I agree with what a previous poster said. Whilst I have seen many Mithra PLD who have done well, there is just an aesthetic feeling about having a Galka and even better an Elvaan taking the hits. You just feel safer, I know I did and that's what influenced me to be a PLD! My PTs with PLD's worked much better than without, so why not be one? I say any PLD is good for their own traits. Galka is the VIT+HP king. Taru's have four times an Elvaan's MP and can make PLD/WHM feasable, Humes are all rounders and Elvaans have high VIT, high HP, high MND, good CHR and HP and decent MP (after 41 with Refresh or Ballad+Etude MP isn't a problem).
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Questions about Mithra-PLD's and PLD's in general...
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Haha Funny you mention PLD/WHM... I got invited to a party and I was asked to sub WHM (they knew I had a WHM job).
I was lv53/26 PLD/WHM w/ 581 mp after eating a rolanberry pie.
I concentrated on mostly accessories that would raise my MP. So I was their main healer.
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feeling safer with male elvaans and galkas? /laugh
I am hume female and a pld. (yes it is a fact I dont see much female pld) The safety comes from the playing skill. Much people ask me first to join pt, before the galka pld in my lvl range, because I have a better gameplay.
I lvl sometimes whm (only 44 till now^^) for me as whm it doesnt matter if the tank is a nin or pld or what race or type theay are. As long as they have the gameplay and know what they are doing I feel safe. Point for me.
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Though I would prefer a galka PLD over an elvaan PLD, almost all of my close friends think a galka PLD isn't good at all, because of the mp.
They also don't like elvaan PLDs *too much* either.
As for elvaans, you have to remember that AGI affects the damage you receive also. By how much, no one really knows for sure. Most ppl agree it lowers critical hit rates, other think it also helps evasion/parry/block. Depending on what AGI does exactly, AGI might be a very important stats for PLD, easily overlooked. Then again it could just not really be usefull. Unfortunately, no one really knows :sweat:
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I realise AIG's influence on Elvaans and that's why I wear 2 Drone Earrings (AGI+3). Hehehe, I wasn't making a racial post I too would take skill>race anytime but I was saying aesthetically speaking.Ariesknight
Server: Siren
San D'oria Rank 5
Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
Paladin AF 4/6
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Originally posted by Nemes
As for elvaans, you have to remember that AGI affects the damage you receive also. By how much, no one really knows for sure. Most ppl agree it lowers critical hit rates, other think it also helps evasion/parry/block. Depending on what AGI does exactly, AGI might be a very important stats for PLD, easily overlooked. Then again it could just not really be usefull. Unfortunately, no one really knows :sweat:
But in the end result I know when I have to spend more time healing one paladin over another, its tells me who is getting clocked more.
I have partied with several Mithra Paladins, and also many Elvaan Paladins... and yes there is ruitinely a drop off going with a Mithra. That said, I still would take a Mithra Paladin over a Ninja just because of the agro control is going to be excellent. And they don't suck per se, thats not what I'm getting at. However Elvaan is indeed better.
The only paladin I've never seen in action is the Taru so I can't judge that.
As for Hume... the biggest thing with Hume I think is agro control. These guys can hold the agro like there's no tomorrow. I was in a party once where the Whm had been doing CuregaII the whole battle, then did a Benediction on top of that and it still took another 2 Curegas for the Paladin to Lose control of that mob.
So... as I said earlier, I still feel very well cared for with a Hume Pld too.
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Hehe, Silverquick, that's the sign of a really good player, not really racial choice.
I have been in a large variety of pts while lvling other jobs and well, pld skills range from really bad to really good, like normal. At around lv50-60, most plds should know how to handle large amounts of aggro, or at least have done so, and if they don't.... start worrying lol. They are times when it just doesn't happen... like I had to become main tank as war/nin when we had a pld because he just kept dieing to spiders doing sickle slash. Granted, he was elvaan, and I'm sure he had good technique, he just wasn't really equiped to take the punishment, so he'd get hit real hard where as I wouldn't get hit for as much since I had better tanking equips on me. His sickle slashes were for 500-900 (leaning on the 900 range) while mine were either blinked off or about 500-700. Is that the situation all the time? Heck no, that was just one pt!
I really don't base things on one or two, but from dozens of pts. There were times where I pt'ed with a nin/war tank that hate just couldn't be taken from and then there were times where I became tank after a few rounds lol (still from war/nin experience). There were times when the pld was just doing everything right and the mob would never leave him, but then there are those that just halfass-it, it would occasionally turn to me or the rng or something and sometimes would loose it all together. Really, what will make or break a pld (and just about any job, period) is the players' skill and their handling of their race's differences/weaknesses. Learn to deal with those differences and become knowledgable in your chosen job and you(or whoever) will really be able to shine.
~Ori :spin:I'm sorry.
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Speak for yourself on who you feel protected with. As a suicidal Mithra Whm, when I have a Galka or Elvaan in front of me, I’m very worried about them not being to hold hate over me.
I actually feel more protected when I have a Hume and especially Mithra Paladin in front of me, because they can better adapt to the situation at hand.
When I’m dealing with a Taru Paladin…. I’m usually just staring at him hungrily.
I’ve, NEVER had a Galka Paladin easily hold hate over me; they just don’t have the capacity for it. I don’t put it against them, but they just don’t cut it for me.
As for Elvaan paladins, about half of em are good, and the other half make me want to rip my eyeballs out with a spoon. They can be very good when fighting one monster at a time, but as soon as something goes wrong and multiple mobs attack, they simply don’t have the MP to handle it.
Taru Paladins, I have little experience with, but I place them in the realm of Elvaans though, not because of lack of MP, but if they are trying to hold hate on multiple mobs relying solely on MP (which is what taru pld’s do) then chances are they wont be able to get a spell off, thus making their MP worthless.
