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I'm Annoyed By /NIN

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  • #46
    Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    When enfeebling ceases to have a point when mobs die so quickly and they're resistant to nukes, what else is a RDM supposed to do? You want to complain about the way things are? How about the way the were? We used to fight Crabs and nothing else from 50-75 back in the day,
    Well, maybe YOU did. Let's review some old school (by which I mean not just pre-TAU, but pre-CoP; it would be unreasonable to exclude RoZ since some of the genkais didn't even come out until after RoZ) exp camps, which are still around today (and usually empty) if anyone bothers to use them: (Level ranges from Campsitarus, because I don't trust my memory on exact levels after several years.)

    51-54 CN beetles
    52-55 Boyahda spiders
    53-56 KRT bats, scorpions, beetles
    56-59 Gustav crabs+gobs (there are relatively few crabs in this camp, the majority of fights are gobs)
    56-60 Teriggan crabs, pugils, raptors (towards the upper end of the level range, the crabs are no longer worth pulling)
    57-59 Upper Delkfutt's bats and jotuns
    58-61 Valley of Sorrows raptors and giant birds
    60-63 QSC ants
    60-63 Onzozo coeurls and gobs
    62-65 Boyahda crawlers
    62-65 Ru'Aun birds; not the most popular because most people at this level didn't have sky yet, but people who went there usually thought it was good. Now mostly hunted by BSTs if at all.
    66-69 Gustav bones and pugils
    67-71 Kuftal tigers, cockatrice, wyverns
    69-72 Ro'Maeve (Moongate) weapons and golems
    72-75 KRT bones, dogs and ghosts
    72-75 Ru'Avitau weapons or golems (this and the above were the original roving meripo camps)

    Crab dominated camps are omitted; I concede they exist, but they didn't have to be the only places you went and usually weren't. Kuftal (surface level) was hell for a *few levels* and then you could *leave*. (Actually, as the above list shows, you could avoid it entirely, but aside from statics, few managed to do so.) Memory just blows it out of proportion sometimes. IIRC, I personally camped all of those except for sky birds (not having sky yet at that level range on my first job), some in pickups and some in statics.

    In any case, the last of the crab camps (Boyahda steelshells and other stuff) crap out before 70. After that you can't exp effectively on crabs even if you want to, except with solo/duo setups that can keep milking steelshells a while longer. Of course, you could argue that beetles and crawlers aren't much of an improvement on crabs. But that still leaves a lot of regularly used camps.

    CoP added Bibiki, Uleguerand and Lufaise - no crabs there (at least at high exp levels), just gobs, dhalmels, raptors, demons, ahriman, taurus (yes, really), giant birds and the nastiest rams you never want to meet. Again, I've personally exped on all of those (although the rams only once, which was enough).
    that forced a WAY more exclusive and elitist party setup than what we see today. RDM and BRD were mandatory back then - now we have COR, too and thanks to the adjustments and additions of SCH and DNC, they've become more optional invites.
    WAR, NIN and BRD are still the golden children that only grudgingly pollute their parties with the likes of WHM, SMN, PLD, THF or DRG - and even more rarely, PUP or BLM. Some of the favored jobs have moved - SAM is a lot more highly regarded after several rounds of major buffs, for example - but I wouldn't say that overall the dynamic of favored jobs and disfavored jobs has moved much.

    At HNMs there's been even less change, and what change there is has been in the direction of even *more* /NIN reliance; even paladins are subbing it now (which they never would have seriously thought of doing before homam and w.turban and nine kinds of haste belt; and if they had done it it would have sucked).

    And that's without even getting into the problems of handing out a free vermy and 10-15% exp bonus - but only in certain camps. (WTF were they thinking? Did SE intend the empire to lose besieged more often, or deliberately break their own game to sell copies of the expansion, or something else?)
    Would you like to go back to the days where we needed one of those three refresh/dispellers for a PT or people wouldn't leave town?
    Two, before COR. But are you saying you've seen parties leave town without one now? The only real difference on that front is that there are a crapload more BRDs, and a small handful of CORs (enough that you might get to party with one once a month or so, unless you are one).

