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What's kind of damage can a PLD/nin do @lvl 70

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  • What's kind of damage can a PLD/nin do @lvl 70

    Everytime I check the stats on my PLD @53, and levels prior to that that STR and VIT are always the same or one point away from each other. So I have to say PLDs are pretty strong with the exception that they don't have any ATTK+ traits. However, suppose @70 you sub /nin and have access to O-Hat, Joyeuse, and sport Haubergeon/lifebelt and other STR+, ACC+ items wouldn't the potential for damage as a PLD greatly enhanced?

    I'm thinking once i get to 70 (long time) i'll get a joyeuse (hopefully it wont be a drag) and juz sub /nin and dual wield this with my kraken club i can be a good sata partner. And party with my friend whose NIN main will be tank as we're in close lvl range. I can imagine the mad TP spam using multi-hit Sword WS with this setup can be devastating. I'm not sure how powerful PLDs WSs are with this setup because frankly i've never seen it. But if Vorpal Blade can do about 3-500 damage on IT mobs (hopefully) I think PLDs with this setup will be mad DD. Because I know for a fact dual wielding KC with an Axe, i get about 100% TP in like 15 seconds, sometimes slightly more and sometimes slightly less. But Joyeuse/KC, I imagine will net me about 100% TP in like 10 seconds. And add this to the fact that PLDs have highest sword skill cap and highest club skill cap (tie @ A- with other class), our accuracy will be pretty decent.

    If anyone know what this setup can do or have personally tried it, let me know. If it hasn't done, wait until i get 17 more lvls and try it ;-). I seroiusly believe this is a good way for pld to be DD, sata partner/semi tank with a NIN tank. Shoot, unless PLD WSs suck on ITs I think this setup will cause the PLD to be the main tank juz by default.

  • #2
    PLD WS suck on ITs.
    Even with a full hit with swift I still only do 200-300 tops.
    If you have tons of HP gear, with Joy/KC you can spam spirits..but thats all your damage...not to mention the mob TP.


    • #3
      i've read with alot of good expensive attack gear and a company sword/joyeuse, the damage is noteworthy, and hellishly deadly in ballista

      wouldn't try it for an xp party, but for hnms when you aren't a tank i think it'd be fun

      something to shoot for anyway
      "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


      • #4
        When I needed to refill my exp buffer on pld, I pulled together a merit exp pt as pld/nin for weapons. With the best gear avaliable pld/nin just couldn't do a damn thing. It was decent damage, yet the weakness of Vorpal Blade just pulled the overall damage down.

        I did roughly half the overall damage I do as war/nin vs Dec Weapons. Not exactly something to ooh and aaahh over. The weakness really lies in Vorpal Blade. It just cannot put up Rampage numbers, even with Company Sword.


        • #5
          I tried PLD/NIN at 74 with joyeuse & kraken for EXP and it wasn't very great. I went with DD gear (haubergeon +1, sniper rings, etc.) and all I did was give the mob an insane amount of TP and whiffed Vorpal Blade most of the time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by PaladinsArc
            I tried PLD/NIN at 74 with joyeuse & kraken for EXP and it wasn't very great. I went with DD gear (haubergeon +1, sniper rings, etc.) and all I did was give the mob an insane amount of TP and whiffed Vorpal Blade most of the time.


            brave; integritous; commanding
            New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
            75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
            ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


            • #7
              Well I just got 63 last night in onzozo as pld/nin, lvl up, slap on the club.......................... and as they say, the rest is history. I don't think i'll ever go back to straight tanking if this keeps up. Spamming vorpal blade with sole sushi and bard's songs for 200-450 every 15-20 seconds. Ranger couldn't keep up tp at all.

              This is so damn fun :-)

              70 here i come!

              yes PLD can be DD. I'll try to parse a few xp sessions and see what it shows. It will be interesting.


              • #8
                paladins are definetly meant to do more than just tanking.
                - they have high base str (higher than mnk, drg, nin, sam, and all those other "DD's")
                - they have the most "A's" in different classes of weapons... Pld's have 3 A's: Staff, Club, and Sword.
                - they can wear a lot of atk gear: haubergon, dusk pants, assault earring, Alkyoneus's Brc., you know... all those stuff that other jobs wear for DD.. (mind you.. drg/mnk's can't even wear haubergon)
                - Banish lowers enemy defense (not that useful.. but hey.. lower def = more damage)

                with all the atk gears and what not and some good +atk food, my atk for my pld as pld/war went over 600 (with berserk)

                with that in mind.. we can play as a back up crap healer as well if there are too many pld's.
                - 2 hades earring (NQ/HQ of it)
                - 2 astral rings
                - Light/Dark staff
                - Vermillion cloak
                - Hierarch Belt (yes they can use it)
                - RSE 2 gloves/shoes

                with all this even as an elvaan a pld can easily break the 600mp mark. With protect and shell and cure IV. Nothing much holding them back as back up healing (and a pretty damn good one too)



                • #9
                  Most DDs have attackup passives traits or similar

                  Paladins get none, You could try to get one from war, but pal/nin have none.

                  Forget TP weapons, just get company swords or similar. You'll holding a merit pt down with weak weapons and tp spam.

                  Vorpal don't seem to do much damage on VTs, heck they have crappy max damage, just try it on a Too weak. Savage seem a bit better and creating light isn't bad for merit weapons.

