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NIN vs Long-Bowed Chariot

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  • NIN vs Long-Bowed Chariot

    Hi guys

    We've been going against LBC (Long-Bowed Chariot) in Bhaflau Remnants for awhile now. We've tried out various strategies b/c our attendance is rather random. We're thinking of trying out a NIN tank strategy right now and I have a few questions I hope those of you with in depth experience against LBC or just the general nature of NIN can answer please.

    How much does Subtle Blow reduce TP gained from my meele/magic as a NIN? On wiki it says it's -25% TP gained from hit, but how much does the mob get per hit? Is wearing Rajas + the Sublte Blow Merits for NIN going to help reduce the TP gained? I'm asking like this because Stored TP works every +10 in that you get 1% TP back. Does this mean Subtle Blow gives -1% TP per +10 Subtle Blow?

    How effective is elemental Ninjitsu nuking on LBC? When I was nuking it on RDM I was told to use Ice only and even then my Blizzard III ranged from around 15 - 312 DMG. I can't see just casting Huton: Ni for anywhere around 0-80 being worthwhile.

    Also since RDM's Slow II and Paralyze II is superior to a NIN's enfeebles (or at least, will be after the next patch), does a NIN spamming Kurayami & Hojo still gain hate from those spell despite not having it land?

    Thanks for any help.
    Okay, so I looked over Wiki and tried to interpret this delay and TP gain thing. Please tell me if my calculations are on/off (Armando can you help since your the math wiz here ^ ^ )

    So I use Perdu Blade (Delay: 190) + Unji (Delay: 201). . .

    Combined Delay: 391

    Dual Wield + Supponami: .35

    Reduced Delay: 391 * (1 - .35 ) = 254

    Using the Wiki chart (Tactical Points - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki) and finding out that I should be using this formula . .
    180 - 450 Delay: 5.0 + [(Delay - 180) * 6.5] / 270

    5.0 + [(254-180)*6.5]/270 = 6.78

    So after truncated it's 6.7.

    Since Enemy TP gain is Base TP + 3, this comes out to be 9.7.

    Now using Subtle Blow's formula ( (Base TP + 3) * (1 - SubtleBlow%) ) which becomes
    Subtle Blow = .25 (JTs) + .5 (Rajas) + .5 (Merits) = .35
    9.7 * (1-.35) = 6.3

    So does this mean the mob is getting 6.3% TP everytime I hit LBC? Therefore if I Double Attacked on each katana I'd be giving 6.3 * 4 = 25.2% TP for that attack round?
    Last edited by Zempten; 06-02-2008, 08:41 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  • #2
    Re: NIN vs Long-Bowed Chariot

    On wiki it says it's -25% TP gained from hit, but how much does the mob get per hit?
    From melee attacks, the mob gets whatever you would get without any Store TP, +3. For WS, mob gets TP only for the mainhand and offhand hits. For damaging spells, mob gets 10 TP. When the mob hits you, it gets TP normally; most mobs have 240 Delay which is 6.4 TP.
    I'm asking like this because Stored TP works every +10 in that you get 1% TP back.
    That's not how it works. Store TP +10 means you multiply whatever TP you would've gotten by 1.10 (and as usual drop all decimals after the tenths.)
    Does this mean Subtle Blow gives -1% TP per +10 Subtle Blow?
    Subtle Blow +10 means you multiply the TP the mob would get by 0.90. In other words, (1-SubtleBlow).

    Your TP calculations are wrong because TP is calculated for each hand, not for the pair. You're looking at 127 Delay per hand, which yields 5+[(127-180)*1.5]/180 = 4.5 TP per hit. So mob would get 7.5 TP per hit before Subtle Blow, and 7.5 * 0.65 = 4.8 TP with Subtle Blow +35. So double attacking with both hands gives 4.8 * 4 = 19.2 TP.


    • #3
      Re: NIN vs Long-Bowed Chariot

      thanks alot Armando