    DNC does a fair amount to reduce MP usage, but if you don't have a refresher, than any MP users you do have still have to sit. Which causes the dreaded "downtime" and breaks your infinity chain.
    Would you like to go back to the days where getting 75 on DRG, MNK or THF was nigh impossible? I'd rather not go back to that.
    Maybe not, although I think the dagger update and 2h updates have done a lot to help on that front anyway. (I can only assume you're joking about MNK - they've never been below middle desirability and were the gods of KRT in its heyday. THF did much better in the old days when hate control was something you wanted and SC closer was an actual party role.)

    But I'd damn sure like to go back to the days when you could fight something other than lolibri and wimps, and not have people laugh at your exp/hr and desert the party; when people joining a party would ask what the skillchain would be and expect there to be an answer; when enfeebling was a party role and not a joke; when tanks tanked and DDs tried to control their hate because they could get killed if they didn't; when a defensive player (or even two) was an asset to a party and not a liability.

    And, to return to the original topic, when there was more than one subjob at 74+.
    Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
    RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
    All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


    • #47
      Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

      Blink only gives 2 shadows BBQ (which are about 75% effective).

      Blue curing is one of RDM's support roles. It will happen, infact 90% of stuff you cast will be curative. It is possible to go RDM/BLM to 75 it is what I did. But at 75 your better to go to meripo as /WHM or (/DNC if you want to melee). It just makes everything mesh so good. DS+ Cure 3 + Regen is the best post convert combo ever. Meaning more MP to use in your 2 spells (Haste and Cure "x"). Meripo as a RDM is a joke no matter what you sub.

      as for /NIN it is only used heavily @75 Utsusemi:Ichi isn't overly usefull unless you are pulling. Dual weild is about as effective as single handing until level 50. Even then @ level 75 it is only used for meripo. (some gods etc are tanked pld/nin or rdm/nin) It is considered the best because it is. 4 melee all sharing hate taking no damage for 25K/hr backed by a RDM and BRD or COR.

      You have to take what people say with a grain of salt. I leveled with whm's all the way to 75 which is why I did not ever /whm until then. Most of the time when people offer advice they offer it for endgame. It is automatic. RDM/NIN is great endgame, but generally not as effective before then (save certain situations.) BLU/NIN is great endgame but not too efective before then. /NIN in all intents and purposes only shines @ 75 before then it is a niche sub for most jobs.

      Just take your jobs you want to go with.

      DRK /WAR,/THF,/SAM or DRK/DRG (hate sheding is great)
      RDM /BLM, /WHM
      BLU /RDM (magical spell blu), /THF (physical spell blu)

      Don't worry about nin for any of those jobs till your already sitting at 75.

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • #48
        Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
        And that's without even getting into the problems of handing out a free vermy and 10-15% exp bonus - but only in certain camps. (WTF were they thinking? Did SE intend the empire to lose besieged more often, or deliberately break their own game to sell copies of the expansion, or something else?)
        By my understanding, their thinking was twofold: 1) they honestly believed that imps and colibri would be very difficult, and 2) they wanted people to try the new, "more challenging" camps anyway. They also seemed to be terribly afraid of manaburn (both as a party type and an endgame tactic) at the time, and overreacted to it in their design of ToAU content.

        Originally posted by Karinya View Post
        But I'd damn sure like to go back to the days when you could fight something other than lolibri and wimps, and not have people laugh at your exp/hr and desert the party; when people joining a party would ask what the skillchain would be and expect there to be an answer; when enfeebling was a party role and not a joke; when tanks tanked and DDs tried to control their hate because they could get killed if they didn't; when a defensive player (or even two) was an asset to a party and not a liability.

        And, to return to the original topic, when there was more than one subjob at 74+.
        Amen to that. -- Pteryx


        • #49
          Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

          Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
          They also seemed to be terribly afraid of manaburn

          That is probably the most sensible thing I have seen anyone post in a very long time.

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • #50
            Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

            Originally posted by Bluecat View Post
            Ok the only thing that I am going to say is RDM can do more then Cure I didnt pick RDM to be a fricken healer if I wanted to fucking be that way I would of gone with WHM simple as fricken that. Dont sit here and tell me how to play fricken RDM. There is a lot more then we can fricken do then just spam cures, and you all have seen to lost track of that. If there is not a whm around but a RDM around when you need one, wait till you get a fricken WHM then, I might stay RDM but I am not going to be a curebot just because YOU say so. I dont work that way hunny, and I never plan to.
            If you don't want to play RDM in a way that supports your PT, don't expect to get all that many PTs. Consider looking into taking BLM up to 75 (if nuking things is more your style) or BLU (if you'd rather be a sword-swinging caster on the front lines).

