Everytime I check the stats on my PLD @53, and levels prior to that that STR and VIT are always the same or one point away from each other. So I have to say PLDs are pretty strong with the exception that they don't have any ATTK+ traits. However, suppose @70 you sub /nin and have access to O-Hat, Joyeuse, and sport Haubergeon/lifebelt and other STR+, ACC+ items wouldn't the potential for damage as a PLD greatly enhanced?
I'm thinking once i get to 70 (long time) i'll get a joyeuse (hopefully it wont be a drag) and juz sub /nin and dual wield this with my kraken club i can be a good sata partner. And party with my friend whose NIN main will be tank as we're in close lvl range. I can imagine the mad TP spam using multi-hit Sword WS with this setup can be devastating. I'm not sure how powerful PLDs WSs are with this setup because frankly i've never seen it. But if Vorpal Blade can do about 3-500 damage on IT mobs (hopefully) I think PLDs with this setup will be mad DD. Because I know for a fact dual wielding KC with an Axe, i get about 100% TP in like 15 seconds, sometimes slightly more and sometimes slightly less. But Joyeuse/KC, I imagine will net me about 100% TP in like 10 seconds. And add this to the fact that PLDs have highest sword skill cap and highest club skill cap (tie @ A- with other class), our accuracy will be pretty decent.
If anyone know what this setup can do or have personally tried it, let me know. If it hasn't done, wait until i get 17 more lvls and try it ;-). I seroiusly believe this is a good way for pld to be DD, sata partner/semi tank with a NIN tank. Shoot, unless PLD WSs suck on ITs I think this setup will cause the PLD to be the main tank juz by default.
I'm thinking once i get to 70 (long time) i'll get a joyeuse (hopefully it wont be a drag) and juz sub /nin and dual wield this with my kraken club i can be a good sata partner. And party with my friend whose NIN main will be tank as we're in close lvl range. I can imagine the mad TP spam using multi-hit Sword WS with this setup can be devastating. I'm not sure how powerful PLDs WSs are with this setup because frankly i've never seen it. But if Vorpal Blade can do about 3-500 damage on IT mobs (hopefully) I think PLDs with this setup will be mad DD. Because I know for a fact dual wielding KC with an Axe, i get about 100% TP in like 15 seconds, sometimes slightly more and sometimes slightly less. But Joyeuse/KC, I imagine will net me about 100% TP in like 10 seconds. And add this to the fact that PLDs have highest sword skill cap and highest club skill cap (tie @ A- with other class), our accuracy will be pretty decent.
If anyone know what this setup can do or have personally tried it, let me know. If it hasn't done, wait until i get 17 more lvls and try it ;-). I seroiusly believe this is a good way for pld to be DD, sata partner/semi tank with a NIN tank. Shoot, unless PLD WSs suck on ITs I think this setup will cause the PLD to be the main tank juz by default.