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Meriting Path for Ninja

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  • Meriting Path for Ninja

    Just wanted to grab a few opinions on meriting paths for Ninja, I've talked to a few other ninja's in game and paths they take seem to really differ from player to player.

    My main points of concern are in this order...

    Spell Interuption Rate

    Currently I've only gotten about 3 stages of evasion, and 1 stage of parry. My evasion is capped so 269+6, and my parry is kinda low around 140+2. Because I'm one of the main Ninja tanks for my Endgame, their suggestion for gods and endgame tanking and such was to merit evasion>parry>ninjutsu>katana. I definatly see a difference, just from the 3 stages of evasion+... I evade far more then some of the other Ninja tanks.

    But because we are pulling in more Melee, it's getting harder to hold hate just evading... and resists on Ninjutsu aren't UNCOMMON among Sky mobs. Currently my Accuracy is pretty good, so I'm not too worried about Katana merits, but I dunno... I really just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking?

    So far I'm only a Ninja 75, I am still considering a second 75, but a few on my list are Thief, Corsair, Paladin, and Red Mage... Not really sure which path I'll take though on my second 75.

  • #2
    Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

    Well it has a big deal to do with what other jobs you are going to be leveling.

    Personally for a 75 Ninja only:

    8 Hp
    5 Str
    8 Katana
    4 Evasion
    4 Parry
    4 Throwing
    8 Ninjutsu
    4 Emnity +
    4 Crit +
    5 Subtle Blow ( I solo alot)
    3 ninja toll expertise
    2 Suiton: San
    1 katon: San

    Currently I've only gotten about 3 stages of evasion, and 1 stage of parry. My evasion is capped so 269+6, and my parry is kinda low around 140+2. Because I'm one of the main Ninja tanks for my Endgame, their suggestion for gods and endgame tanking and such was to merit evasion>parry>ninjutsu>katana. I definatly see a difference, just from the 3 stages of evasion+... I evade far more then some of the other Ninja tanks.
    To be honest with you evasion really doesn't mean much in endgame. It is nice and it happens but this is not how you want to set your priorities . Your main gear concern should be a haste stack, 2% or more (don't get lol haste 1% ring) followed by emnity stack, damage reduction, hp, and then evasion. If you are planning to go level other jobs you are going to see those evasion and probably parry merits go away.

    Emnity -> HP -> Katana -> Crit -> Ninjutsu -> Evasion -> Parry -> etc etc

    But because we are pulling in more Melee, it's getting harder to hold hate just evading... and resists on Ninjutsu aren't UNCOMMON among Sky mobs. Currently my Accuracy is pretty good, so I'm not too worried about Katana merits, but I dunno... I really just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking?
    With an emnity stack melee damage isn't even needed (if you solo tank), Key items Eris earringx2 (+1 if you can), Arhat's Gi (+1), Savatta Ring, Bomb queen ring, High Breath Mantle, Trance belt (warwolf) for voke macro, Harmonia's Torque, Nokizaru Shuriken.

    Also /drk is very very nice for tanking, need a a few brds and a rdm.

    So far I'm only a Ninja 75, I am still considering a second 75, but a few on my list are Thief, Corsair, Paladin, and Red Mage... Not really sure which path I'll take though on my second 75.
    Merits will change alot if you want me to break it down for nin+ jobs let me know. Anything else ask more questions here or wait for me and omni's guide (if he ever emails me)
    Last edited by Sevv; 10-11-2007, 02:27 PM.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #3
      Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

      Unless you have capped or close to capped parry, I'd hold off on that for now. You can put those points else where.

      For sky, you can evasion tank but hate is always an issue when you evasion tank. If you have slow melee that take forever to line-up and drop a fuidama on you, it's probably not the best thing to do.

      But, if you want to evasion tank, it can be done. You just need to have 2 brds in your pt reapplying dual mambo and march.

      The one thing with enmity merits is that it'll carry over to your other jobs as well. So if you're going to play pld, that would be nice to have but, if you're playing cor or rdm in the future you might want to be careful.

      Sevv: I've just been busy at work and havent even played much at all in the past 2 weeks. I havent forgotten about getting you the info.
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

        Originally posted by Omni View Post
        Unless you have capped or close to capped parry, I'd hold off on that for now. You can put those points else where.
        For sky, you can evasion tank but hate is always an issue when you evasion tank. If you have slow melee that take forever to line-up and drop a fuidama on you, it's probably not the best thing to do.
        But, if you want to evasion tank, it can be done. You just need to have 2 brds in your pt reapplying dual mambo and march.
        The one thing with enmity merits is that it'll carry over to your other jobs as well. So if you're going to play pld, that would be nice to have but, if you're playing cor or rdm in the future you might want to be careful.
        Sevv: I've just been busy at work and havent even played much at all in the past 2 weeks. I havent forgotten about getting you the info.
        Mambo isn't really needed in a haste set up, maybe for byakko if your solo tanking /war because of his triple attack.

        I know I have been busy the guide has been on hold hope to get levels 1-50 finished up and posted then work on 50-75 and then sky / sea / hnm / nin/drk / gear set ups.
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #5
          Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

          Depends on what you want to do with your NIN too. People here don't believe me -_ - but a friend of a friend of mine in game can pull upwards of 500 per level 3 release spell. (That's San nukes for those who don't know; Katon/Raiton/Futon/Doton/Huton/Suiton all mean <element> release, followed by the number.



