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I gotta be honest, I think IM armor is better than AF

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  • I gotta be honest, I think IM armor is better than AF

    Looks wise of course.

    AF armor, it's nice and all...but it just looks like cloth. It has no chain or plate aspect to it and that's not what I see as being knightly, or defensive/protective. Perhaps it's magical? And that's why it's just cloth.

    But Iron Musketter's, it's pure white with gold trim and it's plate, and looks metallic. Anyone else feel this way? That it looks better on a PLD?

  • #2
    The Tabard on the front lays over the Breast Plate as you may know, much like the Haubergeon does. this in the Medieval times was to signify your colors and what nation/group you belonged to.

    In this way it is extremelly to the effect of Paladism, I would normally be bored by simple Platemail, but the realism makes the Paladin Artifact Armor the best in the Game.

    Signature by me, Copyright 2004


    • #3
      No... pld (original) AF is definetly one of the best looking sets of armor in the game. They're a few variations on the IM design, including darksteel, adaman and koenig... out of those sets, only koenig competes with the look of PLD AF... adaman is a nice change, but it's really just not as nice.


      • #4
        Re: I gotta be honest, I think IM armor is better than AF

        Originally posted by blueoakleyz
        but it just looks like cloth.
        u know what? it IS a cloth.

        Gallant Surcoat


        look it up in the dictionary.


        • #5
          I love the PLD AF, like the other person said, the cloth is your kingdom's colours, The armor is underneath it.

          hence why you see the chain link part around the neck, There's heavy armor under that cloth
          AF Completed.


          • #6
            I originally thought this too as I was leveling through the 50s and was getting AF piece by piece.

            The AF looks more knightly though...

            But you know whats wierd looking? Seeing a drk in IM...
            "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


            • #7
              But you know whats wierd looking? Seeing a drk in IM...
              True, true...but I know something just as weird. A PLD in Darksteel armor with a great sword.


              • #8
                "look it up in the dictionary"

                Um ok I will? Geez louise


                • #9
                  gallant surcoat is basically cloth with a metal chain lining inside. if you notice near the neck, that the metal chain is showing. which means that surcoat is more flexible than the IM but still provides armor.
                  Nathra Thf/Nin
                  LS Eternal Love
                  TP GEAR
                  SATA GEAR


                  • #10
                    No, there is a Breastplate beneath the Surcoat. I do not want to seem matter-of-fact on this matter but Plate did not just involve a hunk of metal. There was Cloth then Leather Padding then Chain to put on before you could even consider wearing Plate Mail. Much like Chain Hoods the Chainmail beneath the Plate Mail is folded over for decorum in an Ancient Roman design which the Armor is based on.

                    Signature by me, Copyright 2004


                    • #11

                      sur·coat P Pronunciation Key (sûrkt)
                      A loose outer coat or gown.
                      A tunic worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor.

                      [Middle English surcote, from Old French : sur-, sur- + cote, coat; see coat.]

                      [Download or Buy Now]

                      Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
                      Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
                      Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


                      • #12
                        I love you Zaptruder.

                        Signature by me, Copyright 2004


                        • #13
                          I think I.M looks, well... crap.
                          I couldn't wait to throw it to the dogs and wear my AF.

                          Seriously: AF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.M


                          • #14
                            Erm.. Well when I first saw IM armor I gota say it simply stunned me, The guy was plated in armor crafted by the gods for all I knew. and I sure felt damn good when I got to wear the armor myself.

                            But that feeling x10 when I got my Full AF suit, which is (in my opinion) one of the best AF armors around, but I kinda agree about the cloth part, Seeing a Shining white metal brestplate in style of the arms and hands with like 1/2 that cloth woulda been cool..


                            • #15
                              Zaptruder: You don't like how the Adaman and Koenig and Darksteel looks like?? Dude in all honesty, those armors looks hella sick. I personally think the PLD AF is tight and all, but I still think both the Koenig and the Adaman looks better.


                              True, true...but I know something just as weird. A PLD in Darksteel armor with a great sword
                              Hehe that would look really, really weird. But I would go nuts if I see a PLD wearing Snip rings +1, a peacock charm, a Haubergeon and a GSword

                              brave; integritous; commanding
                              New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                              75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                              ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)

