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Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

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  • Party vs All Other Sub Discussion.

    I making this topic in response to the many arguments of Party correct vs "Gimped" subs. Accordingly im asking those who would like to perticapate in making suitable guide This fourms Job to post the PROS and CONS of EACH sub weither it be an appropiate sub or a non appropiate sub. Also please indcate which subs you would recommend for pting, perhaps in its own section in your post. If you would like to contribute more besides the job of this fourm please visit the other job fourms. after considerable information is recorded i will begin to make a guide for the site. Credit will go to the Users of FFXIO * taking down each name of a contributer would be tedius and in-effecient but i will work out an appropiate credting title*

    The job guide would be added to ffxio database and added to the main page.

  • #2

    I would chose a /WAR, unless I've seen the PLD before do well. However...


    CONs :

    - No Provoke
    - Need Kraken Club (Millions of gils and is level 63 requirement)
    - Kraken = low DMG. May need to invest in ATK instead of DEF armor incase DMG is too low
    - Need a THF
    - Loss of Shield if Dual Wielded

    PROs :

    - Faster TP gain with Dual Wield II
    - Weaponskill several times every minute
    - Moon Light (weapon skill), regain PT's MP 40-60 per minute if used everytime once TP = 100%.
    - Utsesmi: Ichi. :Ni at 74 for chain-blinking.
    - Other Ninjitsu


    • #3
      thanks for your contribution ^_^


      • #4
        The best PLD sub is WAR IMO, but WHM could also work...


        Pros: Divine Seal + Cure /aga = Massive Hate
        Auto-Regen at level 50
        More MP
        More MND

        Cons: No Provoke
        Less VIT
        Less HP
        Less STR


        • #5
          TBoTB, there have been several threads about this, but I'll write something up while at work today. However, I warn you to pay attention to the poster. ZQM's analysis just doesn't cut it... heck, not only has he never played in high level gameplay, but he doesn't even have a PLD?? This isn't a direct flame against ZQM, but honestly your advice is not practical at all. TBoTB please be aware of the credibility of the posters before using random posts as a guide that new players will follow. I already listed in the other thread why /NIN won't be viable at all in XP PTs. If you need that link I can post it later, but I don't really feel like repeating what has been said 100 times at the moment... maybe in a few hours. As for WHM, more MND doesnt matter in the least (you'll heal about 5 more HP with cure IV..), and DS+curaga isn't much hate unlses your entire PT is injured. If it's so much hate, how come all WHMs I PT with using DS+Cure VI, DS+Curaga, etc never get aggro? People only think DS and Curaga are hate-intense because of lower levels, but Provoke gets more and more potent as you level while Curaga will always do the same amount of heals.
          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


          • #6
            You are completely set against any other possibilities other than war as a subjob for Paladin...

            that's kinda disappointing really... yes Pld/War is the most proven subjob for pld around, but it's not to say that in their own situations other subjobs might not prove useful.

            Considering that without provoke, you're still able to generate 70-85% of the hate that you normally do (by virtue of been a paladin)... if your PT can suffer the mob bouncing around occasionally with perhaps more time before you can pull off in emergencies (in real emergencies, there's always invincible), then the other subs such as ninja and whm may prove worthwhile and versatile, given the right situations, perhaps even moreso than the standard war subjob.

            With regards to curaga been a hate tool - curing hate is based on the amount of HP healed, so because of the nature of been a paladin (i.e. dmg should be concentrated on people rather than spread around groups) a simple high lvl cure may be much more effective than curaga... on the otherhand, if the mob has an AOE, using curaga may well be the ideal chance to gain massive hate.


            • #7
              I can see your point Zap. To many I may seem like I am extremely close minded and anal or something, and I apologize if I sound that way to you. The fact is, the reason I stress how important the WAR sub is, is so new players don't get some strange idea that they can make a workable PLD without that sub. I don't want to see my friends or myself complaining about lower level PT's where the PLD subs something like SMN or NIN just because "it might be good at level 70+ with 4mil gil equipment".

              If you have some friends to experiment with and don't mind the fact you'll probably get a lot less exp than with PLD/WAR, then you are free to experiment of course. But in most PT's, the members won't take kindly to your lack of aggro holding (since it risks their deaths) and would gladly take a PLD/WAR or NIN/WAR or WAR/SAM over you. Because that's really the worst insult isn't it, when the rest of PT members just wish they chose someone else other than you? If you don't mind that... go ahead and experiment.

