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What belt do YOU use?

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  • #31
    At 61 I use a Life Belt and an R.K. Belt depending on the situation. I used to favor R.K. but the Gluttony Sword is so damn slow that I can't really afford to miss much so I've been wearing the Life Belt a lot more lately.


    • #32
      I was wrong about the mithra stone, it's only -5 agi (not Str and vit as I thought before), but it only gives about 30-40mp.. And it costs 800k. So it's not worth it imo.

      I'm still just going to stick with my Jungle Belt myself over the life belt. Being a mithra, the Str, vit, and hp boost is pretty nice, and hard to pass up. I hold aggro just fine with my 300+ mp at level 60, so I don't think I'll be getting a life belt.
      If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for the enemy no not see you. Then yes, Mr. Braveman, I guess I'm a coward

      "Well I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus doing something incredabily stupid, and... I decided to go ahead anyway."


      • #33
        i use steppe belt.

        +40HP, VIT+3, and some other booster stats.

        well worth the 300k+ i spent on it .


        • #34
          Looks like Life Belts are the norm for paladins around here. Okay, time to get 120k.
          Thats expensive. I guess i'll go buy one now 60k Fenrir


          • #35
            Yup still 60k in Fenrir.


            • #36
              Yup still 60k in Fenrir.
              You guys suck:mad:

              Anyways, Life Belt acquired.
              Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
              -F. Scott Fitzgerald.


              • #37
                I was thinking of using a Life belt but I party with Bards too often to worry about accuracy and my modo has always been, work on what your job suppose to do and let the other jobs do what they have to do.


                • #38
                  Yeah, I kept my Warriors Belt +1 just for those rare situations.
                  Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                  -F. Scott Fitzgerald.

