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What belt do YOU use?

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  • #16
    OMG dood like totally RK Belt.

    Just kidding Rugal.

    I still use a Life Belt at 72, I could easily afford the +60mp belt but I like to be able to build TP fast enough to renkei with my group. After 65 I became an integral part of the renkeis, if not I would probably use the +60mp belt because that's just sexy.

    Sandoria Rank 10
    Dynamis Jeuno, Windurst, Sandoria, Bastok, Beaucedine: Defeated.
    Fafnir, Nidhogg, Behemoth, Adamantoise, Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko, Kirin: D E F E A T E D


    • #17
      Human PLD, I use Ocean belt. Def, HP and couple other stats from it is nice. I have several other slots provide me dex (lightning bow etc.), I also have a BRD in my perm xp group so I guess that's why I can get away with accuracy problem. (I don't remember when was the last time I had accuracy problem, my brd very much). I used War belt +1 all the way until I bought the ocean belt.
      Peejo-Rank 10/ZM completed
      Veteran Alchemist (99)
      NM: Sky - Cleared; 3 bstmen NM - Cleared; Fafnir
      Dynamis - 4 cities cleared
      CKD on Ifrit


      • #18
        what about brave belt? +2 STR +2 VIT -1 AGI -1 DEX, and the def is 4 if I'm not wrong. I'm still deciding between the two... :sweat:
        49 sam, 34 pld, 33 war, 30 blm, 21 whm, 18 mnk

        Jujitsu gi checked
        Ochiudo's kote checked
        2 sniper rings checked
        Emperor hairpin checked
        Valkyrie mask coming
        Peacock charm for 6 million... yeah right x_x


        • #19
          I have 3 now. Forest/Life/Koenigs. Forest depending on the party and than when i blow the 60 mana i switch to life belt. Sometimes I won't even bother with the forest though, if say i'm in a party with double regen or I'm involved in the skill chain and always behind on tp. The koenig is for hnm's.

          Life belt is way better than rk, basically none of the stats the rk provides help a pld hold agro or negate damage a signifcant amount to use it over the life belt. ESPECIALLY if you use a gluttony sword. You would think that it would be good to offset the -1 stats on the gluttony with the rk belt, but that would be the exact wrong thought. The gluttony attacks slooowww, so if your not hitting every once in a while you are losing a significant amount of hate.
          Screw this game.


          • #20
            I have too much VIT sometimes.... it's hard to keep hate when all you get hit for is 75 out of 1300 hp, and you parry/block/flash 30-40% of the rest. So, even though I carry 3 I mainly use lifebelt. Thinking of selling the RK.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Kagi
              I have too much VIT sometimes.... it's hard to keep hate when all you get hit for is 75 out of 1300 hp, and you parry/block/flash 30-40% of the rest. So, even though I carry 3 I mainly use lifebelt. Thinking of selling the RK.
              I thought the less damage you take, the more "hate" you retain? :confused:
              Daamian, Ragnarok
              75 PLD | 65 RNG | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 34 BRD
              Rank 10 San d'Oria. Ziraat Complete. CoP finished.
              Dynamis Lord defeated.


              • #22
                At 61 with a life belt I still miss on EPs. Go figure. ^^
                Life Belt is nice for the reasons stated above but I still feel ripped off when my vorpal blade misses :spin:


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Asherek
                  I thought the less damage you take, the more "hate" you retain? :confused:
                  Not really. I have more trouble holding hate on VTs and Ts than on ITs because I get hit for far less and can't heal as much. Also, the WHM is usually not attuned to the subtle differences in healing necessary and overheals me to the point that I can barely toss in a Cure II without someone topping me off. Very annoying.

                  It does seem getting hit means losing some hate, but the degree to which you're hit seems not to matter all that much, that I can see. At least not enough to make a difference in hate-holding against Ts and whatnot.
                  Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.


                  • #24
                    It could be that Ts are more inclined toget hit by paladins....

                    Anyways I'm getting a life belt. With defender going up almost 24/7 I'm going to need all the hits I can take.
                    Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                    -F. Scott Fitzgerald.