                  Don't stray too far, and paladins put up decent numbers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kuu
                    Most DDs have attackup passives traits or similar

                    Paladins get none, You could try to get one from war, but pal/nin have none.

                    Forget TP weapons, just get company swords or similar. You'll holding a merit pt down with weak weapons and tp spam.

                    Vorpal don't seem to do much damage on VTs, heck they have crappy max damage, just try it on a Too weak. Savage seem a bit better and creating light isn't bad for merit weapons.

                    Don't stray too far, and paladins put up decent numbers.
                    not true.

                    -warrior gets 1 passive trait
                    -drg's get 0
                    (gets more accurate?)
                    -mnk's get 0
                    (but attacks faster)
                    -sam's get 0
                    (gets a lil more tp per hit...)
                    -nin's get 0
                    (attacks faster)
                    -drk's get 2
                    -rng's get 0
                    (but shoots more accurate)
                    most? i think not
                    -thf gets 0
                    (evasion bonus)

                    and according to this post
                    sword do, deal some decent damage in comparison to other ws's

                    and i'm not saying that paladins should just drop all their tanking armor and go straight out damage, but if needed to be.. as in many times in my Sky LS... sometimes, there are too many tanks that show up and not enough DD's. Pld's can do pretty well.


                    • #11
                      just some random corrections...

                      - they have high base str (higher than mnk, drg, nin, sam, and all those other "DD's")
                      by other DDs you mean RNG. War & Drk will definately top a pld.

                      - they have the most "A's" in different classes of weapons... Pld's have 3 A's: Staff, Club, and Sword.
                      I was always kinda under the impression that their A ranks were for the accuracy which means the hate. having 3 of them gives pld some flexibility with tanking strategies. This said, I realize that it sounds like I'm Nay-saying, but I do actually think a well geared pld could be decent DD.


                      and some thought about attack boosts
                      -Drg gets 1 at level 10
                      mnk, sam, and nins all usually have war subbed @60, so they get an attack boost
                      -drks get 4 attack boosts, not 2. 10, 30, 50, 70

                      of course, no one else has an A rank with a Company Sword.
                      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                      • #12
                        1 ws lvl = 1 acc/ 1atk


                        • #13
                          first of all lets go down that DD list and say what each job really gets. in your list you put 0 next to almost every DD, but then you actually say a DD trait that they get. its not even just the traits, its the job abilities. drk's get last resort and soul eater, thf's get SATA, mnk's get boost and focus, sams get meditate, rng's get barrages, wars get berserk and aggressor. pld's get nothing, absolutely nothing that is helpful for DD'ing.

                          i realize i'm wearing full tanking gear but my vorpals and swifts usually hit for about 0-100 damage. sword ws's just really suck.

                          if you're gonna get all that great dd'ing gear for a pld, just play a real dd'ing job. if you wanna be an SATA partner use war/nin.

                          also when people say something like pld's have high str, obviously they are meant for more than tanking, i just want to slap someone. what they mean to say is pld is meant for more than just damage mitigation, its meant to hold hate. tanking isnt just lessening damage, its keeping the mob on you.

                          i mean, i dont mean to just shoot down peoples ideas, but its just idiocy. buying all the most expensive gear in the game to make a pld/nin DD. take all that gear, slap it on a war/nin then change your main weapon from a sword to an axe and......the rest will be history.

                          Edit: i'm almost positive 1 ws does not = 1 acc, its not that simple and i'm almost positive pld's do not have A's in club or staff, i think they have B or B+. wars have the most versatile weapon selection.


                          • #14
                            200+ skill 1point = 0.9acc

                            Pld is A+ sword, A- Staff, A- Club, B- Greatsword and bear in mind for the longest time Drk was only B+ with Greatsword.

                            What Pld was originally designed for, what it became, and what it can do are all different things. It was supposed to have the option of dealing damage. Over time other tweaks have been made to the more commonly deemed "damage dealers" which increased the gap. People don't think a Pld can do any damage so most quickly disregard the notion.

                            As for what Pld/Nin with all the toys can do? I can match your typical 75 rng's damage. Yes ranger. But if I was to compare myself to a ranger with on par gear to mine? Yup, I'm blown out of the water again. Is that saying Pld is a DD? Nope. But is it capable of in certain situations (Merit exp) of doing better than you might think damage? Yup.

                            For all intents and purposes tho, once you get the gear/money to do good damage as pld, you would be doing better damage as any other job with those weapon choices. A war/nin will simply demolish a pld/nin on damage. A drk/thf's Spinning Slash will consistantly be 200ish more damage. The only place a Pld has the "cant touch this" for damage is pld/thf with capped Staff doing 300% Full Swings vs Bones... Really how often do you get that chance? Right... Never.

                            sword ws's just really suck.
                            Heh... I can consistantly throw out 400-800 damage Vorpals vs Dec weapons... Which is about 100ish less than my Rampage averages.
                            edit: yeah i realize looking back at this what I said about Vorpal before. I think it mainly comes down to back then I wasn't macro swapping in a Heca Cap. It would seem that Rampage is +20str cap vs Dec weapons where Vorpal is... I dunno maybe +30? Either way a Heca cap which has no impact on my Rampages does have significant impact on Vorpals