              However for non-xp PT's, several other subjobs are convenient, and this is what I plan to make a listing of soon. In alliances or even quest/mission/AF PT's, sometimes you'll have more than 1 tank so you can experiment around. Even as main tank, sometimes it's nice to try other things if the monsters aren't all IT's. Like I said, PLD/SAM would be fun against Even Matches and lower, spamming pentathrust and still being able to cure. Or PLD/WHM as a very mp-efficient means of healing (regen and divine seal and -na spells) when duoing with a friend. Or PLD/THF of course for some nice soloing. PLD/BLM for some questing (I use this when I want to warp right after I complete something away from a town with a MH). PLD/BRD when you're helping lower levels with something and you want to keep ballad up nonstop so you don't have to rest (since the monsters are easy enough anyway: i.e. hunting skulls in gusgen, helping with m9 in delkfut).

              See, there are several interesting and fun combinations for a paladin... but not for xp PT's. If you don't mind pissing people off and wasting their time, go ahead and try something different. But if they're not your friends and you didn't warn them before you joined, you're being selfish.

              And no, I still don't agree with you that Provoke only makes up 20% or so of a Paladin's hate. That spiked aggro every 30 seconds is vital for a Paladin, there is no way you would be able to hold aggro without it, even with a THF. There's a very good reason why EVERY main tank has provoke. Obviously I know that curaga gets hate with HPs healed... that's why I said it's only good when your PT is injured. But in the last 20 or more levels I almost nevered xp'ed off AE mobs... well crab AE is weak anyway, and I only xp'ed off a few gobs.

              I don't know why you think provoke is unnecessary. Try subbing NIN or WHM yourself. I've seen it in action. Like I said, it's pointless even with a THF, because the monster will be running around constantly, from sidewinding RNG, to Guillotining DRK, to Pentathrusting DRG, to nuking BLMs, to the WHM busy curing all these low-defense members... how are you going to pull of a fuidama when the monster is constantly moving? Again, I've seen it in action, several of my friends have been in such PTs, and they all hated it. Provoke is much more vital for a low DPS PLD than you seem to believe.
              I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


              • #8
                I'll agree that war is a necessary subjob to have for paladin.

                At the sametime, I'm not discounting that other subjobs might be a distinct possibility in exp PTs (i.e. that it's ok to lvl other subjobs for an exp Pld).

                I haven't personally tried whm sub or sum sub yet... which is why I won't say much more until I've tried (trying to get whm upto 30, not an easy task unfortunately).

                You may be right though... which makes me hate your sentiment even more; the rigidity of the Pld job is somewhat depressing if that is the case.


                • #9
                  First, my regular subjob disclaimer:

                  Please remember this: If you don't want to play cookie cutters just because you want to play your own way, you're being hypocritical. You are caring just as much about what other people do as those who are just followers.

                  Next: If you don't want to play cookie cutters because you want to have fun for the game you paid for, keep in mind you are being extremely selfish. The 5 other people in your PT paid for the game as well, and when you use a really stupid subjob, you are wasting their time, money, and a valuable PT spot.

                  Alright, let's bring it on!

                  Paladin Subjob Guide

                  Please note that these are all my personal opinions. I am not so blind to think that my opinions = truth, but I will list all the facts and experiences I am familiar with. If I feel something is theoretical (I have no basis of experience or relevance), I will say such. Also note that most of these subjob combinations are taken from a higher level point of view, unless stated otherwise.

                  Experience (XP) Parties
                  WAR : No two ways about this. I'm sure you've all heard this ad nauseum, but honestly this is the only viable sub for XP PT's, especially at mid-high levels. When monsters start doing more and more damage while all non-tanks' defense are not getting much higher, you really need to keep aggro as well as you can. After all, that's the best quality of a PLD compared to other main tank jobs: their ability to keep aggro on themselves. Regardless of what lower level people or people who haven't even played the game think in theory, no other jobs really work here, not /WHM, not /NIN, etc. Nothing will match the spike of aggro every 30 seconds that Provoke will provide, and even a THF won't be able to keep hate on you (especially since the monster will be pingponging between all the damage dealers (DD's) and mages). Don't waste your party's time, sub WAR.

