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Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

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  • #31
    Re: Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

    My favorite PLD macro is
    /ja Invincible <me>
    /wait 1


    • #32
      Re: Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

      I recently partied with a Galka PLD (My 1st ever, believe it or not.) Dude was awesome, kept just enough hate for the WAR to get hate back from Mistral Axe & Provoke so the THF could SATA Shark Bite. But he had a few "Vanity Macros."

      Blah blah blah Sentinel
      I can only do this once due to my small MP pool: Cure IV

      So he was a pretty awesome PLD, and was funny to boot.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


      • #33
        Re: Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

        I too, avoid /p lines, and when I do use them, I try to keep them formal. (I type in near-perfect grammar in-game)

        /p Just try and hurt me.
        /ja "{Invincible}" <me>

        /p Hate me now?
        /ja "{Rampart}" <me>
        (Note: it's kind of embarassing when I don't get hate from using this though.)

        /ja "{Cover}" <stpc>
        /p Don't worry <lastst>, I've got you covered.

        And for Darkness:
        /p {Holy} {Knight} TP at <tp>!


        • #34
          Re: Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

          Mine are all pretty basic. A few for JAs, some /p WS macros that announce which WS I'm using (only when I'm part of a SC, otherwise I use them from the menu) obligatory TP report, and a <stpc> Cure III macro. The only "vanity" one I have is for Invincible.

          /p >:3
          /ja Invincible <me>

          Nobody ever gets the joke, but my static members know that's when it's time to run.


          • #35
            Re: Your Favorite Macros....share the love PLD's!

            At first I had recast timers in every single macro for provoke and flash. This was really helpful in my cure macros. For instance:

            /ma "Cure" <me>
            /recast "Provoke"
            /recast "Flash"

            This helped me keep track of my timers instead of spaming party chat, or relying on echos which stop counting if another macro is used.

            However, I know have a Hercule's Ring and Hospitaler Earring at my disposal, so I macro the Herc Ring into every hate grabbing ability (since it has +3 enmity) and use the Hospitaler Earring in my cures. Also since I can be used in Darkness SCs now, I keep my TP in my voke macro as well as a "usual" TP macro for my partner to keep track of me.

            Provoke Macro
            /equip "Ring1" "Hercule's Ring"
            /wait 1
            /p {Provoke}ing <t> -- TP = <tp>
            /ja "Provoke" <t>
            /equip "Ring1" "Chrysoberyl Ring"
            /recast "Flash"

            Cure Macros:
            /equip "Ear2" "Hospitaler Earring"
            /equip "Ring1" "Hercule's Ring"
            /ma "Cure" <me>
            /wait 3 <--- I have /wait 4 for Cure III/IV
            /equip "Ear2" "Merc. Earring"
            /equip "Ring1" "Chrysoberyl Ring"

            Now since all my macro lines are now taken up by these equip swaps I made a large timer macro to help me keep track:

            Timer Macro
            /recast "Provoke"
            /recast "Flash"
            /recast "Sentinel"
            /recast "Rampart"
            /recast "Shield Bash"
            /recast "Invincible"

            This way I can keep up with all my hate holding skills, which is espically useful if I lose hate, allowing me to know if I can get hate back fast or if I should go cover instead.

            Speaking of Cover, here's my macro for it:

            /ja "Cover" <stpc>
            /p Don't worry <lastst> I've got you {Cover}ed!
            /recast "Provoke"
            /recast "Flash"

            Weapon Skills:

            Spirits Within
            /equip "Ring1" "Hercule's Ring"
            /p Time to unleash the {Spirits Within}!
            /ws "Spirits Within" <t>
            /equip "Ring1" "Chrysoberyl Ring"
            /recast "Provoke"
            /recast "Flash"

            Swift Blade
            /equip "Ring1" "Hercule's Ring"
            /p {Swift Blade} >>> <t>
            /ws "Swift Blade" <t>
            /equip "Ring1" "Chrysoberyl Ring"
            /recast "Provoke"
            /recast "Flash"

            As you can see I'm really big on recast timers. The more I can get in my macros the better. I believe they are a huge help in tanking effectively.

            With all those examples here is my pallete:

            | Voke | Flash | Cover | Shield Bash |Sentinel | Defender | Rampart | Sprits Within | Swift Blade | Timer |

            | Cure | CureII | CureIII | CureIV | Holy | Pro/Shell | Herc Ring | Jelly Ring | VIT Rings | 2HR |
            My Paladin Oath

            FF Character Quiz

