Well when I used to play i had this nin spell from saving up enough to buy it rather than getting enough fame in Norg which I previously tried, but if I get enough fame can I still do the quest so I can send it to my alt? I already have level 5 fame and no quest.
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Utsusemi Ichi?!
Re: Utsusemi Ichi?!
The part people seem to ignore in their dislike of gathering Norg fame for Ichi, is that, at least in Vana'diel, fame is NOT fleeting. Many things are unlocked to a character with high Norg fame than just Ichi. I come across this all the time.FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU
Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, maybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.
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