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Progress of Tarudin

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  • #16
    Re: Progress of Tarudin

    My PLD is only 29 atm and i just got all Kamp set, but this post gives me a lot to shoot for (^^)b
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #17
      Re: Progress of Tarudin


      weeeee if you can remember, with your highest +vit and defense rating, what was your avg dmg taken on xp mobs. say... deco weapons, golems and hobgoblins for instance?
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #18
        Re: Progress of Tarudin

        deco= 50~70 critical varied up to 120~ish max shield block 30~
        golems= 80~120 critical varied up to 200 shield block 50~
        Hobgoblins i dunno, problably pretty weak.
        Birds in luf. med hits me a bit harder than golems I think.

        I think I had 67+69 VIT atm and 700def~

        Personally I take off lotsa my vit, and add hp to get hit harder on purpose, in order to keep hate easier on dec weapons, joyeuse helps a lot in that too. I only need to use cure 2~ once in awhile cure 3. dec weapons are tricky people tend to pull hate off easy when decked out @ lvl 75 , but I can hold it if needed. all threee fo these mobs we chain endlessly.

        ill give you a parse one of these days on my highest tankign equip of gods and xp mobs if you want
        Weeee of Kujata(Main)
        PLD 75
        Ninja 75
        RDM 75
        THF: 75
        RNG: 75
        BST: 75
        BLM: 70
        BLM: 75
        THF: 71
        Heeeeeee(RL GF):
        Mnk, BRD, WAR ,BLM: 75
        Cooking: 96
        ClothCraft 94+5 My Blog

        Fyi: No Excalibur or aegis(working on aegis) rest is legit ;o


        • #19
          Re: Progress of Tarudin

          sure send me a parse vs. xp and gods. that would be interesting to look at. im a nin and my dmg taken is ridiculous when the mob tags me with my shadows down. be nice to see how my other taru brethren fair tanking it the old school way. :p
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #20
            Re: Progress of Tarudin

            Originally posted by Weeeekujata
            currently 3k tnl for lvl 69

            but was busy all week last week doing cop, doing airship battle today

            using pld tank of course
            boo nin tank yeay PLD tank
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