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Question about Ninja

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  • #16
    I could be way way waaaay off on this one since i've never played the game and am still just beginning to learn all of the abilities. My question is "If i had a THF main and a Ninja sub couldn't I combo myself into some decent damage?" For example:
    With a high level Thief main wouldn't I be able to do Sneak Attack and Triple Attack/Strike (I forget what it's called). Now if I have a Ninja subjob i could use double wield to have two daggers (one in each hand). Now couldn't I use Sneak Attack to do double damage on an unsuspecting foe while using triple strike in conjuction with double wield to hit the enemy 6 times at double damage? Does this even work? Sorry if this has been brought up before.


    • #17

      that sounds right, btui then again to get triple attack you have to be like lvl 55


      • #18
        Seth, that really wouldn't work. First, off, the triple attack doesn't happen all the time, so it's completely random meaning most of the time a THF/NIN will be attacking twice due to duel-wield.

        Sneak Attack only works for the first attack (like the monk's accumulate ability). The first strike of your first weapon will have the extra damage thanks to Sneak Attack, but your second weapon will do normal damage. So to answer your question, no, it doesn't work.
        WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


        • #19
          man it's sounds like all area's ninja wouldof excelled in are in a extremely premature nerf! Like really. Why would they make duel weild useless? and do they really have to add up the delays? and hafl weapon skill growth? and only one tp bar? i'm probably right in also assuming that because it's two weapons and one tp bar each hit does hafl what it's supposed it in regeneratin the tp :mad: From what i've read also those ninjitsu things are horribly expensive and for the most part not as useful as u'd think they ought to be. And they also seem to do crap dmg so their greatest asset in other games like fft for dmg dealing is now next to nothing. On top of this they will die super fast if attacked as they are very fragile. So it seems all they can do is atk from the sides like a dark knight or something but do piddly damage instead. Is there anything i'm wrong about here? Someone please tell me i'm a moron and am not seeing the good things or how this is balanced. I'm trying but i really can't see how this one can match up to the other jobs. So basically....can someone tell me.... even with immature remarks if u must..... what good are they?


          • #20
            I wish I could fathom some type of response to assure you that the ninja job isn't as useless as you may think it is, sixpak... however, that is something I am unable to persuade you into believe as I also believe... the ninja class is utter crap.


            • #21
              Thanks for helping me out there Maxim! Guess I'll just have to go back to the drawing board then. Also I have no clue why they add the attack speeds of the weapons in each hand for dual weild. you'd think that it should be faster like you could attack by alternating strikes. oh well. At least Ninjas in movies and comics rock


              • #22
                I have no basis for what I'm about to say but I just have this feeling that they will "fix" the ninja class. We all know they make changes as the game goes on. They recently added some things to RDM to make it much better than it was and they severely weakened THF sub's sneak attack so it seems they are trying to keep the game balanced. I just believe (and hope) they will realize the ninja sux and do something to fix it (increase the attack speed of dual wield maybe?)

                Than again, they seemed to have screwed over the BST job by keeping that stupid 30% exp penalty in effect. So you never know...

                But we can dream can't we?


                • #23

                  yeah i think that is real stuiped that a class that we have pretended to be when we were little(yes most of us have) is so weak. I got accepted for the beat so this is goign to be a huge thing that i am going to complain about.....please only 1 active ablility!?!?! thats a hunk, if they end up sucking i will tell you guys right away, and if it doesn't work out then i will go with the Dragoon(have been a huge fan of them), really though i think it is retarted that the 2 weapons just add up, they should be divided by 2 then. So it would be the average of the 2 weapons right? i will be sure to bring this up


                  • #24
                    I think this is a test. To see who really loves the ninja and truly wants to persevere and become one. I have a feeling that after a while, the Ninja job will get a huge boost. Also, when dueling is finally implemented, Ninjas will be the BEST duelers, then everyone is going to want to be one.

                    Just my thoughts, seeya in game fellow ninja brethren.

                    The safest place for one to live is in memory.


                    • #25
                      I'm with you Syn. Personally I like the idea of playin an underdog kinda class. One everyone downgardes and says is too expensive to be useful. Heck, I like it just for the idea of being cool, but to have it being a class only a few will suceed in because it is difficult makes it all the more attractive to me. I agree with you too; after a while the class might be enhanced more e.g. powder less expensive, better WS etc. But even without it, i'd be proud to be one of the few useless Ninja's running around


                      • #26
                        Almost every piece of Ninja AF add's to ranged attack, so I think they are really good with throwing things like shrukens, which ARE in the game. That AND i think i read somoeone said this, maybe Sheila?
                        Alldo - Bastok - Rank 9
                        Zilart Missions: 1-12
                        Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, San'd Oria
                        Relic: 2/5


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Kirk
                          I'm with you Syn. Personally I like the idea of playin an underdog kinda class. One everyone downgardes and says is too expensive to be useful. Heck, I like it just for the idea of being cool, but to have it being a class only a few will suceed in because it is difficult makes it all the more attractive to me. I agree with you too; after a while the class might be enhanced more e.g. powder less expensive, better WS etc. But even without it, i'd be proud to be one of the few useless Ninja's running around
                          Amen my ninja brother. Amen
                          The safest place for one to live is in memory.

