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I'll ask now so I know later

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  • I'll ask now so I know later

    What is fuidama? I've tried searching and unless I want to sort through 28 pages of topics, all the topics I've checked only mention fuidama in them, not what it is.

    So what is fuidama? I don't want to end up in a PT and be expected to know and not.

    On my server last night there were 4000 people, and 5 galka paladins, not counting Anon's. Being one of those 5 I'd like to be knowledgable to stand out from the rest
    AF Completed.

  • #2
    If i recall correctly Fuidama is a term for Sneak Attack + Trick Attack. Thief skills used to 'trick' hate onto tank and do much damage.
    "He has a song. He is the prince that was promised. His is the song of Ice and Fire"


    • #3
      Fuidama is the Thief technique of stacking Sneak Attack and Trick Attack together, then unleashing a physical weapon skill immediately for magnified damage.

      There are two general approaches to using it:

      (1) At the start of a fight, fuidama can add a lot of enmity to the tank. Puller comes and tanks the incoming monster for a few moments while the main tank (in your case, PLD), runs behind the monster. Thief runs behind the PLD, activates Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, and unloads with your chouce of weapon skill (generally speaking, Combo, Raging Fists, Viper Bite, Dancing Edge, or Shark Bite).

      (2) Because the stacked damage can be very extreme (even at level 30, Combo easily deal 200+ damage), a lot of parties also like/prefer to use fuidama to end a skillchain (notably Fusion and Distortion), since skillchain damage is linked to the damage inflicted by the last WS used.



      • #4
        haha ok

        Yea I've known about that trick I've just never heard it called fuidama before in game >.<

        AF Completed.


        • #5
          just to give u some background info, Fuidama is a made-up Japanese word. Sneak Attack in Japanese is "Fuiuchi," and Trick Attack is "Damashiuchi." thus, it's composed of first couple of parts of each names, "Fui" and "Dama."


          • #6
            I've seen the word "yokodama" being before, but not anymore.. what is it?


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharvax
              I've seen the word "yokodama" being before, but not anymore.. what is it?
              "yoko" in Japanese means "side," thus Yokodama WAS a Fuidama performed from either side of the mob.

              where T = THF, P = Tank, and M = Mob, Yokodama looked like;

              P M


              while T is facing toward P, M is facing P.

              performing Fuidama w/ this possition used to result in success, as the Sneak Attack's requirement was that u attack outside of mob's sight. however, in the recent patch, it was changed and u now have to do Sneak from right behind the mob, thus Yokodama is no longer possible.

              note that Trick Attack still works from this position. the only thing changed was Sneak.


              • #8
                Not that it matters but yoko means next to. Still the usage is the same.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Wayne
                  Not that it matters but yoko means next to. Still the usage is the same.
                  i don't mean to be rude, but...

                  that's just one of the meanings for "yoko." as we r dealing w/ 2 different languages, there often r multiple possible translations for each words. thus, both "next to" and "side" r correct.

                  nevertheless, like u said, "not that it matters."


                  • #10
                    Well yeah that's what I ment when I said same meaning. Lost in translation.

                    Hey you and I are on the same server, maybe I'll run into you some time.

