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  • #16
    You forget one more thing...

    a Joyeuse also turns a pld from an mediocre gilfarmer to a really good machine... I got twice as much with it.


    • #17
      To my way of thinking, DRG is going to get the most use from this weapon.

      They have a C in sword, and spirits is good for HNM, joyeuse is the best sword they can get by a long long way.

      PLD will only ever use it for exp parties and farming, which in the "who getting it benefits the linkshell most" doesnt come top.

      BRD and RDM are just being whiny bitches because they want a cool toy.
      55% Skill
      35% Equipment
      10% Race

      White Mage - 75 - Completed
      Ninja - 75 - Completed
      Summoner - 75 - Completed
      My Livejournal


      • #18
        I don't see how DRG could get more out of Joyeuse than a PLD o.o;; The Joyeuse would really help a PLD hold hate, and help them solo better, and PLD are just as capable of using Spirits Within, and they have A+ Sword skill, so I don't see why a DRG would put it to better use I can see RDM wanting it since they're so good at soloing already, with that they'd be a lot stronger, especially RDM/NIN with an Enhancing Sword. BRD...erm...Showing off? Farming? X3;


        • #19
          Originally posted by Kagi
          You forget one more thing...

          a Joyeuse also turns a pld from an mediocre gilfarmer to a really good machine... I got twice as much with it.


          • #20
            pld was always a godly gilfarmer... joyeuse just makes it so you can keep the entire 10th floor of Delk's cleared if you want


            • #21
              HEY! Leave RDM alone! So what we can solo things that make everyone else pee their pants (WOOOO!!!! Thanx for the vids, Apple Pie XD ), but isnt the object of the world's economy to always want MORE?

              Eh? Eh? Personally, when you can Dual Wield an Enhance and Joy, then you just need to stand still and have everyone in the current town bow simultaneously.

              Oh, what? Right, topic. yeah, Joy will help PLD get even MORE hate. Perhaps... dare I say it... it'll make PLD/WHM not laughable, but instead, considerable. I mean, if you have the Joyuese, then ppl will basically let you get away with anything right?

              XD, Ok, sry for kidding like that. In all seriousness, EVERYTHING is worth a shot. Hell, if you dont like the Joyuese, the worse that comes from it is that you have a very nice gil farming sword.
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #22
                I suppose I'd get the same response as I would for suggesting that BRDs can (and should) lot on Assault Jerkin (notwithstanding the 137 bards on my server that have Assault Jerkins, or a good many that have Joyeuses)

                But - to my way of thinking, it's more than just a bling-bling toy. If it turns a mediocre gilfarmer into an excellent one, then it can turn a sub-par gilfarmer into an above par one.

                Of course, that is not to say that PLDs that can equip it and don't have it in an LS shouldn't have priority - but after those PLDs have one, then it's open to all other jobs that can equip it.

                Same with Assault Jerkin - that should go first to DRGs and possibly DRKs and SAMs ahead of anyone else, then the other classes that can equip it.
                :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
                :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
                :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
                :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
                ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

                BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Seeker_Onos
                  I suppose I'd get the same response as I would for suggesting that BRDs can (and should) lot on Assault Jerkin (notwithstanding the 137 bards on my server that have Assault Jerkins, or a good many that have Joyeuses)
                  Well *obviously* every job can find some use for certain nice rare/ex equipment such as Assault jerkin and Joyeuse. But the reason why you see BRDs etc wearing something like an AJ is usually because of one reason: greed. Every BRD I know on the server that has one lotted on it out of selfishness even though there was a DRG or some other person who would need it much more. Greed, greed, greed. Same goes with Joyeuse... obviously it'll help any job that can equip it in one way or another, but who does it help the most? PLD, because PLD can use it to help other people as well (holding hate, etc). RDM next because it helps them add a LITTLE more damage in PT's and whatnot. All other jobs would only use it for soloing, and trying to justify getting a rare/ex item for the sole purpose of selfish soloing when other jobs can use it to help everyone else in their party is pure selfishness.

                  Of course, that is not to say that PLDs that can equip it and don't have it in an LS shouldn't have priority - but after those PLDs have one, then it's open to all other jobs that can equip it.

