sub warrior for the extra physical defense up.......
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If Paladins could provoke...
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Well you can't use the defense stacking as an example because if paladins were ever given a provoke it would be a job ability, and there is no precedence for multiple job abilites with same name, they would definitely have to give it a different name; no jobs share any job abilities. Two, defender is mostly useless, very limited utility; i can fill my role of paladin very well without ever touching defender. If they gave paladin a form of voke and not defender I won't cry. As for Takaida, as it is mentioned subbing warrior does not net you an extra physical defense up, even if it did it would be 10 points, woopie doo. My reasoning is that if paladins were ever given a form of provoke it wouldn't be the exact same as warrior's because job abilites aren't shared anywhere between the classes, also warrior is still good for things like double attack.
And so what if its a designated and specified sub? Its a good sub at least, many many classes use warrior out of choice. People seem to detest warrior sub not because its a bad sub which it isn't, but because they detest this lack of freedom with any sub they seem they are due becasue they pay 12.95 a month. You know what role you were picking for yourself by picking paladin, you choose the class to tank, and you know what subjob makes it most efficient. Its not all about your fun, this is a team game and in parties you gotta do whats best for the other 5 people, not whats most "fun" for you. Leave the poor warrior subjob alone, face the fact that its not only whats best for paladins, its also a great subjob overall.
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While I agree that WAR is a good sub, I'm not sure I'd take it by choice over any other given the idea that PLDs would get Provoke.
If, as you stated, it was a JA with a different name and therefore redundant functionality, I'd still sub WAR. Two provokes are better than one, right? Not to mention DA (Why does everyone forget DA? As passive combat abilities go it's great!).
Still, imagining for a moment that the Provoke abilities DIDN'T stack, a broad range of possibilities might be considered. PLD/NIN for Blink? Interesting thought, and unquestionably overpowered. PLD/RDM for Phalanx? Well, uh, I dunno, maybe. Heck, I can even imagine PLD/SAM... you know... to... uh... charge Spirits Within faster? :sweat:
But as the game is now, PLD/WAR is the way to go. Never been a problem for me.Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.
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i never thought about nin sub.. that would be awesome.. but only when you hit lvl74, becuase Ni is a lvl37 ninja spell.
i would think of monk being a good subjob for paladin if they had provoke.
monk sub would give so much extra added HP.. along with counterattack.
as for the defender comment above.. i keep my defender up 99% of the time. defender is a 5 minute ability.. and it last for 4 min's and 50 seconds. my hits might not hit as much.. but i am still able to build TP, being able to participate in weapon skills. paladins are not supposed to be damage dealers. if your worried about not being able to hit hard enough to keep hate.. this is why paladins have curing spells.PLD62/WAR32/WHM39/THF26/BLM18
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Yes, but you're also a taru pld. When you have 500ish+ mp when the rest of these guys who are mostly Elvs have 150ish, well you can see why they rely a lot more on their damage for aggro then doing cure spams with defender on all the time ^^.
If I could have any subjob, I would probably do monk for the VIT, hp, and counter. Plus all of the abilities they get would be nice, since they get some aggro to them (just popping them on that is).
Or I would sub Blm just so I could warp myself out if I thought the party was screwed ^^.If you define cowardice as running away at the first sign of danger, screaming and tripping and begging for the enemy no not see you. Then yes, Mr. Braveman, I guess I'm a coward
"Well I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus doing something incredabily stupid, and... I decided to go ahead anyway."
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i would definitely sub nin, no doubt about it. i sub nin when i'm messing around solo'ing (thf when i'm farming). its really good to say the least. utsusemi ichi before fight, before the last shadow gets absorbs start recasting, wait a little, flash the enemy, start recasting again. very, very nice.
anyway about defender, i can keep hate fine with it on, so why not use it. even it doesnt do much, if you can keep hate with it on, you might as well use it.
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