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Questions about Mithra-PLD's and PLD's in general...

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  • #16
    A Mithra PLD is fine. Just don't be a Mithra. Let me explain.
    Back when I was XP'ing in Altepa pickings were slim late at night so we ended up with 2 PLD's in the PT. I, an Elvaan, the other a Mithra.

    The Mithra was using a GS. I asked where their sword and shield were and they said in the MH and that they didn't need a shield cause they were Mithra and had high evasion. Enough said.

    Anyway, that was my first experience with a Mithra PLD. I personally don't like them because of that one's stupidity ruined it for me. But I'm sure they make dandy PLD's.

    Now Taru PLD's... Well, I hate Taru's in the first place because 90% of the Taru I've had interaction with have this "Leetaru" mentality. (There's actually someone named Leetaru i noticed this past week) I take great joy in seeing a Taru get 1-shotted or being the only one to die from an early gobbie bomb-toss. Haha.


    • #17
      Hmmm *Waiting for Biteman to respond ^ ^ b *.

      As for any race being PLD's, as long as you play your job right, you'll do fine, regardless of what race you are. *just like what Zap said*


      brave; integritous; commanding
      New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
      75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
      ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


      • #18
        Hahaha Ikari, I actually laughed at Ichiban stupidity.
        He is living proof any retard can make it to full AF, even level 75. Heck, a well trained lab monkey can make it to 75, all you need is a group of scientist rewarding him with bananas.

        About the topic, all races can make a great PLD for XP PT's. Some like to diss Mithra saying their CHR doesnt help them as PLD, well the same can be said about Galka. And do they make bad PLD? Not at all.
        If you ever have the feeling your voke is not as strong as it could be, equip macro two CHR rings before a voke, then macro equip your regular XP rings back on. Problem solved.
        PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
        BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
        RNG, BRD, SAM 07
        MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

        Sandorian Rank 10
        Zm13 complete

        Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

        'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
        Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
        /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


        • #19
          I dont think Cha affects Provoke Directly, but more like how quickly any hate you've accrued leaves you. As in the hate spike you get from provoke, bash, etc dissipates slower over time with a high Cha. This would just mean a mithra has to keep busy for the entire battle for the most part, whereas an Elvaan could slack off two-thirds through and still retain enough hate.
          Dont know if this is 100% accurate, but is an observation I made playing several jobs and partying with Plds of all races (I pay attention to all Plds I play with cause I tend to compare them to me, as Pld is my highest job ) Just seems to me that Elvaans & Tarus dont need to keep quite as 'busy' as a mithra or galka 1/2 to 3/4 way through a battle......

          What really convinced me was when I ditched some equipment that had +Cha on it for upgrade when levelin Blm......I could cast more often without yoinking aggro when I reduced my Cha.....


          • #20
            How was I being stupid? I never said any race was better than another. I was just sharing a story. And also stating that I don't like Taru's. Not because of the race but the people normally behind the character. That's all.

            But anyway, back to the thread's topic. To reitterate what I said about Mithra being a fine choice for PLD. Any race can be just as good as another at any job. I think the game was designed this way. So go with whatever race/job combo fits "you".


            • #21
              The Mithra was using a GS. I asked where their sword and shield were and they said in the MH and that they didn't need a shield cause they were Mithra and had high evasion. Enough said.
              Funny. That's the kind of story I'd tell, except that rather than a mithra, it'd be an elvaan.


              • #22
                heh yeah it will be an elvann that would go Yeah I R STRONG I DO DAmage with my Great Sword here HiYAHHHHhh !!! hits for 20 :sweat: <_> oh crap I GO BAck to my old sword and shield now

                and back to topic I think mithra's would make great pld's thats one thing I like about the job just about any race can be extremly good with em unlike other classes


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ichiban
                  How was I being stupid? I never said any race was better than another. I was just sharing a story. And also stating that I don't like Taru's. Not because of the race but the people normally behind the character. That's all.

                  That's the closest thing to racism I think you could get in the game.
                  For The Horde!!
                  Current Gil total spent on gear:
                  Current Gil Value of gear:
                  Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                  • #24
                    Those tarus.... E-ville they are. Just look at Star Sybil.
                    Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                    -F. Scott Fitzgerald.


                    • #25
                      I think you are thinking about Shantotto.

                      *stares att Somajan's funny sig some more*
                      PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
                      BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
                      RNG, BRD, SAM 07
                      MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

                      Sandorian Rank 10
                      Zm13 complete

                      Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

                      'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
                      Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
                      /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


                      • #26
                        Mithra plds

                        Mithra are VERY similar to Taru, same VIT, same AGI.

                        Both have very high MP pools and lower HP pools, Taru more leaned onto the MP and mithra to the HP, but not that much of a difference.

                        I do Shield Block and Parry a sh*tload with maybe +2 AGI because its natualy high and my VIT and HP boosts are monsterous and my MP is naurally high too(even with MP >> HP gear). At 57 I have 970 HP with a 100+ HP in gear, and +26 VIT, +30 if I wear my gaia over RK depending on the mob. Also as a sidenote Max MP is 402.

                        I have been one shotted....not once.