                  Same with Assault Jerkin - that should go first to DRGs and possibly DRKs and SAMs ahead of anyone else, then the other classes that can equip it.
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #24

                    Jouyse, the Knights of the round sword, Assult Jerkin, and any other god damn item in this game, especially ex/rare, anyone daring me a denial on lot because its better for one person than another really makes me fume,

                    if you are in the fight and you can use the drop, you have a right to lot,

                    If you really want an Assult Jerkin go grab a few mates and camp Ose, dont bitch and whine about the brd or rdm lotting for it when it poped during xp and you formed an alliance with another PT in the area to bring it down. everyone faught for it, it was chance, leave it at that,

                    Jouyse is an excellent sword for anyone who can equip it, at the lvl to equip it, it is a fringe benefit, how you get your hands on it is upto you, bitching about who gets it first and sighting job is selfish and greedy,

                    stfu, and play nice,


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by imac2much
                      All other jobs would only use it for soloing
                      Err, what about WAR? We have about as much right to it as a PLD. It helps me keep hate A LOT better, not to mention gaining TP nearly twice as fast with it in my offhand. I'm not saying it's more useful for WAR then PLD, since PLD tanks more often....but if PLD has priority for the exact reasons a WAR needs it, then kind of hard to say a WAR is being selfish for getting one. :p


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by bonovoxpsu
                        one day i will have one. one day. dual wield joyeuse and enhancing sword. oh yes. one day.
                        FORGET THAT!

                        joyeuse and kraken club as RDM/NIN IS SOOO GODLY MAN



                        • #27
                          Assault Jerkin should go to the jobs that benefit most from it before ones that just want it for show or farming or w/e. I suppose by your logic if you run into Novv the Whitehearted and kill it for the Minstrel's Coat drop, the DRG or MNK w/o BRD job even unlocked should be able to lot on it just as much as the BRD. Yay, BRD can get Assault Jerkin and the DRG can get Minstrel's Coat because the lots ended up that way.
                          SAM 74


                          • #28
                            You go with your LS to camp and kill a NM, then by all means things should have priority. You get something during an exp pt, its fair game. Why? Well its simple. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Random person in an exp pt that I probably wont ever work with again owes me nothing and I owe that person nothing. I have no right to ask for an item because it benefits the job im leveling at that moment. And since the Assault Jerkin is a key player in this... When did you ever exp on Torama at 68? Right... While maybe your job can equip it, you cannot equip it then and there... Just like that Whm who won the lot on the Jerkin can't equip it right then and there, but can when he switches to his Thf back in Jeuno.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by CarbonFibre
                              Assault Jerkin should go to the jobs that benefit most from it before ones that just want it for show or farming or w/e. I suppose by your logic if you run into Novv the Whitehearted and kill it for the Minstrel's Coat drop, the DRG or MNK w/o BRD job even unlocked should be able to lot on it just as much as the BRD. Yay, BRD can get Assault Jerkin and the DRG can get Minstrel's Coat because the lots ended up that way.
                              Ose is an NM that pops in an XP pt zone, when you fight it, you are either in a xp pt alliance with another pt in the area, or with LS/Static/Friends with the specific purpose to get a designated person thier A.S.

                              you have out done yourself in proving my point, selfishness and greed,

                              you have no right to deny a person a lot. they worked just as hard as you to kill the NM. in the case of A.S. it is the best armour other than scorpian harness that the support backline can wear,

                              Jouyse is a "planned" hunt, point nulled and void,

                              roll your eyes all you want. If you feel your job requires an item for you to be the best that you can be, and it happens to be an EX/Rare then its upto you to organise a group for that purpose,

                              just like you "Farm" gil to buy new/better equipment if the item is ex/rare you have to "Farm" the NM, talk to any mage that camped Probilix for the Moldavite earring,

                              Ose and Novv are unfortunate to pop near xp camps, otherwise we would not be having this argument,

                              stop being selfish if not outright rude, give everyone thier due.

                              Support does not dictate to Melee, nor the otherway around.


                              • #30
                                I agree with you GASGUL, however the way you called people idiots/stupid is rude.