            Oops, missed the part about you taking DRK up instead ... still, how RDM plays changes greatly at 41, and I really don't think it will suit you at all.
            Last edited by Nuriko; 05-02-2008, 11:26 PM.


            • #51
              Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

              Originally posted by Karinya View Post
              Two, before COR. But are you saying you've seen parties leave town without one now? The only real difference on that front is that there are a crapload more BRDs, and a small handful of CORs (enough that you might get to party with one once a month or so, unless you are one).
              I have, but this is more a matter of the degrading general competence. Say what you want about 2005's problems; on Midgardsormr at least I had a competent party with knowledgeable players more often than not. Dunes were only about 50% crap parties when I started, Qufim 40%, Jungles 20%. By level 30 people had mostly figured out what was going on. I still had to fight with people on positioning and there was the rare party where I couldn't get someone to open Distortion for me, but I never felt like I was a member of an obscure elite just for being half-way competent at my job. People actually read my search comment before inviting me, other non-JPs actually had search comments. Parties actually would discuss tactics with you, consider different approaches for different mobs, consider how party composition impacted camp viability...

              Today, most of these things are a distant memory. Those that aren't have gone from the general rule to such a rare exception as to be worth special note.

              Originally posted by Karinya
              Maybe not, although I think the dagger update and 2h updates have done a lot to help on that front anyway. (I can only assume you're joking about MNK - they've never been below middle desirability and were the gods of KRT in its heyday.
              I wish it was just a bad attempt at humor. More likely it's a sign of growing insanity...

              Originally posted by Karinya
              THF did much better in the old days when hate control was something you wanted and SC closer was an actual party role.)
              This is exactly why I steer people away from THF now. It's not a matter of what this update did or didn't do or the effectiveness of new equipment or JAs. It's the fact that what we as thieves DO has become obsolete in the new order. Our spike damage abilities are pretty pathetic compared to what any serious DD can do. Debuffs aren't valued enough for THF/RNG to have an xp party role in most people's minds (and we don't do that any better than a crossbow RNG would). There are plenty of other choices for pullers. Our signature ability is hate control. I can't remember the last xp party where hate control mattered at all to anyone. Huge SATA Distortion spike damage still looks sexy when it's not resisted, but unless you static with a SAM or NIN who's willing to open for you, don't expect to see many.

              Originally posted by Karinya
              But I'd damn sure like to go back to the days when you could fight something other than lolibri and wimps, and not have people laugh at your exp/hr and desert the party; when people joining a party would ask what the skillchain would be and expect there to be an answer; when enfeebling was a party role and not a joke; when tanks tanked and DDs tried to control their hate because they could get killed if they didn't; when a defensive player (or even two) was an asset to a party and not a liability.
              Amen to that as well, and an excellent post altogether.

              P.S. Did Omg and Feba swap accounts a few months ago as a prank or something? This is getting weird.
              Last edited by Lunaryn; 05-02-2008, 11:58 PM.
              Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
              Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
              Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
              Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
              All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
              Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
              Clothcraft 24
              Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


              • #52
                Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
                Did Omg and Feba swap accounts a few months ago as a prank or something?
                Oh man, I'd totally pay money to see that sort of hilarity.

                if I wasn't feba, that is.

                I mean, I could be someone other than feba, but that would be boring.


                • #53
                  Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                  I think you all should open up a this is my opinion threads and agrue with each other there. serriously, deviate from the topic much?

                  blue cat, i feel you on your dislike of the nin or /nin mantra that seems to flow from the collective mind that is ffxi players. but as you can see in the prior posts to mine there is a reason for it. no it is not original, yes it creates ease where once there was difficulty, but yes there is also a place for it. as a mnk i prefer to go /war to anything i do unless i am expected to take a lot of damage. it doesnt mean i like /nin but it is required in those cases. so i do what i must.

                  take all suggestions with a grain of salt, what uses /nin has for you should become appearent quickly. and no you dont need to subscribe to the collective mind, but shouldnt say never either. thats like cutting off your foot to spite your toe. be open minded to others suggestion then use your mind on wether that is the correct option for yourself.
                  Death and taxes...
                  Death and taxes...
                  DEATH and taxes...
                  I think I like it.


