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Alternative to Gluttony

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  • Alternative to Gluttony

    Since I don't have the gil, but I have a bunch of seals, I was thinking of trying to BCNM for this.

    Dragevandiel (Sword | D40 Del264 MND+1 Hidden Power: Paralyze | Lv59 PLD)

    The better damage/delay ratio may serve me better as Galka, as I already have monstrous VIT, the ability to hit more often may generate more hate for me. Not to mention very randomly paralyzing.

    What do you all think? I've always thought that Gluttony on Galka was almost showing off rather than a great thing to have lol.
    AF Completed.

  • #2
    If you're doing BCNM 40's do you find you aren't making much money out of it? I always assumed the profit to be made from Phalanx, Utsusemi (for now at least...), etc would have been a good gil earner.


    • #3
      I'm out of seals -_- lol
      Otherwise I'd be doing BCNM 40 day in and day out.
      And Erase is the best profit on my server
      AF Completed.


      • #4
        How much is the gluttony on your server anyways? It's only like 70-80k on bahamut at last check.


        • #5
          ha I wish, 300-350k on a good day.
          AF Completed.


          • #6
            Yeah.. thats a bit painful.

            I think I'd either use BC winnings for a gluttony, of if that isn't a workable option, then the bastard sword (or +1) at 60 is probably going to be more useful than a paralysis effect that dosen't go off much :/


            • #7
              Dragevandiel should be good enough to get you through levels but dont count on that MND +1 or Paralyze to be really effective, but it really shouldnt be too much of a problem as long as you get Gluttony when you finally have enough money to do so.


              • #8
                I farmed 350K for my Gluttony, but I believe you can go without it. I'd stick with Tactician Magician's Espandon till the lvl 60 Bastard Sword(I think that's the lvl 60 one).

                Be like a Paladin.
                Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                • #9
                  I definately recommend the Wise Wizard's Anelace.

                  Sword Lv55 Attack+14

                  And it also has a low low low delay and found I was hitting much more often than before.

                  But the Lv60 Bastard Sword is also pretty nice, it also looks great.

                  Gluttony Sword on my server was only 190k when I bought it and I had enough money way before I reached Lv57.
                  It is very nice and even if you are Galka you can never have "too much VIT" so I don't think there really is a substitute for it apart from the Lv66 Espadon+1.


                  • #10
                    i went from 16k to 300k in 1 week mining. thats probably the best way to earn fast gil, but i mined day in and day out for a week. and when full inventory, you can sell your ores withing 30 mins (silver/zinc/iron). try not to go around it, but to achieve it. pld has no real cost per lvl. after lvling nin to 35, i was amazed to see 200k go into powder, not to mention the 2mil i spent on gear... :x now pld isnt to costly.


                    • #11
                      Just grab the Bastard Sword. Not only does it look awesome paired with the pristine white Gallant AF set, but the damage and delay is still pretty damn good for a weapon of it's range.

                      The extra Vitality of the Gluttony is nice, but if you're going -2 (or -3 I can't remember) on everything, especially Agi and Dex, you're looking at a major handicap. Plus, once you get to lvl 60 and get your Gallant Surcoat it's Vit+4; if you pair it with two Chrysoberyl rings you've got a Vit+12 total.

                      Not to mention Bastard Swords only go for 20k on Bahamaut it's a steal :D

                      Check out all of my 'art' over at DeviantArt.


                      • #12
                        All the stats on the gluttony give you -1 and +7 to vit.
                        Bastok Rank 10
                        Guilds: Fishing 98 (Lushang Fisher) -|- Cooking 87 -|- Alchemy 60 -|- Smithing 44


                        • #13
                          I used that Dragvandil at 59 and I liked it a lot. Good damage & delay & that paralysis effect does proc fairly often. But at 60, yea switch to Bastard sword (or bastard +1). I personally think gluttony is a tad over-rated. Our job is not only to take damage, but hold aggro, and these 2 swords hold aggro better than Gluttony (though you do take less damage with Gluttony, so its a trade-off) I do quite well without Gluttony ( I got a Dark staff Instead )


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Artonis
                            ha I wish, 300-350k on a good day.
                            Consider yourself lucky, Seraph 500k+ on good days ~.~
                            Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                            WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28

