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Tarutaru Paladin

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  • #31
    Re: Tarutaru Paladin

    Thats a rather dumb arguement:
    1. Non-Taru. Pull at 250/250 MP, 24/7 Refresh or Ballad effect on. Time inbetween fights at full MP you're wasting MP you could've recovered in situation #2.
    2. Taru. Pull at 250/450 MP, 24/7 Refresh or Ballad. Time inbetween fights you'll still go over 250 MP while resting inbetween fights and the Bard/RDM will help push your bar way past the Paladin Elf's total.

    Max HP and Max MP is so stupid once you're in the middle of an activity. Whether you're 760/760 HP (WHM keeping you at full, afraid of Taru one-shotted syndrome) or 760/1000 HP (WHM letting you hover just above yellow), youre still 760 HP away from dieing. Same thing with MP for how much your MP bar is /healed, Refreshed, or Balladed.

    Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
    RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


    • #32
      Re: Tarutaru Paladin

      Well, I find the aim of this game is to have fun - not be the best of the best and look down on everyone else. I'm having loads of fun playing around with my MP pool as a tarutaru PLD. With refresh and ballad I can easily keep my MP up to near max and keep a tremendous amount of hate.

      So I don't know why you guys keep comparing every other race - I've found the play style for a tarutaru PLD is a lot different than to an elvaan PLD. So yeah... anyone thinking of tarutaru PLD, go for it! It's a lot of fun.

      "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


      • #33
        Re: Tarutaru Paladin

        In my eyes, Omecle basically has it right. The only difference between any race of PLD is its playstyle. Galka and Elvaan take less damage, in my experiences, but have less MP to hold hate with. Generally though, PLD is so good at keeping hate anyway, that the loss of MP effects nothing, again, in my experience (post Refresh/Ballad btw). Taru do take more damage, but they can spam cast, using their own MP rather than the WHM's in order to keep healed, which does generate more hate (Flashes and Provoke/Sentinel/Rampart will always be more useful however), but again, the extra hate isn't always needed in a properly functioning party. Both have ups and downs, just like everything. The thing is to pick the playstyle that you have fun with.
        Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
        Current Mission
        San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
        Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
        Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
        "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


        • #34
          Re: Tarutaru Paladin

          Kuu's point had SOME weight, and i was gonna blast em for blasting tarus, but now that i think about it, Taru's take considerably more DoT, hence having to cast more. But the MP pool makes up for it. But then again its a Double Taboo. We have the MP to cast more on ourselves, but we have it cause we need it cause we take more damage.

          Howeve, once we hit 30 and the Kamp Eisen gear comes into play, paired with the uber defense and boost of the IM suit followed by the AF, Taru tanks are neither better than worse than others, we are in a league of our own. I think we excel at the twist to the jobs, for instance, a Taru tank I had in Den of Rancor was tanking the Lizards backwards due to lack of a WHM and Stona. He was able to spam cure4 and chill out with his earth staff
          we had good DDs, so the exp was decent (not like it mattered, PLDs dont exactly add to DoT in a considerable manner )

          Just wanted to say that before I jump on my WAR. Its 24 atm and i'm having fun. ^^ ganbare!
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #35
            Re: Tarutaru Paladin

            I'm not againist Taru pld's, I've had our static one for 75 lvls.
            And for the sake of the arguement I've put skill aside, and what is left are numbers.

            And the numbers are againist taru plds as you go higher towards the end when unless you're drinking potions, the refresh and ballad isn't going to keep up with the MP you're using.

            It is worse in cases like ours where we pull quick and fast, and beat down hard and fast, i.e, offsensive over defensive.

            At some points(most on chains 5 and possibly 6) we simply had our taru act as a battle whm more then a pld, because we can tank it better with our shadows and have him support with flashing and taking hate with cover/provoke during our recasts.

            He had both refresh and ballad supporting him and it still wasn't enough on the mp drain.

            Would an elvvan pld do better? No idea.
            Would he be better if his race was an elvvan, to us, yes. He said so himself.

            I'm NOT saying everyone should dump taru pld, the differences even at end points are minor, the game was ment for multiple jobs, you can't get away with a taru blm for the rest of your career because at one point or another you want to play jobs not favorable to you.

            But an equal playing field they are not. And I repeat it's MINOR. There is advantage and disadvantage, and then there is the degree of it.


            • #36
              Re: Tarutaru Paladin

              I guess I'll get back to you in 25 more levels and tell you if I'm still having fun.

              "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


              • #37
                Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                Originally posted by kuu
                But an equal playing field they are not. And I repeat it's MINOR. There is advantage and disadvantage, and then there is the degree of it.
                Have to agree with this. Taru PLDs do fine for the most part, but there are occasions when the extra HPs that other races would have are an asset. Max MP pool is ok for XP chains, but pretty much all PLDs subsist off the same MP regeneration flow, so in an extended fight, a larger MP pool advantage becomes less and less significant, while the lower VIT and HP start coming more into play.

                Still, Taru PLDs are fine even in HNM situations as long as they have good gear and play smart. Only thing I notice is that it does take better gear to be a good end-game PLD as tarutaru to make up for the deficiency of HP and VIT (but I imagine anyone who got through 75 levels of PLD as a taru would understand this implicitly).

