A Mithra PLD is fine. Just don't be a Mithra. Let me explain.
Back when I was XP'ing in Altepa pickings were slim late at night so we ended up with 2 PLD's in the PT. I, an Elvaan, the other a Mithra.
The Mithra was using a GS. I asked where their sword and shield were and they said in the MH and that they didn't need a shield cause they were Mithra and had high evasion. Enough said.
Anyway, that was my first experience with a Mithra PLD. I personally don't like them because of that one's stupidity ruined it for me. But I'm sure they make dandy PLD's.
Now Taru PLD's... Well, I hate Taru's in the first place because 90% of the Taru I've had interaction with have this "Leetaru" mentality. (There's actually someone named Leetaru i noticed this past week) I take great joy in seeing a Taru get 1-shotted or being the only one to die from an early gobbie bomb-toss. Haha.
Back when I was XP'ing in Altepa pickings were slim late at night so we ended up with 2 PLD's in the PT. I, an Elvaan, the other a Mithra.
The Mithra was using a GS. I asked where their sword and shield were and they said in the MH and that they didn't need a shield cause they were Mithra and had high evasion. Enough said.
Anyway, that was my first experience with a Mithra PLD. I personally don't like them because of that one's stupidity ruined it for me. But I'm sure they make dandy PLD's.
Now Taru PLD's... Well, I hate Taru's in the first place because 90% of the Taru I've had interaction with have this "Leetaru" mentality. (There's actually someone named Leetaru i noticed this past week) I take great joy in seeing a Taru get 1-shotted or being the only one to die from an early gobbie bomb-toss. Haha.