/em affixes a bull's eye target.
/em prepares for the worst. =P
Hear me out first.
I became intrigued when I realized after much use that Defender appears to have a "slight" Provoke effect to it. I've found myself using it after Flash and Blink/Stoneskin drop off because it appears to cut down the severity of the Sickle Slashes from the Bark Spiders.
I've also been using Red Lotus Blade for the 150ish dmg it sometimes does against the Spiders there. 150dmg can fill in for a Sentinel or Shield Bash if they aren't up and I'm careful about my MP...
But with defender up, it drops the damage down... So I decided one day to Berserk (with Defender up) and then use RLB. In case you haven't checked your Equipment Screen if you use Berserk and Defender, they balance each other out. However, both "buffs" stay active. I know, the difference in damage is minimal, but every little bit helps right?
I came across an interesting phenomena the other night... The DRK had triple stacked Berserk, Last Resort and Soul Eater and the mob turned to him. This is the important part... at this point, he had NOT hit the mob, nor had the mob hit him, and I hadn't hit it either. So, I think it is safe to say that the mob turned and he had more hate, yet the DRKs hate had NOT dropped from receiving dmg...
I toss up Berserk for RLB and the mob turns to me. Very intrigued I was. With more testing (which is VERY hard to confirm) I keep seeing that Berserk has some sort of built in Provoke. The "strength" of it is not nearly as potent as Provoke itself, but there does appear to be some hate component involved.
Just to prevent any "PLD shouldn't use Berserk" talk... I put up Berserk, then remove it after a couple seconds, so the amount of time my defense is lowered (which is balanced out from defender anyway) is very short.
Anyone else seen this?
Oh, and needless to say my group wasn't aware that I was removing Berserk... so they thought I was nuts till I told them what I was trying
/em prepares for the worst. =P
Hear me out first.
I became intrigued when I realized after much use that Defender appears to have a "slight" Provoke effect to it. I've found myself using it after Flash and Blink/Stoneskin drop off because it appears to cut down the severity of the Sickle Slashes from the Bark Spiders.
I've also been using Red Lotus Blade for the 150ish dmg it sometimes does against the Spiders there. 150dmg can fill in for a Sentinel or Shield Bash if they aren't up and I'm careful about my MP...
But with defender up, it drops the damage down... So I decided one day to Berserk (with Defender up) and then use RLB. In case you haven't checked your Equipment Screen if you use Berserk and Defender, they balance each other out. However, both "buffs" stay active. I know, the difference in damage is minimal, but every little bit helps right?
I came across an interesting phenomena the other night... The DRK had triple stacked Berserk, Last Resort and Soul Eater and the mob turned to him. This is the important part... at this point, he had NOT hit the mob, nor had the mob hit him, and I hadn't hit it either. So, I think it is safe to say that the mob turned and he had more hate, yet the DRKs hate had NOT dropped from receiving dmg...
I toss up Berserk for RLB and the mob turns to me. Very intrigued I was. With more testing (which is VERY hard to confirm) I keep seeing that Berserk has some sort of built in Provoke. The "strength" of it is not nearly as potent as Provoke itself, but there does appear to be some hate component involved.
Just to prevent any "PLD shouldn't use Berserk" talk... I put up Berserk, then remove it after a couple seconds, so the amount of time my defense is lowered (which is balanced out from defender anyway) is very short.
Anyone else seen this?
Oh, and needless to say my group wasn't aware that I was removing Berserk... so they thought I was nuts till I told them what I was trying