                  Non-XP Purposes
                  But fear not! There are still several interesting subjob combinations awaiting PLDs... just not in XP PT situations.

                  WAR : WAR gains a lot of things other than Provoke. Berserk helps a lot to get your otherwise low attack rating to a more respectable number. Double attack is nice, especially when you're using 2handed weapons. PLD/WAR works in many situations... XP PTs, mission PTs, quest PTs, item-hunting PTs, etc. There's not much to this combo that most of you know, so that's all I have to say about this one.
                  Specialty: XP PTs, using 2h weapon and Berserk as damage dealer in alliances, while still being able to tank.

                  MNK : Honestly this sub doesn't offer much to the PLD any which way. Most of its abilities (Dodge, MA, HP Boost, Counter) is all useless since the PLD won't be able to do enough damage to gain aggro anyway. I guess you have Boost and Focus, and Chakra at lvl 70, but honestly, why bother? Won't offer much to XP PT, Quest/Mission PT/alliance or item hunting PT.
                  Specialty : None?

                  THF : Ah.. PLD/THF. IMO the best subjob for solo gilfarming. Several of THF's traits are useful... gilfinder, treasure hunter, sneak attack, flee, evasion bonus are all nice for solo gilfarming. Flee is also handy to get to places faster where there's no chocobo.
                  Specialty : Solo gilfarming.

                  RDM : The main draws here will be : En-spells, Sneak, Invis, Dispel, Phalanx, and Stoneskin. I don't have much experience with this combination, but I would assume it would be a decent secondary tank for several THF's to fuidama onto in HNM battles and other big battles, since Phalanx and Stoneskin will help reduce damage (as long as your enhancing skill is at a respectable level). Main problem will be getting aggro, so that's why this would only work in a PT or alliance with more than 1 tank and more than 1 THF.
                  Specialty : Secondary tanking? Better damage mitigation than a normal PLD/WAR.

                  WHM : Helpful in several instances, but not in XP PTs. PLD/WHM would be a great leader for helping lower levels with quests and missions, or if there is already a main tank around. PLD/WHM can help sneak and invis, raise, throw curagas around if necessary. Also, Regen and Divine Seal will help the PLD be more MP efficient. Again, mostly useful if you already have a main tank, or if you are helping lower levels (in which case I'd recommend using a 2h weapon to keep aggro).
                  Specialty : Quest/Mission PTs with another tank, helping lower levels.

                  BLM : This subjob is gimped in terms of damage, since your elemental skill will be capped by your subjob BLM's skill. However, there are a few uses... Warp is extremely handy for when you are away from home. I tend to use PLD/BLM when I am doing quests so I can quickly return home after I finish what I'm trying to do. Other than that, I don't see much use to this subjob.
                  Specialty : Traveling quicker after completing some task away from your home point.

                  DRK : For some reason people think that PLD/DRK would be such a great combo because they complement eachother. Too bad they're wrong. WAR and SAM subjobs are actually better to make PLD more damaging, since berserk and double attack are more reliable than Last Resort and Souleater. Once again, your dark magic skill will be capped by your subjob DRK, so your DRK magic won't be too useful. I can't really see many uses to this combination.
                  Specialty : Slightly higher offense, but not as much as other subjobs.

                  BST : From what many BST friends tell me, Charm success rate is checked with your MAIN job level as opposed to your BST job level. Of course, BST have a slightly higher chance to charm if it was the main job, but I've seen lvl 50/1 RDM/BST's charm Kraken in Qufim. I think PLD/BST would be useful to solo otherwise risky decent challenge monsters when helping people hunting items or maybe for just gilfarming. For example, a PLD/BST at level 50-55 could probably charm monsters in CN to attack exorays with, helping people with genkai 1. I doubt a lvl 50-55 PLD of any other subjob can solo exorays, especially since their specials can do more then 500 even at that level. You also get widescan (although not as effective as RNG widescan) and Charm is as fast as provoke, if you are trying to catch an NM.
                  Specialty : Soloing otherwise unsoloable mobs, or for helping with item-hunting. The DPS added from a DC pet isn't enough to recommend this combo for higher level quest/mission PTs. Widescan and Charm also help for NM camping.

