Just wanted to grab a few opinions on meriting paths for Ninja, I've talked to a few other ninja's in game and paths they take seem to really differ from player to player.
My main points of concern are in this order...
Spell Interuption Rate
Currently I've only gotten about 3 stages of evasion, and 1 stage of parry. My evasion is capped so 269+6, and my parry is kinda low around 140+2. Because I'm one of the main Ninja tanks for my Endgame, their suggestion for gods and endgame tanking and such was to merit evasion>parry>ninjutsu>katana. I definatly see a difference, just from the 3 stages of evasion+... I evade far more then some of the other Ninja tanks.
But because we are pulling in more Melee, it's getting harder to hold hate just evading... and resists on Ninjutsu aren't UNCOMMON among Sky mobs. Currently my Accuracy is pretty good, so I'm not too worried about Katana merits, but I dunno... I really just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking?
So far I'm only a Ninja 75, I am still considering a second 75, but a few on my list are Thief, Corsair, Paladin, and Red Mage... Not really sure which path I'll take though on my second 75.
My main points of concern are in this order...
Spell Interuption Rate
Currently I've only gotten about 3 stages of evasion, and 1 stage of parry. My evasion is capped so 269+6, and my parry is kinda low around 140+2. Because I'm one of the main Ninja tanks for my Endgame, their suggestion for gods and endgame tanking and such was to merit evasion>parry>ninjutsu>katana. I definatly see a difference, just from the 3 stages of evasion+... I evade far more then some of the other Ninja tanks.
But because we are pulling in more Melee, it's getting harder to hold hate just evading... and resists on Ninjutsu aren't UNCOMMON among Sky mobs. Currently my Accuracy is pretty good, so I'm not too worried about Katana merits, but I dunno... I really just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking?
So far I'm only a Ninja 75, I am still considering a second 75, but a few on my list are Thief, Corsair, Paladin, and Red Mage... Not really sure which path I'll take though on my second 75.