                  • #54
                    Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                    Originally posted by assumedvigilance View Post
                    This is ffxio the only thing you can count on is bitching and derails.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #55
                      Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                      Originally posted by Sevv View Post
                      This is ffxio the only thing you can count on is bitching and derails.
                      And with one post, you manage both.


                      • #56
                        Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        And with one post, you manage both.
                        Atleast someone got it!
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #57
                          Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                          Originally posted by Sevv View Post
                          This is ffxio the only thing you can count on is bitching and derails.
                          I noticed..

                          i just realized something else aswell, almost every thread at some point is consigned to the grave, and the surest sign of its coming is Sevv and Feba slinging one liners at each other...

                          and with that said let the one liner grab ass begins...
                          Death and taxes...
                          Death and taxes...
                          DEATH and taxes...
                          I think I like it.


                          • #58
                            Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                            Ok after reading everyone's post I know why I really hate /NIN and am starting to dislike FFXI/MMOs. Everyone is saying," do what supports your party" etc. Ok first off this is a game, that you are suppose to enjoy. Meaning you are suppose to do what is fun for you. If a Certain job or /JOB is not fun to you then why the hell should you play it just to please the party? Thats dumb to me. Also, everyone is turning this into a RDM topic, that is not the issue, I have already realized that RDM is not for me.

                            What I am trying to get at, is this is a game, games are meant to be fun, some of you. (not all of you) have said to me you should level everything to 37 and SUB that whenever the party asks for it. 1) What if your far away from a MH when somebody invites you into a party? 2) Why should you have to stick threw 37 levels a job that you hate, just to make people in the party happy? Shouldn't games, and MMOs in general be fun? Why would you stick threw a job that bores you and that you hate just to please..a few people in a party? That just don't make sense to me!

                            This is the main reason why I dont want to do /NIN I didn't like /NIN then and I dont like it now, so why stick threw it just to make people happy?
                            (I also noticed I am repeating myself because SOME of you seem to keep missing my point.)

                            Its like a job in real life, I wouldn't apply for a certain position get that position then do something that is not even in that same position. I would quit that job because why the hell am I doing something that is not even my job? Why would I do someones else is job just to please the boss? I wouldn't! Same goes for FFXI and MMOs.
                            Last edited by Bluecat; 05-03-2008, 08:38 AM.
                            Name: Bluecat
                            Main Jobs:
                            SMN14, DRG8, RDM30
                            Sub Jobs: BLM13,WHM7,NIN7,SAM2,DRK4
                            Rank: 3-1
                            Linkshell(s): (Owner) RainbowOverHolla


                            • #59
                              Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                              Originally posted by Bluecat View Post
                              Ok after reading everyone's post I know why I really hate /NIN and am starting to dislike FFXI/MMOs.
                              If you're not willing to compromise on your personal preferences, then you should avoid activities that force you to play in a cooperative manner with other people. This is true whether you're talking about an online game or a team sport.
                              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                              Fishing 60

                              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                              • #60
                                Re: I'm Annoyed By /NIN

                                A few things:

                                I fucking hated leveling WAR to subjob level. I had to stay for four more levels for a static of mine to boot, because we couldn't find any tanks, or our tank was not at the same level as us yet. It was the most boring job I've ever played, and I'm glad I got it over with.

                                Level subjobs for jobs you like. Yes, even /NIN. Situational shit is situational.

                                Manaburn & Campaign are decent alternatives.

                                Learning to solo, especially for skill caps, is a big bonus!

                                /NIN is not the godliest subjob ever. Situational shit is situational.

                                I also despise /WHM, specifically for Main Healing Merit Parties, but as long as I've got my other skills capped and not the main healer for things like Northland Dynamis (NEEDS MORE MP STATUES & WHMS! /cry) , Gods, or whatever normally requires a WHM to do the cure work better, I'm not going on an insane rant about how the Astral Candescence has warped players' minds.

                                ...GODDAMN, I HATED LEVELING WAR TO SUBJOB LEVEL!
                                Last edited by Electricity Gone Human; 05-03-2008, 11:07 AM.

