Re: Ninja/Dark Knight... 4x the hate 4x the pleasure.
The attack and subtle blow are dead stats: you're not wielding hades sainti to hit things with them. I think it's because of the fact that you're not meleeing for any significant amount that enmity will outperform haste. You don't get the usual double benefit of haste for NINs (more damage *and* more invulnerability, making jobs who have to trade off between damage and toughness wonder "wtf were the balance team smoking?"). You can stun faster and get more hate that way, but I guess the OP is of the opinion that it will be inferior to more +Enmity in that slot. I'm sure he has plenty of haste gear for DD and merit situations and the decision to change it out for enmity was an intentional one.
Originally posted by Malacite
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