You lose hate as you get dmged.
Every mage who has over aggroed a couple times knows that. When you heal or nuke and over aggros, mob will turn, run after you, hit you once or twice, then bounce back to MT. This is when you barely exceeds the MT aggro and taking those dmg will lower your aggro below that of the MT aggro and thus making the mob turn back. Usually mages will wait till MT to either provoke or use job ability to add more spike hate or in the case of PLD, toss a cure 3 to generate more perpetual aggro, before they resume healing/nuking.
This is also the reason why Ninja can hold aggro fairly well without a thief. They lack the perpetual aggro from heals and ninjustsu do not generate more spike aggro over flash, shield bash, defender etc etc. While they do more dmg, the perpetual hate from there doesn't match the aggro generated by several cure 3s during a fight. But because shadows absorb hits. Ninja take less dmg then PLDs and thus lose less aggro because of that. Their 'aggro meter' remains high when combined with those generated from provoke, debuff ninjustsu, blink ninjustsu etc, is high enough to allow them to keep the mob attention nearly as well in xp situations, even through AMBs.
Every mage who has over aggroed a couple times knows that. When you heal or nuke and over aggros, mob will turn, run after you, hit you once or twice, then bounce back to MT. This is when you barely exceeds the MT aggro and taking those dmg will lower your aggro below that of the MT aggro and thus making the mob turn back. Usually mages will wait till MT to either provoke or use job ability to add more spike hate or in the case of PLD, toss a cure 3 to generate more perpetual aggro, before they resume healing/nuking.
This is also the reason why Ninja can hold aggro fairly well without a thief. They lack the perpetual aggro from heals and ninjustsu do not generate more spike aggro over flash, shield bash, defender etc etc. While they do more dmg, the perpetual hate from there doesn't match the aggro generated by several cure 3s during a fight. But because shadows absorb hits. Ninja take less dmg then PLDs and thus lose less aggro because of that. Their 'aggro meter' remains high when combined with those generated from provoke, debuff ninjustsu, blink ninjustsu etc, is high enough to allow them to keep the mob attention nearly as well in xp situations, even through AMBs.