                  BRD : BRD sub is a lot worse than main for several reasons: You can only sing 1 song, and you can't equip instruments. This makes stat-boosting songs like Madrigal and Minuet useless since they won't boost your ACC or ATK nearly as much. I think PLD/BRD will only be useful at lvl 50+ when you can keep ballad running non stop. This might help in small quest/mission/item hunting PTs where there is otherwise no means of MP refresh, as it will cut down on downtime for yourself and other mages.
                  Specialty : A means of MP refresh, really only helpful for relatively easy quest/missions or item-hunting. Possibly useful for farming with a friend.

                  RNG : Only useful for one thing to be honest: Widescan. RNG's widescan covers more ground than BST widescan. Also keep in mind RNG and BST get widescan upgrades at lvl 20, 40, and 60. This will be useful when you're camping certain types of monsters with a friend, but if you're doing it for farming purposes, hopefully someone else has treasure hunter.
                  Specialty : Widescan.. that's about it.

                  Continued in next post.
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #10
                    NIN : At level 50 you can have Dual Wield 2, which will give you a bit more haste, but either way you will only get a 10-15% haste, meaning you aren't actually attacking more often than with a single weapon. Ninjitsu is nice, but I believe that you get 1 less shadow with utsusemi ichi and ni than as main NIN. Still, I think PLD/NIN would be a nice HNM tank if you have more than 1 tank and some THFs to fuidama onto you.
                    Specialty : Tanking hard monsters when there's another tank and some THFs to fuidama onto you. Better overall damage mitigation than PLD/WAR.

                    SAM : This is probably the best route to go if you want to be a damage dealing PLD. I think this would work best with a polearm (5 hit WS), since GS is too slow to benefit from Store TP passive, and its WS's are at most 2 hits. However, since our polearm skill is E rating, you'll only want to use this on decent challenge and less monsters. Eat some meat mithkas so you do respectable damage, and hope you have a BRD for madrigals and minuets. But regardless, you'll be able to pentathrust quite a bit and deal some nice damage. I suppose you can use GS for this too, but to be honest GS DPS is not much more than 1h sword. For regular hits, 1h sword will do less DPS, but vorpal is 4 hits (30% tp) and sickle moon is 2 hits (20% tp) so with 1hs you can use WS more often. /SAM might also work well with staff so you can use lvl 215 skill Spirit Taker to get some MP back.
                    Specialty : Good way to increase your DPS, especially against relatively weak monsters.

                    SMN : As a PLD, at higher levels you're basically going to be begged daily to tank avatars for people. So it won't be hard for you to get all the avatars. But to be honest there's only 1 avatar that will be useful with SMN sub: Garuda for Vacuum armor at lvl 50/25 PLD/SMN. Vacuum armor is PT blink for 3 shadows, but it costs 92 MP in addition to the MP cost of calling Garuda. This isn't exactly MP efficient, especially for a job with a limited MP pool like a PLD. You'll have more MP than normal and an auto MP refresh of 1 MP / 3 sec, but still not enough to deem this totally useful. Not sure exactly where this would be useful, but maybe it's nice to impress new players.
                    Specialty : Not sure... avoiding 3 hits for party for 125+ MP? Maybe worth it if you have 2 ballads and refresh on you :sweat:

                    DRG : Unfortunately, DRG is never a good sub for any job, and this goes the same for PLD/DRG. This combination doesn't add anything to a PLD. Well, you'll have an accuracy bonus and jump... high jump at lvl 70... that's really about it.
                    Specialty : None.

                    Hope this crude guide will help people. I know I may sound anal to many of you for saying that we HAVE to sub WAR for XP PT's, but that's sadly the truth. If your PT is full of friends and they don't mind that you'll only get 1k xp/hour and risk them dying constantly due to poor aggro management, then you can try other combos... but, hell, just play another job then. Paladins are one of those jobs where it's hard to find workable subs... they NEED aggro to be useful in XP PTs, since they don't deal much damage and don't offer much support.
                    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zaptruder

                      You may be right though... which makes me hate your sentiment even more; the rigidity of the Pld job is somewhat depressing if that is the case.
                      Please don't hate the messenger :sweat:

                      Yes, I agree we are one of the most linear jobs in this game. Gotta live with it, just because you wish for something doesn't make it true. But maybe it'll please you to know we're not THE most linear jobs in the game... that dubious honor unfortunately goes out to DRGs, who have only 1 really potent weapon and no really useful job abilities and no magic. They can level staff for undeads, but without MP they make one of the staff's best WS (Spirit Taker) rather useless.