                As things stand though, well equipped Taru PLD > average equipped PLD of other races, and only marginally less effective than equally equipped PLDs from other races. I've never seen a poorly equipped taru PLD, so can't comment on them, probably because badly equipped Taru PLDs never make it out of the lower levels.



                • #38
                  Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                  The race is irrelevant. If you are a good player (i think hamasaki can attest to this) then you will excel at being a taru paladin. If you use your race as a crutch, you will come up short every time. Granted, gear will augment your tanking abilites 5 fold, however, if there is no skill attached to the gear, then you are gonna fail. Race is not a question. If you feel there is a weakness (or a potential one) then fix it. For me, it was more of a mental problem than anything else. I've killed/tanked pretty much everything in the game minus sea mobs. You'll get there. Just have to stay focused, because its easy for a Taru Pld to get de-railed by all the nay-sayers.

                  It's happened to me, and it will happen to you. When you supercede that, thats when the race becomes not an issue. The gear goes with the skill, but the gear is not required. It's all about skill. And when you start getting that pimp gear, thats when you can start makin a name for yourself. For example, I looked up to Hamasaki a lot when he got all his koenig armor, and it has been my goal to supercede him as a taru paladin. It hasn't happened yet, not by a longshot, but I want to be just as good as him. That drive has kept me alive and tanking virtually every type of mob in the game.

                  We all know the basics, how tarus have lesser hp and a crapload of mp than the other races. But really, there are various pieces of gear that can augment your performance considerably. Not only in HP, but in vit and def respectively. The taru race is just like a galka to a certain extent: expose the weakness, convert it into a strength, and carve the strength into your niche. Then you probably wouldn't be so worried about being a tarutaru paladin, as much as you would be worried about yourself being a good paladin in general.
                  Last edited by Hyjinx; 10-02-2005, 10:39 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                    Hyjinx ! Whoever says taru PLD is bad come meet me in Ballista and I show u POWER! Omecle! I thought ur name was familiar when I see you in game and turns out it was u who started this thread! Woot! Go taru tanks!
                    Koenig Pieces Acquired: Schaller - Cuirass - Handschuhs - Schuhs


                    • #40
                      Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                      Yeah, I'm leveling NIN to try out PLD/NIN in ballista and soloing, I hear it's great. =)

                      "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                      • #41
                        Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                        Im a level 20 taru PLD so far and when I was in Valkurm at like lv 18 tanking the pugils there was a problem, they would screwdriver me for aprox 215 dmg and I only had about 230hp, so screwdriver + a normal attack for 20-25Dmg = I'm dead, I had to wear Physical earings to get my HP up to 280 and after that I was doing a little better, screwdriver still left me dangerously low on HP, but atleast I had like 60hp left after it so I could take a couple of hits with screwdriver and have enough time to heal myself and for the WHM to heal me, but trading 50hp for 50mp is not a fair trade, with 48 mp I can throw six cures, which equals 180HP but at lvl 20 I have 150mp, and with the phys earings I still have 100mp, which is more than any other race PLD anyhow.

                        On the other hand when I tank crabs, flys, worms, etc I do very well, but pugs and bats are extremely dangerous for me. And I'd like to mention that I do have good equipment, I have the best rings I could have at my lvl... they have 1DEF and 2VIT each, and all my armor is up to date and alot of it is HQ and I do eat def/vit food.


                        • #42
                          Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                          There are better things to level on, other than bats and pugils so don't worry. ^^

                          "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                          • #43
                            Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                            dont worry, pugil`s and 3 set bats (aka Jetstream bats) are very easy to tank later on, ON THE account you use a VIT/def setup(HP setup you will take a very noticible dmg)
                            Same for spider`s.

                            I never have been 1 shot. The only thing that comes clsoe to a 1shot is a gobbie in bibi bay doing a bomb toss when i had 700 hp and no barspells, the bomb toss did 1300+ dmg, so meh...

                            But ya the more dangerous #1 = Defense down moves like dhamel's, that thing makes you get hit very hard... hope to god your whm understands why you want erase.

                            once your in your mid 20~ this is where everything for you changes, your hp will be more or less moderate. The 10->20~25 strech is problably a taru's worst nightmare.

                            If you want the easy out way out, get a bunch of friend to lvl off in korrokula tunnel worms . you can do its easily with 2 ppls
                            Weeee of Kujata(Main)
                            PLD 75
                            Ninja 75
                            RDM 75
                            THF: 75
                            RNG: 75
                            BST: 75
                            BLM: 70
                            BLM: 75
                            THF: 71
                            Heeeeeee(RL GF):
                            Mnk, BRD, WAR ,BLM: 75
                            Cooking: 96
                            ClothCraft 94+5
                   My Blog

                            Fyi: No Excalibur or aegis(working on aegis) rest is legit ;o


                            • #44
                              Re: Tarutaru Paladin

                              Damn wee, i wish I was as rich as you, and have that many options on your HP T_T. Stupid SE hates Humes. So far 1440 HP with my HP gear (no Koenig, Gigant, BQ ring, and Cassie). Though I'm working on getting Bloodbead now (so i skip BQ).


                              brave; integritous; commanding
                              New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                              75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                              ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)