                        one-shot means getting hit with a move high then my max HP, and I have yet to fight something that hits me for 970(close one with a hellmine with my garlaige coffer, no barfira resulting in 800 damage XD from self-destruct)

                        I have fought Pugils in the dunes, Screwdriver did not even come close.
                        Qufim even wearker screwdrivers
                        Quicksand caves Sand Spiders were tough, but highest one was 500 damage, and I had 700 HP back then, Flash > Cure III does the trick to live, preferably cast flash right before so sickle would miss.
                        Crawler Hunters in Crawlers nest did a 600 Death Scissors, ouch but had a good team with drk stun, whm cure IV and I flashed it.
                        Quicksand Ants Ancient Magic ha these hurt >< >< >< then again flash > Cure III saves me.
                        Boyada tree spiders pfft wear sickles but damn were they constant, nothing big, Flash > Cure III trick really works......

                        Mithra and Taru pallys make excellent plds, race hardly plays a factor in melee/tank jobs its skill > gear > race
                        Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                        WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ichiban

                          Now Taru PLD's... Well, I hate Taru's in the first place because 90% of the Taru I've had interaction with have this "Leetaru" mentality. (There's actually someone named Leetaru i noticed this past week) I take great joy in seeing a Taru get 1-shotted or being the only one to die from an early gobbie bomb-toss. Haha.
                          Go Die honestly, I'm not going to argue ut I have tanked High special move mobs throughout to level 57 and I never got one shotted or even close on xp monsters(scorps, spiders) and also while an elvaan my level might have about 1.1k HP I have nearly 1k, but 400 MP over 560 Defense and can reach +32 VIT, plus I hold hate extreamly well because I *can* spam Cure IV, not all tarus have leet attitude your just a bunch of BS, and as from what I read on this thread your not a very peoples person, then again arent all *elvaans* like that

                          Now Actually I have only run into a few elvaans like the tarus you described, I have run into humes and galka like that too, actually I have met *people* like that. Also for a matter of fact while getting my garlaige coffer a hellmine exploded, I at 56 TARU pld survived, while the 60 ELVAAN got owned by it, he had 1.2k+ hp as well.....shows you something that taru are the first to die, jeez grow up and out of the dunes :p
                          Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                          WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


                          • #28
                            Mithra are VERY similar to Taru, same VIT, same AGI.
                            Mithras and Tarus are not similar at all. Mithras are VERY similar to humes, but not tarus. The HP/MP makes the most difference, and there's a huge difference on the HP / MP pools of both race.

                            Oh, and also, tarus have lower AGI than Mithras.


                            • #29
                              Well you know, there's a bit of an Ascetic feel too to having an Elvaan or even a Galka Paladin,

                              You just feel more "protected" if that makes any sense. Maybe its the physical stature of the model or the way they stand, but its true is does contribute to a sense of well being knowing its an Elvaan doing the tanking.

                              And in truth Elvaan are the quintessential paladins in every way shape and form. High Vit, Mind, Str all play a part in it on top of the Hit points.

                              While MP isn't a problem post 42nd because they're constantly being refreshed by the Rdm or Bard song, the rest is a lot bigger. There is a noticable gap in tanking level between an Elvaan and Mithra.

                              I still feel well cared for with a Hume paladin as well, what they lack in physical prowess they make up for in magic pool. Mithra, well, they do have a tendency to take hard hits when they take them, From being a healer at times, sometimes with a Mithra paladin in group sometimes I end up having to spend more mana than I would otherwise.

                              But... If it comes down to it. I'd still take a Mithra Paladin over a Ninja just due tothe spectacular abillity to control agro the way they do. While I do like Ninjas, and they hold agro better than a Warrior, no one does it better than the good old paladin.

                              I have a healthy appreciation for Paladins. The party just can't do it without you.


                              • #30
                                :confused: Where are all the mithra pld? Guess I'm one of the few huh? :sweat:

                                Mithra have a slight (and i mean slight ok? lol) advantage when it comes to the types of equips we have say over a hume, mainly our RSE belt at lv50 and rse gloves. As mithra pld, you will nearly always use your rse gloves (+4 vit on them), I continued to use them all the way to lv73 when I was able to use my Koenig gloves (got martial abjuration: hands off Genbu and I sincerely thank TwilightStars LS on Ramuh server for giving me that chance). During most of my lfg days pt's just didn't believe I wasn't taking anymore damage then even some galka plds, it's because I raised my weakness, vit, with equipment and boiled/steamed crab (+4/+5 vit). I don't remember exactly but i think i strode along at a max of +35 (typical +30 or so, a tad less when i needed to cap staff skill with earth staff) until i hit lv73, now i can hit around +50 with full tanking gear and boiled crab (a bit less with earth staff... like 8 points less i think).

                                Don't worry about what may or may not lie ahead of you in this game, worry about the now. Be the best mithra pld you can be and impress random pt's with your prowess and skill and have fun at it. If you're not having at least a little fun then what's the point, right?
                                Things to follow: take vit whenever you can (necklaces, gloves, boots, rings, earring, cape, belt, armor, etc), pace your cures to last you for multiple chains rather then using all mp in one fight (try to... i know it just can't be done sometimes due to weird pt), voke every 30 sec, flash (when you get lv37) every 45/37 secs (should be hasted all the time if possible), and most importantly, develop a routine to using your hate JAs.

                                I can lecture you and show you good pld techniques all day (guess I almost did lol), but really you need to know for yourself first hand so go out there and learn these things, newb it up as they say and get a feel for it. It's a noble job, but of course there are times i wish the puller would get a link to break the normal routine lol.
                                Good luck, and I hope you have a fun time being pld (and yes, expect to die like 12-20 times in the dunes :sweat:, most of us /welcome it )
                                -attached is an ingame pic of me preparing mentally for a genbu fight lol. I hope to see you in af ^^.
                                Attached Files
                                I'm sorry.