                      This is probably why there are a freakin ton of DRG from lvl 1-60, then as DRGs get tired of being so linear and boring to play, they form other jobs... and there's a drastic reduction in the number of DRGs at high levels, whereas there are still plenty of other melee DD's. I feel sorry for the DRGs, I feel that S-E didn't plan out that job very effectively.
                      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                      • #12
                        I disagree with your position on Dragoons being a very linear job to play.

                        What a lot of people don't know about that job is that your wyvern has the ability to gain special breaths depending on your subjob.
                        For example:
                        a drg/pld can yield you a holy based elemental breath attack that can wreak havoc on many monsters.

                        The same goes for a drg/drk or a drg/whm. I'm pretty sure you've seen a drg/whm with a healing breath, which is quite nice at any level.

                        The fact that Paladin is a very linear job, is the main reason why I like it so much. The position of a paladin is very clearcut and allows a player to master the job within a short amount of time, and most people wouldn't have to bother with finding a good subjob that works best for any mainjob.

                        With many other jobs you have the ability to choose between 3-5 different subjobs, but every time you switched your sub you'd have to change your style of play.

                        Say I was a whm/pld, people(gamefaqs of course) are going on about how well this job tanks and how much better it is than paladins. Their argument is that with stoneskin/blink/aquaveil/flash, they'll be able to tank much better than any paladin. This idea is ridiculous since they're literally taking a very important job into the middle of a battle, risking the chance that it would die. But this ties in the topic that by changing your subjob you'll have to play a job completely differently, as a whm/pld you'll have to work tanking into your playstyle AND work on healing either yourself, or the other party members, also added in the prospect of holding hate, which is next to impossible if you only rely on cures and a shield bash.

                        Okay probably a bad example, I'll put in something that's a little more common.

                        Say I started out as a warrior/thief- and I was level 60 and suddenly I wanted to change my subjob to samurai. Before I did my change, my job was simple, Fuidama, berserk, warcry. The extra accuracy to my attacks made my 2hAxe hit more often, and I was probably doing a good deal of damage with some of my abilities and the evasion passives give the tank a little bit of breathing room. Since I changed my subjob to Samurai, things have been a little bit more difficult. I'm now able to deal more damage, and participate in more Skillchains, but I don't have the extra damage bonus that fuidama can provide, plus if the tank lost the hate I'd have to expect a little bit more damage. Playstyle is very different now and I have to watch myself so that I don't get too much hate on myself.

                        My answer: Paladin/Warrior all the way. Paladins in a battle already have to worry about so many different aspects of combat, and by making them a secondary healer, or subbing something different, thus losing provoke and other good support abilities that warrior provides, would make their job that much more difficult. Sorry if the above ideas are really hard to follow, I've got an abstract mind and it's very non-linear.
                        Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                        -F. Scott Fitzgerald.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Somajan
                          I disagree with your position on Dragoons being a very linear job to play.

                          What a lot of people don't know about that job is that your wyvern has the ability to gain special breaths depending on your subjob.
                          For example:
                          a drg/pld can yield you a holy based elemental breath attack that can wreak havoc on many monsters.

                          The same goes for a drg/drk or a drg/whm. I'm pretty sure you've seen a drg/whm with a healing breath, which is quite nice at any level.
                          This is a little off topic but I want to respond to this =). You and I agree about most everything paladin-wise, soma, but I want to point out some things about your DRG statements. You say that most people don't know that different subjob = different breaths, but actually most people do know this... and I think you don't understand fully how this works. I'll explain it later in this post.

                          Whether you like it or not, DRG job is indeed the most linear job in the game, and extremely boring and easy to play. They have no useful abilities or magic, except jump. Everything else they have to get from their sub.

