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thinking of quitting pld

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  • thinking of quitting pld

    i started leveling pld again 2 weeks ago after farming for 3 months for some nice gear, then i was level 54, for the passed 2 weeks all ive been doing is pting, i am now a level 50 pld....... i dont mind dying for the team, but actualy delevling 4 levels is just plain gay, another problem is, people dont even care. when i die and reccomend we move on to stuff a bit easier, everyone says "nah were doin fine here" so i continue to die over and over til i just say "fuck you guys the drk can tank" and leave. another problem is, nobody ever yells "ZONE" until the tank is already dead, and whenever i yell to zone, cuz i know im gonna die, everyone just "we'll be ok, its koo" then i end up dying........

    my question is, did anyone else have this problem? constantly dieing while everyone else in the pt keeps leveling up and dont seem to care, should i quit and level another job? or keep on truckin? the problem is, i have like 10 jobs at 30, and they are all boring as hell compared to pld, i love pld but hate losing 4 levels without anyone saying "sorry bro". i would also hate to quit pld after i just farmed 1.5 million gil for gear. so.... to quit? or not to quit?
    Gallant Leggings - Obtained
    Gallant Gauntlets- Obtained
    Gallant Coronet - Obtained
    Gallant Breeches - Obtained
    Gallant Surcoat - Obtained

    Thats right, Paladin AF complete... booyah

  • #2
    Leave Bad Parties!

    Leave Bad Parties!

    Don't let people walk all over you. I rarely ever die when EXP'ing but if I do the party hears about it! I will save their lives at the cost of mine but if I die needlessly there wil be hell to pay!

    Recently I went into Bibiki Bay for the first time at level 63. In one hour I died twice. I said "We either go to Boyadha now or I'm done with you guys." They chose to go to Boyadha. Why did I die? The WHM did not cast Barfira at all, when you are leveling on Hobgoblins it is a must.

    PLD can often find parties quickly and if the party doesn't listen to you leave. Disband, I've done it and gotten back into another party within 10-15 minutes and then seen the people I left sitting waiting to find another tank.
    Sergeant Major
    75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
    22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
    Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


    • #3
      How in the hell did you lose 4 levels!?!?:confused: :confused:

      My suggestions would be
      1) Check to see what most people exp off of at your lvl. If your pt tries to drag you somewhere too highlvl say "hell no, I'm not dying so you can get 250 exp"

      2) Make your own parties.

      3) If you are taking more than 110+ dmg per hit from mobs with food, protect 3 and defender up get the hell out of that party.

      Jesus.... 4 levels...

      36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
      Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


      • #4
        I understand your situation. I died many a times for the greater good of the pt who couldn't give a s*** about me. I many times said "Screw you guys, I'm out." And like some already said, we find another pt quick. To die at higher levels, i.e post 50 is really annoying and more so the higher up you get. As a PLD we can usually survive one battle by ourselves, using all our abilities (including 2hr) with full mp. If you ever find yourself doing this, unless it is an accidental IT++ pull, leave the PT, it will just get riskier. I have found very few non-selfish people in Vana Diel and most people don't care if the PLD dies so long as they don't, and if they do, they give you hell. However you will find the higher you go, that if the PLD dies, the whole PT will consequently die too, so it becomes less of a problem ^_^ . Just have a BLM cast <Escape> if the enemy is too tough or if no BLM, have the WHM cast <Teleport-wherever> to get outta there. As a PLD you call the shots, even when I'm invited into a PT (rarely 'cos I make my own---isn't it annoying when there are enough people searching to make a PT, but they are all afraid to start one thinking that if they do they could miss an invite opportunity?) and I am not the leader I still say where to go and shout ZONE, Voke and run, and I also always shout either ESCAPE, DO IT NOW! or TELEPORT DO IT NOW! NOW! NOW! And they do. Shout and they listen. If you call the shots you live.
        Server: Siren
        San D'oria Rank 5
        Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
        Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
        Warrior AF COMPLETE
        Paladin AF 4/6


        • #5

          4 levels? I agree w/ the above poster who said, "Don't let people walk all over you."

          Leave bad parties.


          • #6
            hm... I dont know with what kind of people you play on your server, but I didnt die once now in pt since lvl 57 and I am now 65. You have to learn the names of the people you dont like to pt with. I know the bad people of my lvl range, who are gimped (wtf who needs a rdm/nin in exp pt unless its going for missions or something else!), 1. I never accept invites of theese people 2. If I get invited to a pt haveing one of this members I say: "*Name of the player* (No Thanks.)" and disband. This people can really screw up a pt with their bad play style. I might seem now arrogant but hei I'm not up for it to loose 2 for formeing a pt go somewhere and then find out that the pt doesnt work because of the theese people^^, This might be mean for them but you cant take a rdm with only sub nin serously in exp pts (yes rdm with no whm sub or blm sub available at lvl 60+... this is unbelievable)


            • #7
              stop pting with noobs, and that will fix the problem.


              • #8
                I agree. This weekend I went from 55-->56 in just under 4 hours in a Party at Boyahda Tree where I called the shots, we were PLD(me), WAR, MNK, WHM, BLM, RDM. So nothing too special there and we still made a really great PT out of it! I fell to 200HP a couple of time but didn't ever die 'cos I knew they weren't noobs and they had my back ^^.
                Server: Siren
                San D'oria Rank 5
                Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
                Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
                Warrior AF COMPLETE
                Paladin AF 4/6


                • #9
                  Don't let them get you down. We all experience bad groups as one job or another. AllI can say is hang in there, I jsut recently got back into my Paladin, using the sig I made below for inspiration :3
                  On a couple of occaisons, I have had to let the DRK,RNG or BLM take serious damage because they weren't getting the hint that Opening a battle with Freeze is not a good idea, and some have gotten the clue. Tough love man, sometimes you have to teach them tough love.
                  Once you start collecting all those cool pieces of armour and are in full AF, I'm sure you'll find it much more enjoyable :D


                  • #10
                    1.5M in gear? For pld?!? O.o; I think maybe the most I spent on gear at that lvl range was maybe like 350K on gluttony sword... the other things were about 5-50K or bought with CP. Granted none of it was +1 variety, but it's never needed. (I lvl on the cheap as much as I can, but don't compromise my tanking)
                    Anyway, as tank you inheritly become a sort of leader for your pt. You're the thing that's keeping the mob from tearing the pt apart, so you have to feel comfortable with what your facing or you shouldn't be facing it. It's completely unacceptable if your pt will not listen to you when you're not able to tank proparly, you should disband and warp immediately if they are this nasty to you. Use a <call> to wake up people to things that are occurring when they shouldn't be, like when you're taking 150-200 damage normally from the mob at lv50, mob's too damn tough and shouldn't be trying to tank it whatsoever. If people complain about you being too controlling ask them if they'd like to tank under such and such conditions. Most you pt with will probably have never lvled a tanking job though...

                    I'm sorry.


                    • #11
                      I haven't had such a thing happen to me while tanking(I have a static party), but I do have a friend who did. It's just sad really. The thing that most of these people don't seem to understand is that they need to care about the other player if they really want to make it in the game. Reputation will come back to bite them in the butt eventually. Also, when you die, that's 5 mins or more worth of exp that *THEY* are losing because you died. Even if they only care about themselves, letting them know that they are losing exp too because you died should change their minds on letting you die. If that still doesn't work, just leave.

                      Be like a Paladin.
                      Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.