                    • #25
                      Not really. I have more trouble holding hate on VTs and Ts than on ITs because I get hit for far less and can't heal as much. Also, the WHM is usually not attuned to the subtle differences in healing necessary and overheals me to the point that I can barely toss in a Cure II without someone topping me off. Very annoying.
                      Valid point, but allow me to toss in my opinions. :p

                      I have a feeling that holding hate on VT's and T's is harder not because you're getting hit for less.

                      I think it's because the mobs themselves have weaker def and evasion and are getting hit for more by the other PT members (while in comparison, you still won't do nearly as much damage as them as a Paladin).

                      Example: Ranger, 300% TP on IT++ Robber Crab did 582 damage last night (just making up numbers here, don't dissect the actual damage please ).
                      The same 300% TP on a VT or T would be substantially more, especially since debuffs have probably stuck onto the VT /T, plus it has less def and evasion.

                      Thus, I'm still confused as to why taking less damage is detrimental to holding hate. :confused:

                      That's just my take on it, please feel free to correct me.
                      Daamian, Ragnarok
                      75 PLD | 65 RNG | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 34 BRD
                      Rank 10 San d'Oria. Ziraat Complete. CoP finished.
                      Dynamis Lord defeated.


                      • #26
                        Well, I'd be hitting Ts and VTs more often and for more as well. The only time damage differences genuinely make a difference in holding hate is when a DRK friend of mine and I go off to kill some easy stuff. He does two to three times his normal damage, which is CONSIDERABLY more than me, and holding hate off him is basically impossible.

                        But against VTs? I wouldn't think the damage difference is THAT much greater than it normally (i.e. vs. ITs) is. I could be just as wrong, but lack of heal hate is definitely a factor if you aren't getting hurt.
                        Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.


                        • #27
                          My apologies Arnda, I think I missed something back there a little.

                          Yes I forgot to factor in the hate gained from healing. Thanks!
                          Daamian, Ragnarok
                          75 PLD | 65 RNG | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 34 BRD
                          Rank 10 San d'Oria. Ziraat Complete. CoP finished.
                          Dynamis Lord defeated.


                          • #28
                            Well Whren makes a very valid point. Whenever I'm at the tail end of a camp hate holding becomes a lot more difficult for two reasons.

                            1. I'm not being hit for as much. Most of you can't imagine the damage a monk/war does at 74. Lets put it this way, before I've lost my first 200 hp of health, the monk has already pulled the monster off me. Thats 3 swings from a level 78-80 monster. I basically run with no vit stats for exp now, and i still only get hit for 65-100.

                            2. Obviously the other melee's are hitting for more, lvl 74 elvaan monk can crit for 160-180 in one punch, and easily do over 100 on a normal attack. I can just barely keep agro off him if he doesn't do a solo asuran. Its pretty funny when I'm in the renkei and show that I have 30 or so tp so the monk busts loose with an asuran when the mob is at 90% health. So for the next minute or so I'm struggling to get hate back, I finally do than he does it again. At that point I just laugh.
                            Screw this game.


                            • #29
                              Just out of curiosity Thebruce, is this on undead? Mnk is pretty awesome but those numbers seem a bit off the chart unless its on undead of course where hands down mnk kicks butt.


                              • #30
                                I'm pretty sure it's undead. The main thing that people Exp on at those levels is bone type mobs, so monks get major love there.

                                I use a jungle belt myself (5 def, +3 str, +2 vit, +30hp -5 int) since I'm a mithra. The vit,str and hp boost is quite nice. I'm going to get a life belt as well so I can juggle between the two.

                                People have mentioned the stone for the mp boost... but the mithra one isn't that good since it takes away from Vit and str... and it costs close to half a million. I don't need 40ish mp *that* much (mithras are rated 2nd for the most mp, so we get less from those bonus items) to do less damage per hit, and take more per hit.
                                If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for the enemy no not see you. Then yes, Mr. Braveman, I guess I'm a coward

                                "Well I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus doing something incredabily stupid, and... I decided to go ahead anyway."

