% Accuracy
              Savage Blade 1.00 1.75 3.50 x2 STR_30%, MND_50%

              The str 30% being added to damage directly is incorrect. It's the variable to plug into the fSTR and WSC of this equasion. It's not direct by any means.

              ((D + fSTR + WSC) * fTP) * PDIF

              I haven't PT-ed with and pld DDs, being used to random pickup PTs, but gathering sources, they seem to be worth 2/3 of a normal DD, which is a lot better than the 1/3 they normally put out in pure tanking. Nins on the other hand go 2/3 in pure tanking, and are just as good as other DD when equiped, which is why no one really wants a pld in merit PTs.


              • #52
                Re: Paladin DD 101

                I hope you can answer this for me... why is it so many Lv.73+ PLDs I read about love Vorpal?

                From my own tests with TWs and ITs, it seems that yes, Vorpal can give higher numbers but Swift gives higher numbers consistantly. (i.e Vorpal may do anywhere between 300-750 but Swift does between 400-650)

                Does this miracously change? According to here:
                Swift has higher dmg multipliers and an additional +MND%, Vorpal has a hit higher and of course, a direct crit chance modifer, through TP. It seem as though as PLD would be a DoT DD, wouldn't more reliable numbers be preferred?


                • #53
                  Re: Paladin DD 101

                  I'd be more interested in seeing damage numbers for some non /NIN job combinations. I know I've seen a Elvaan RDM do over 700 at 100TP with Savage Blade, granted on EP. I wonder if we could swap in MND & STR gear to beef up Savage Blade?

                  I've heard SATA Retribution will do over 700 on a VT Mob.

                  I know that I can do almost 800 on a DC with Full Swing & /WAR at 300%.

                  I'm also curious about Ground Strike as PLD/WAR.

                  Most likely useless in an exp PT, but fun nonetheless.

                  Anyone try any of this?
                  Meh, no time for a signature.


                  • #54
                    Re: Paladin DD 101

                    I've venture to guess that most like Vorpal Blade because of BNS.

                    Personally, I prefer Vorpal because it does more damage on average now that my accuracy is high enough. If my acc sucks, I'll switch to Swift.

                    If PLDs really want to get in on the DD tanking thing now, Aht Urghan is the place to do it. Bhauflau Thickets just outside the Mamool Ja staging point is excellent if you have a Joyeuse and sub WAR. Wear DD gears and some +shield skill gear, and your set to go. Meat if you ONLY pull Sea Puks. Sushi if you do Sea Puks and Mamool. Stay away from the Wyverns. The Puks are so awsome that you can tank with zerk up and barely notice the additional damage you take.

                    I tend to tank in:
                    Main: Joyeuse A MUST if you want to even hope of keep hate. Even then, you'll lose hate a lot.
                    Shield: Koenig Some other shields might do well for DD, but Koenig is nice for the emnity and +VIT.
                    Ranged: Bibiki Bay Seashell Without all the def gear, and being T-VT primarily, +4 VIT is nice.
                    Head: Valor Coronet Mainly for the def and emnity. I don't like the loss of def on O-hat, and I don't need the acc. The evasion is minorly helpful.
                    Neck: Shield torque The other option would be RG collar, but a loss of +4 acc/atk is acceptable for damage reduction that extra shield blocks will give.
                    L.ear: Etheral Earring +5atk/evade is great, as is the extra MP from being beat on.
                    R.ear: Knight's Earring +5 shield skill and +2 VIT to help make up for the lack of def food.
                    Body: Byrnie +20 atk, +3 STR, +3 VIT, and good def. WHat's not to like? Don't need Hauby's +10 acc, atk is what's lacking. And the -20 evasion REALLY hurts.
                    Hands: Tarrasque Mitts A sacrifice of like 7-9 def for +10 atk, worth it.
                    L.ring: Sattva ring The godly PLD ring
                    R.ring: Assailant's ring or Venerer's Ring Depends on how I feel my acc is that day
                    Back: Boxer's Mantle While Amemet+1 would give me good STR and atk, the defensive bonuses from Boxer's really shine here. Even the +10 evasion *skill*.
                    Waist: Warwolf or swordbelt Depends on how I feel may hate holding is doing. The +10 atk is more helpful for damage, but Warwolf has emnity and VIT as well.
                    Legs: Valor Breeches Good def. Emnity. +5 STR. Need I say more?
                    Feet: Gallant Leggings +10 shield skill and def to help with damage reduction

                    And that's my setup. I try to keep my attack around 400 because that seems to be the magic number for VTs (low def and on the good end of the damage curve). All the +shield skill keeps damage low, and my defense is still over 400 (I swear this is like a magic number for "sufficient". It keeps my damage taken on the lower end of the curve mostly). For WS, I swap in my Soil Gorget, O-hat, and Heca boots. About 550 ave for Vorpal Blade on Puks using sushi. 650 ave with sis kabobs. Mamool aren't to kind for WSes. The warm up adds a lot of evasion, they have higher defense being beastmen, and some are IT, so WS averages were lower. In the 250-450 range if I remember right.

                    I haven't done PLD/NIN DD is a long time. Last time I did was for Hakutaku, and I surprised a lot of people, including the NIN tanking (he is WAR main). He said I was putting up respectable numbers. I must have been to pull hate by the end of the battle. (Side note: I ended up tanking with him since the other NIN kept DC'ing. I'd even keep hate off the MNK/NIN there spamming WS). Still no where near the numbers by brother can put up as DRG/THF or DRG/WAR on that thing. He tends to outdamage MNKs, WARs, and BLMs by like 2K on that thing.

                    Be like a Paladin.
                    Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                    • #55
                      Re: Paladin DD 101

                      I got to be in my first "burn" style party as a Pld/Nin this past weekend and it was very
                      fun. I had no pressure to put up big numbers b/c it was a party of Linkshell friends,
                      and we fought Imps in the Mire. I think I did ok DOT and I was around 400-500 damage
                      on Vorpal Blades. I just got an Optical Hat so I am hoping it will help me out. Also, I
                      need to upgrade my rings.

                      I have a question for those of you who play Pld/Nin as DD sometimes. I don't have
                      a Joyeuse and I was wondering if any of you had a suggestions for an alternative
                      sword to pair with my Company? (I have camped Charby on and off but it seems I
                      am destined to not get it) I was thinking maybe a Martial Anelace, but I had no
                      idea how the tp effect on it worked. I am currently using the Espadon. (yeah, I
                      should buy the +1 at least, but I wanted to make a cheap DD set up at first to try
                      stuff out )

                      Thanks in advance

