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relic shield

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  • relic shield

    What anchient currency is used to upgrade to the next stage of the relic shield? i am dieing to know, maybe i'll sell off my o.bronzepieces if its not needed for step 2.
    Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
    Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!

  • #2
    I am actually kinda anxious to know myself, good thing they made something for paladins that drops in jeuno since before nothing for us dropped there. owner.
    Abriael's profile


    • #3
      I am trying to upgrade my relic shield. Things I know so far:

      *Relic shield drops in Dynamis Jeuno. Pretty good droprate. We got 4 during our short run.

      *Talking to the relic upgrade goblin in Castle Zvahl will start the upgrade process like all other relic weapons.

      *For the first upgrade you need 1 Orichalcum Sheet, 1 Ancient Lubmer and 1 Amaltheia Leather.

      *Amaltheia leather is a leathercraft item and you need an Amaltheia hide as ingredient. Not sure what the other ingredients are.

      *Amaltheia hide drops of a NM named Amaltheia in Lufaise Meadows. You can pop this NM by trading the relic shield to the ??? at K-6 in Lufaise Meadows.

      *I tried this NM and it is freaking hard and you probably need a full alliance (if not more) for it. You can find more information about the fight on my livejournal

      ( )

      *You lose your relic shield if you lose the fight. I am not sure if you get your shield back if you actually win. We will try this fight again soon with other PLD's and I will let you guys know =)


      • #4
        Its a junk dont bother..

        Defense is high but its useless against real HNM..

        and magic dmg reduce... I guess.. if you are fighting Kirin maybe...


        • #5
          Originally posted by freebird
          Its a junk dont bother..

          Defense is high but its useless against real HNM..

          and magic dmg reduce... I guess.. if you are fighting Kirin maybe...
          I don't know about it being bad. With how shields have been changed now it seems having more defense on it is quite good. Also there's no way to tell what the "Shield Bash" enhancement is, like the "Cover" enhancements were you can recover MP and cover magic attacks the "Shield Bash" enhancement could do something special like that making it more useful.

          Can't blindly state it's effectiveness without tested proof, and since it's so new tested proof is impossible for you to have.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Just killed Amaltheia for another PLD in the LS, Amaltheia Hide dropped. You lose the Relic Shield. Will post more when I know.


            • #7
              Until we actually see an Aegis and the person who has it does some testing, we don't know if its better or worse than Earth Staff. Remember that Shield type effects block rate and % reduction.

              I do think that the final version needs some +enmity... but we'll see.

