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PLD Help

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  • PLD Help

    Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]

  • #2
    Paladin 101

    I won't be sarcastic about the fact the link for this is stickied at the top of the page. Others will surely do that. :p


    • #3
      wtf didnt you just ask me for D;


      • #4
        I find working up a Taru PLD is easier when you already have a high level job. The extra money to start with goes a long way. I am able to make up for some of the stats that a Taru lacks. I wore physical earrings till I could wear drones. And I wore one bomb ring and one vit ring. Until 54 I will buy another +3 vit ring (already wearing +3 vit ring and bomb ring).

        From my experiences so far, WAR is the only viable sub for tanking. NIN sub really doesn't benefit a Taru as I have had hate stolen by a well equipped WAR/THF. Because of our high mp pool, we are able to cure ourselves more often. A WHM sub doesn't really help us when we are exping. Cures do generate hate, but you must time them because you will get interrupted a lot if you don't. And when you run out of mp, you have no real way to keep hate. And I always want a RDM in my party, at 51 I am able to use my dark staff which helps enormously when I am resting. What I try to do is to balance out mp usage so that I run out of mp about the same time as the healer. That way we get the most use out of our mp. I like to have Haste whenever I can, but sometimes that isn't possible, it cuts down recast time on Flash. As far as the oneshot syndrome that we are prone to, just avoid fighting mobs that do that. I haven't gotten oneshotted yet because I avoided scorpions, but I did fight a few exorays and it got semi close.

        But read the guide stickied to the top, it is a great source of information and where I got almost all of mine.


        • #5
          Reason I created a new topic is because there are some specific questions on gear and stuff that the guide didn't list or talk about, but anyways sorry <_< I will edit and erase

          Thanks SW20, and another stupid question... would a Taru PLD always have to focus on DEF Rings rather than VIT+? Due to a Taru's natural low DEF... I don't think we'll have enough even with best stuff, or am I wrong? Also, at lv48 we have access to Life Belt, and I undestand ACC+10 is great for not missing and thus being able to use WS's more often, but for a Taru, wouldn't, Steppe Belt be better? Even compared to R.K. Belt, Steppe has +40HP and stuff... there's a 2-DEF point difference between Steppe Belt and R.K., would it make that big of a difference? I also plan to be San d'Orian this time, Beak Mantle+1 or Royal Army Mantle? DEF is the same, but they have different Stat+. STR/MND+2 would be a bit more beneficial than VIT+2, wouldn't it?


          PS: Meph I didn't want to ask you because I thought you'd get annoyed -o-
          Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


          • #6
            1) Taru's have naturally low VIT, not naturally low def.

            2) The 2 def difference in belts isn't that big. Between Phalanx rings and +VIT rings, then it becomes an issue that has been discussed many times in this forum. Try them all out and see what you like best.

            3) I personally went with the Beak Mantel +1, but that's just me, and I'm Hume. I think the RA Mantel from Bastok would be better for PLD than the RK Mantel from Sandy.

            Be like a Paladin.
            Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


            • #7
              I used VIT+. I think the Steppe Belt would be perfect. Because of the HP and VIT boost, and the +2 STR is a nice addition.

              I haven't had problems hitting mobs yet. But I do have a BRD in my set party so that might be why. I do have a Life Belt in my inventory. If I am fighting a mob that doesn't hit me too hard, I might switch it on. As far as Mantles, I would lean for the Republican Army Mantle. Becasue of its slight HP boost. And the +2 VIT and Dex. Unfortunately it is exclusively Bastok. I might get one of those next.

