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Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

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  • Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

    I've been researching better ways to improve my gameplay with Paladin, however now I have one question...

    What is the best way to heal other people in battle so you can gain the most hate back when you lose it? (for example to a skillchain)

    So far the only way I can come up with is to unlock the mob, select the person with the hate, and hit a healing macro... but to me this is tedious and gets in the way. So I ask is there a better way?

    Thanks in advance
    Dualaura Samurai and Paladin

    Sam: 46 | Pld: 36 | Nin: 20 | War: 37 | Mnk: 31 | Thf: 33

  • #2
    /ma Cure <stpc>
    or go through your magic menu

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Thanks, will try it tonite!

      *For some reason all it would do is target the other person but will not cure them... treied a couple variations but nothing... Any ideas?
      Dualaura Samurai and Paladin

      Sam: 46 | Pld: 36 | Nin: 20 | War: 37 | Mnk: 31 | Thf: 33


      • #4
        /ma Cure <st>
        press F1-F6 to choose party member, then <Enter> to cast.

        43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

        55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


        • #5
          lol, you need to hit enter. the <stpc> allows you to target another player (as opposed to anything with <st>) without having to unlock from your mob.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Yeah I'm gonna have to make room for a macro like that...

            During Fafnir/Nidhogg I'm constantly typing out

            /ma "Cure IV" Person

            I'm a fast typer so this works for me, but sucks when you make a typo or somethin, the <stnpc> macro sounds like a great idea.
            ~ Paradise Oblivion ~


            • #7
              There are also targeting aliases for party members, less common seeing people using them it seems though. It gives you a little more speed then <stpc> and hitting F1-F6, and also branches out to cover alliance members too.

              Your Party:
              /ma "Cure" <p0> (For party member first on your list, change 0 to 1-5 to get the other 6 members)

              /ma "Cure" <aXY> (X = 0 or 1, top most alliance is 0, second after that is 1. Y = 0-5, pc on that alliance list top most member is 0 bottom most is 5.)

              It takes a lot of macro's though if you do it that way. It is superior in speed compaired to <stpc> in an alliance setting, as long as you don't get yourself mixed up with the about 17-18 macros it takes to cover everyone.

              Otherwise for more simplicity sake <stpc> is good.


              If you want a suggestion of what I did, I made a hybrid design. That's sort of something like this:

              /ma "Cure" <stpc>

              /ma "Cure" <a0#>

              /ma "Cure" <a1#>

              I substitue in the # for the other damage dealers I see in the alliance (The one I see as capable of dealing the most damage I focus that macro on). Macro2 is used for the best damage dealer on the top most alliance and Macro3 is used for the best damage dealer in the secdond alliance after.

              It's fairly effective, because in an alliance were each party has a WHM the WHM will be generally focusing a lot on keeping their tanks alive. So generally the best damage dealers are perfect targets to lay a heal on to get back the most hate.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                A lot of people have different methods in terms of curing with there macro's. Well sometimes when I got spare time to level my Paladin I have two cure macros.

                Cure II <t>
                Cure III <t>

                When I want to use it I just remove the autoaim and use the F key to use it on a character I want to use it on.

                I'm not a experienced paladin but when I play it I throw some Cure II's and other members to get some hate flowing in.:sweat:

                If you lose hate from a skillchain best to have a provoke ready or Do the highest Cure on the person that got the hate since they are the ones getting hit.
                Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                Merits - 98
                Goldsmith - 85.2


                • #9
                  Yeah, I usually tell the whm not to heal the puller unless im low on MP. So that way, you can throw some cures out, get hate and heal the puller. Not to mention saving the WHM valueable MP.

                  PLD75| BLM42| WAR37| DRK30| THF25| WHM25| NIN22| MNK20| BST10|


                  • #10
                    while i may not be a pld imo the pld should cure others if the need arises u'd be suprised how many plds i've seen not cure others to help gain hate (at least on cait sith)


                    • #11
                      /ma "Cure II/III/IV" <stpc> works so well for me. Especially playing with a PS2 controller. Just hit the macro and down on D-Pad to person I wanna cast on. I use this for Cover too.

                      Curing others gives you a lot more hate than curing yourself. Go heal your puller for a nice jump start to holding agro.


                      • #12
                        Re: Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

                        I always just hit ctrl+m, select the cure I want to use, and use the F keys to select the party member I want to cure.


                        • #13
                          Re: Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

                          Ive had a couple of parties with a really good PLD, as RDM as the previous main healer - he was really good at healing others so basically left me nuking / enf'ing, as well as backup healing. Nobody could get the mob off him.

                          Kudos, Im sure you know who you are (if you even come here lol)

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #14
                            Re: Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

                            Originally posted by SolidSnake207
                            /ma "Cure II/III/IV" <stpc> works so well for me. Especially playing with a PS2 controller. Just hit the macro and down on D-Pad to person I wanna cast on. I use this for Cover too.

                            Curing others gives you a lot more hate than curing yourself. Go heal your puller for a nice jump start to holding agro.

                            Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!! I'm not a pld, but I've pt'd with many who just cure themselves and always lose hate. Step it up!!! Cure others for hate! It helps a ton. Someone sticky this please lol! All plds should read this.

                            Thanks for all you plds that know what you're doing and keeping us mages alive.

                            Slap Dat Ho! ^^


                            • #15
                              Re: Heal Others for Hate during Battle?

                              Originally posted by Divinehero
                              while i may not be a pld imo the pld should cure others if the need arises u'd be suprised how many plds i've seen not cure others to help gain hate (at least on cait sith)
                              Yes. You should see the PLDs curing themselves with Cure IV to heal 20 dmg because they think the act of casting Cure IV will garner more hate than the SAM who pulled off a 900 Tachi: Gekko. I mean ...

                              So yes, more PLDs ought to learn how to act like a WHM if they want to be good at their jobs.