                          As for breath attacks, you're kind of right and kind of wrong. The element your wyvern uses has nothing to do with your subjob. Here is a bare bones guide taken from Rent-A-Hamster's guide in the DRG forums:

                          Originally posted by Rent-A-Hamster
                          Wyvern Breath Usage

                          In addition to attacking the enemy alongside you, the wyvern can use various breath abilites.
                          The type of breath your wyvern does depends on your subjob.
                          There are three types of modes your wyvern can be in.

                          Offensive mode (sub: war, mnk, thf, rng, bst, brd, sam, nin, smn)
                          Recovery/Heal mode (sub: whm, rdm, blm)
                          All-purpose mode (sub: pld, drk)

                          Offensive mode:
                          Whenever you use a WS, your wyvern does a breath attack. It could be one of any of the elements excluding light and dark.
                          Note: Breath damage will lessen if it is resisted by a monster who is strong against that type of element. Any other breath will do the same amount of damage. In other words, each breath will do the same amount of damage to a certain monster unless it is resisted due to that monster being strong against a certain type of element.
                          Note: The less percent life your wyvern has, the weaker its breath will be.

                          Recovery/heal mode:
                          Whenever you do a WS, and if you are sticken with a negative status (blind, paralyze, poison), your wyvern does "cure breath", a status recovery move.
                          If you or any of your party members' HP is below 1/3, and you use a magic spell, your wyvern will use "heal breath", an HP recovery move. As you level up, your wyvern will learn heal breath II, heal breath III, etc, increasing the amount of healing it does.
                          Note: The Lv60 AF DRG helmet increases the effectiveness of heal breath in recovery mode. The requirement is instead 1/2 life, not 1/3

                          All purpose mode:
                          You get to use the offensive breath attacks when you use a WS, but you don't get the status recovery "cure breath"
                          If you or any of your party members' HP is below1/4, and you use a magic spell, your wyvern will use its heal breath HP recovery move.
                          Note: The Lv60 AF DRG helmet increases the effectiveness of heal breath in all-purpose mode. The requirement is instead 1/3 life, not 1/4
                          Healing mode DRG isn't all that great. It'll only work when someone has less than 1/2 HP, which isn't often in a good PT setup. Plus the DRG will be doing relatively crappy damage compared to other melee DDs. In all my parties for the last 20 or 30 levels, healing has never been a problem... my WHM and any other mages with healing have always kept everyone nicely cured. So why sacrifice a PT spot for a relatively bad attacker who can heal occasionally?

                          That said, the job is still incredibly linear. Regardless of what type of wyvern you have with your subjob, it won't make much difference. 99% of all DRGs in XP PTs at high level will be using SAM, WAR or THF, and they all generally play the same. DRG is stuck with 1 A weapon, whereas most other melee DDs have 2 (DRK have GS and scythe, very useful since each has a lvl 225 WS of different element for a different lvl 3 renkei, WAR have axe and great axe, RNG have bow and gun, etc). It doesn't help that Polearm WS are not that powerful. Penta is one of the weakest multihit WS's, and its main advantage is the TP gain. Regardless of how you look at it, at high levels DRG is one of the most narrow job professions out there, and people realize that... which is why there aren't as many high level DRGs (compared to the insame amount of DRG lvl 1 - 60).
                          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Somajan
                            The fact that Paladin is a very linear job, is the main reason why I like it so much. The position of a paladin is very clearcut and allows a player to master the job within a short amount of time, and most people wouldn't have to bother with finding a good subjob that works best for any mainjob.

                            With many other jobs you have the ability to choose between 3-5 different subjobs, but every time you switched your sub you'd have to change your style of play.
                            Those are good points Soma. I think it comes down to a personal preference. I personally would LOVE to be able to choose between different playing styles, and learn to master all of them as best as I can. I already can play my tanking role well, but I can't do anything else now. I don't like that, but this is a personal thing. If you like to have your job clear cut as you said, then I can see why you would prefer a linear job. I just wouldn't.
                            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                            • #15
                              Don't get me wrong Imac2much, I would prefer it if I could sub monk (Counter, HP boosts), or Samurai to, somewhat, offset my poor lack of offensive capabilities. Unfortunately I don't see that happening, unless they add in a 30 second provoke for paladins.
                              Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                              -F. Scott Fitzgerald.