Hume and Mithra Paladins are my favorite; they have the best balance between HP and MP, and can handle multiple problems with ease. I’m not saying that all of them are better (god I know a few Hume paladins that make me want to rip their spleen out and beat them to death with it) but I have yet to come across a “bad� Mithra Paladin, in fact, the best paladin I know is a Mithra, and she can hold hate off just about anything.
In truth this game is about Skill > Gear > Race, and it generally takes someone of great skill to manage to take Mithra, or Tarutaru Paladin to higher levels, which is why there are very few high level paladins of these races, but the ones that are, are also very good. (This is a generalization)
Call me jaded or flame me, I don’t care, this is just my experiences as a healer and (from my point of watching the entire battle) I seem to like certain races and people better. As a level 33 Paladin right now with +17 Vit, +7 Agi, +5mnd, and +31MP, I’m positive ill be able to tank as well if not better than any paladin of any other race, as long as my skill in the job is good (and frankly, not to sound egoistic, I believe it is decent enough, but could be better)I dwell in the realm of shadows, never to return to the light.
Nivez : Midgardsormr
White Mage http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?6804
Paladin http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?78666
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One thing Nivez, about being 33 PLD, having all that +VIT isn't really a point you can claim on being better than the next since nowadays you have that Lvl 29 Eisenbrust (or whatever) armour set with ridiculous amounts of +VIT). Back in the day we PLD had to get by with Centurion's Chainmail. LOL, so you haven't exactly 'got it tough', you've only really got into your role as a PLD post-30. Also hate keeping at such a level is nothing compared to what's to come, you said it yourself as a 60+WHM, things just get rough hate-wise so skill at that lvl is a non-issue.
I agree however with Mithra+Hume being able to have the MP to cope with aggro or links, however as an Elvaan, whenever that happens, which is rare since I take the lead (however inevitable at times), I usually throw up Invincible--Problem solved. I usually also have a WAR/NIN or MNK/WAR in my PT who can keep the other mob occupied, you can't put the onus all on the PLD, we're good but we're not THAT GOOD.Ariesknight
Server: Siren
San D'oria Rank 5
Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
Paladin AF 4/6
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I myself am a Mithran PLD, and that does not stop me from getting PT invites or from doing my job of keeping hate and protecting the other PT members. What you choose to play is up to you and not defined by what race you are. The skill that you show while performing your job will tell people how good you are and if they want to PT with you again at a later time. So play what you want, as whatever race you want. That is the beauty of FFXI, they have RSE and other equipment that can let to combat the weaknesses of your race to allow you access to play all the jobs equally.
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
If Practice Makes Perfect, And Nobody Is Perfect, Then Why Practice?
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ill say this, i agree with the new armor it makes my life much easier, since i have a full +1 set of it (whatever its called, kampbrust or something german sounding) it has made tanking much easier, however in dealing with unexpected situations, yes you can take the cheap way out and use invincible to grab hate, or you can work for it. the palidins i party with post 60 worked for it, and were some of the best palidins i ran into in the game. i will disagree with not much skill at lvl 33 though, it takes a decent ammount to hold hate, and while nothing compared to post 50 or post 60 when you have more skills to deal with, its still takes effort to hold hate, especially over nuke happy blm's and rangers...
ya, but i understand what your saying, however your argument for how elvaans deal with links works... it doesnt solve the problem, because if you need your 2 hour for some god forsaken reason, its gone, or if another monster links, it happens.
(i often end up tanking in these as a whm, by flashing the mob and generally making it as angry at me as possible, keeping it off the redmage and the blm so they can sleep the thing... they praying they kill the other one fast enough so i dont get my tail ripped off....)I dwell in the realm of shadows, never to return to the light.
Nivez : Midgardsormr
White Mage http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?6804
Paladin http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?78666
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The add
I am an Elvaan PLD. I have had no problems dealing with adds/links in my time as a PLD. I have always carried juices. MP is not an issue.
When there is an add I voke the pull and flash the link, I heal and hit Sentinel. The fact is, you are in a party and everyone has their job. One of the mages should get the link slept before I loose hate. Many times I have been in parties where we survived dire circumstances and a party member has said " That was awesome tanking I can't believe we survived that!"
Any race can do any job, what determines whether you are great or not is your skill and knowledge of the job. I have been told by just about every race/job combo that I was the best PLD they had ever partied with. I simply try to be the best I can be. I am sure their are many who are in fact better than me, but the thing that makes them better than me is their skill not their race. Anyone trying to say someone is a better PLD than me simply because of their race, well that person just lost my respect for them.Sergeant Major
75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan
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So we understand each other Nivez ^_^ . Anyways Amen to what Rai said.
BTW I've never considered carrying juice before, only ever DEF+ food...now can two meal effects be going at once? Also what juice should I bring and what do they roughly cost?Ariesknight
Server: Siren
San D'oria Rank 5
Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
Paladin AF 4/6
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Food is food, drink is drink, you can consume one food, one drink and one medicine all at the same time. I did Steamed Crab, Yagado Drink and a Yellow Drop all at the same time once.
If your cooking skill is up enough to make the drink you want ot use is it more space effective to carry the synth ingredients and crystals than juices and craft in the field.
Pre-Refresh I always used Pineapple and had 2-4 Melon incase of any emergency. I would buy the ingredients and farm the crystals and an LS mate would synth for me at no charge.
Juices become less effective as you level higher, you can not use a Drink and be Refreshed at the same time, but you can use a drink and have Ballad at the same time.
Refresh = 3 mana points every 3 second. Lasts 150 Seconds.Sergeant Major
75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan
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