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Invincible vs Stoneskin

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  • Invincible vs Stoneskin

    I have a question about Stoneskin and Invincible. Just what is the difference? I know Stoneskin has a lengthy casting time, and Invincible is pretty much an instant job ability. But don't they do basically the same thing? What makes Invincible better than a high level Stoneskin cast? Does Invicible last longer on the average or something? It was just something I was curious about as the question popped into my head earlier. Thanks.

  • #2
    Invincible is the PLD 2 hour ability, it lasts for 30 seconds, and negates all physical damage, and magic deals half damage.

    Stone skin is a magic spell, Whm gets it at 28, not sure about rdm. It has a lenghty cast time, what it basically does is give you added hp(not visable). So when you get hit, you get hit for 0, by magic, or physical damage until the extra hp is used up, then stone skin will wear off. I am not sure how long Stone skin stays on before naturally wearing off itself, but it's quite some time.
    Kujata server:

    Reneki: Elvann/Male

    DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
    Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

    Elias: Taru/Male
    Rdm lv11


    • #3
      SS just absorbs a certain amount of damage, which is based on your enhancing magic skill. for example, a 75rdm SS would absorb 800 damage or something(just an example #), while a pld/whm would absorb much less damage due to level 37 whm enhancing skill.
      75 White Mage
      75 Ninja


      • #4
        paladin has enhancing skill, so let's say 75 drk/whm instead

        also, there's the whole "Instant Hate" thing that invincible has going for it....
        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


        • #5
          Doesn’t Dkrs get enhancing skill from tractor
          Bastok Rank 10
          Guilds: Fishing 98 (Lushang Fisher) -|- Cooking 87 -|- Alchemy 60 -|- Smithing 44


          • #6
            Now that we're chatting about enhancement skills...what exactly does a higher skill mean and how the hell are we PLD's meant to raise it? I am lvl 51 have a divine skill of 135+, healing of 110+ and an enhancing of like 16+...are we meant to use Protect 3 on ourselves for ages then /sit? /lol
            Server: Siren
            San D'oria Rank 5
            Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
            Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
            Warrior AF COMPLETE
            Paladin AF 4/6


            • #7
              Maybe use Protect on yourself, cancel its effect, repeat until out of MP, rest, start over? o_o; You could also run around town and cast it on random people.


              • #8
                Tractor is dark I belive.

                CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                • #9
                  Lol, I think you're right, sadly, it seems like the only way, run out of mp go into MH cast go out, back in, repeat for many boring days. What does a high enhancing skill mean anyways? Will Protect 3 protect me for longer, add more defense?
                  Server: Siren
                  San D'oria Rank 5
                  Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
                  Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
                  Warrior AF COMPLETE
                  Paladin AF 4/6


                  • #10
                    What does a high enhancing skill mean anyways? Will Protect 3 protect me for longer, add more defense?
                    For a pld, it means absolutly nothing. Protect/Shell are unaffected by enhancing skill, they give a set bonus to them and always last 30 mins when cast on someone of equal lvl of you. The only spells it really affects are bar-element, stoneskin, and phalanx spells off the top of my head. So don't waste time skilling it up as a pld.

                    Also, don't bother with zoning into your MH to reset your mp if you are skilling a magic, much faster if you go to norg, kazham, or rabao and switch sub jobs at the nomad moogle every time you run out of mp.
                    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                    • #11
                      More Enhancing = Longer Protect and Shell will stay on you.

                      Anyway, the difference with Stoneskin and Invincible is that Invincible lasts for 30 seconds whereas Stoneskin disappears after a certain amount of damage has been done to you.
                      Invincible also produces phenomenal hate.


                      • #12
                        More Enhancing = Longer Protect and Shell will stay on you.
                        I wish. Even with my 211 enhancing, it still lasts 30 min like it does at lvl 1. The only thing that affects the duration is the lvl difference between you and whoever it is cast on (0 if cast on yourself). The greater the gap, the quicker it wears. Such as if I cast Protect 4 on a lvl 10, it lasts around 5 min. :sweat: Whereas if I cast it on myself or other lvl 70s it lasts exactly 30 min, same as my food.
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rones
                          I wish. Even with my 211 enhancing, it still lasts 30 min like it does at lvl 1. The only thing that affects the duration is the lvl difference between you and whoever it is cast on (0 if cast on yourself). The greater the gap, the quicker it wears. Such as if I cast Protect 4 on a lvl 10, it lasts around 5 min. :sweat: Whereas if I cast it on myself or other lvl 70s it lasts exactly 30 min, same as my food.
                          Why does my Protect last around 10 minutes?


                          • #14
                            Yeah, but if a level 70 casts normal protect on a level 10, it will last for a lot longer than any other. I suppose they wanted to discourage or take a stab at early powerleveling (not that it did much).
                            SAM 74


                            • #15
                              Why does my Protect last around 10 minutes?
                              Go time it sometime. Eat a fishmithkabob and cast protect on yourself. Both will wear within seconds of each other.

                              If it was true enhancing affected the duration, my protects would last for hours with 211 enahcing skill, but they don't.
                              Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