          • #6
            Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

            San spells can do alot of damagae /blm and the right gear but its expensive as hell to play full time.
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #7
              Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              People here don't believe me -_ - but a friend of a friend of mine in game can pull upwards of 500 per level 3 release spell.
              Hey! I want to believe you, but I'm still waiting on that screenshot... >_>

              Not Ni, but San, OK?
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                Thanks for the input guys, I still have such a long path to merit my Ninja... can't wait to really get into it. The diffrence I've seen from the Evasion merits thus far alone are really exciting. I'm fairly sure if I DO level RDM to 75 like I want to, it won't be for a long while. I'm not too big on the Magely classes, and I really don't want to have to level 3 subjobs to 37 just to be a good RDM.

                PLD may happen, it may not... only reason I'm considering it is because I really do enjoy tanking a lot... and I'd like to not have to remove my enmity merits once I put them in. I think right now, my second 75 is more likely to be either WAR, THF, SAM, or BLU... still not really sure what I wanna be when I grow up =P.

                Few more quick questions:
                1) Most of the Ninja I've talked to have been pretty gung ho about meriting Crit%+ does the +4% Crit become as visible as the evasion does?

                2) Is it worth it to merit spell interruption rate down as a Ninja? Between utsu and evasion I don't see much need here, but I've heard that with enough spell interuption rate down you can run and cast. =P

                3) I see you listed to merit Throwing, but not the throwing skill Sange? Throwing damage with boomerangs and chakram is about the same as a katana hit, sooo I'm guessing this is mainly if I intend on using Shuriken?

                4) HP merits do sound like a pretty good idea, but how much HP does each merit give?

                Aaannnnddd... I think that's all my questions for now... as far as ninjutsu DMG goes, I DO plan to fully merit Ninjutsu so we'll see how the damage is at that point and go from there. If I could land decent damage on Gods and stuff by meriting SAN scrolls and such, maybe I'd be inclined to merit that way... but if It's still either gonna do a grand total of 9-39 dmg a cast on a GoD... I don't see much reason to meriting the san scrolls and such, over much more useful things like subtle blow and ninja tool expertise.


                • #9
                  Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                  Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                  Depends on what you want to do with your NIN too. People here don't believe me -_ - but a friend of a friend of mine in game can pull upwards of 500 per level 3 release spell. (That's San nukes for those who don't know; Katon/Raiton/Futon/Doton/Huton/Suiton all mean <element> release, followed by the number.
                  well, because i highly doubt you can drop 500 dmg per spell on all types of mobs. doing 500 dmg on imps isnt the same as doing 500dmg per spell on kirin or mamools or whatever.

                  Sevv... i was talking about an evasion tank setup. you'd need mambo if you went to tank byakko with an evasion setup. you can get byakko to miss you 60%+ of the time. no one does that shit anymore because ppl just tank with haste gear + enmity gear.
                  Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                  ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                  • #10
                    Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    Thanks for the input guys, I still have such a long path to merit my Ninja... can't wait to really get into it. The diffrence I've seen from the Evasion merits thus far alone are really exciting. I'm fairly sure if I DO level RDM to 75 like I want to, it won't be for a long while. I'm not too big on the Magely classes, and I really don't want to have to level 3 subjobs to 37 just to be a good RDM.
                    If you are going to level Red Mage, merits would change to this:
                    4 hp
                    4 mp
                    5 str
                    8 Katana
                    4 eva
                    4 parry
                    4 sword/throwing/dagger/etc
                    8 Enfeebling
                    8 Ninjutsu
                    4 Crit +%
                    4 Spell int -%
                    5 Subtle Blow ( I solo alot)
                    3 ninja toll expertise
                    2 Suiton: San
                    1 katon: San
                    5 Convert
                    3 Lightning
                    2 Ice
                    (eles are personaly pref)
                    3 Slow II (depends on other rdms you play with in endgame)
                    3 Phalanx II (same as above)

                    + Paladin
                    4eva -> 4 Shield

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    PLD may happen, it may not... only reason I'm considering it is because I really do enjoy tanking a lot... and I'd like to not have to remove my enmity merits once I put them in. I think right now, my second 75 is more likely to be either WAR, THF, SAM, or BLU... still not really sure what I wanna be when I grow up =P.
                    Few more quick questions:
                    War will hurt on emnity merits.
                    Thf will be boosted.

                    Enmity merits are fine if you plan for them.

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    1) Most of the Ninja I've talked to have been pretty gung ho about meriting Crit%+ does the +4% Crit become as visible as the evasion does?
                    Evasion really isn't noticeable without gear, but the fact is crit rate helps over all eva merits aren't close to being noticeable I have taken all mine out and evade just as much.

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    2) Is it worth it to merit spell interruption rate down as a Ninja? Between utsu and evasion I don't see much need here, but I've heard that with enough spell interuption rate down you can run and cast. =P
                    If you had 100% yes you could run and cast but i think it does have a cap. The server delay allows you to run and cast ichi if you go back to the exact spot you started. It is not a big point, barely noticeable. It is a fall back if you can't merit emnity.

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    3) I see you listed to merit Throwing, but not the throwing skill Sange? Throwing damage with boomerangs and chakram is about the same as a katana hit, sooo I'm guessing this is mainly if I intend on using Shuriken?
                    Its just because as solo you have nothing else to merit well and with max skill +merits if your ls is rangerless for gods you can hit them with winds for dispel.

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    4) HP merits do sound like a pretty good idea, but how much HP does each merit give?
                    Every hp or mp merit is +10.

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    Aaannnnddd... I think that's all my questions for now... as far as ninjutsu DMG goes, I DO plan to fully merit Ninjutsu so we'll see how the damage is at that point and go from there. If I could land decent damage on Gods and stuff by meriting SAN scrolls and such, maybe I'd be inclined to merit that way... but if It's still either gonna do a grand total of 9-39 dmg a cast on a GoD... I don't see much reason to meriting the san scrolls and such, over much more useful things like subtle blow and ninja tool expertise.
                    San spells are nice only put out great damage /blm with a build for nuking. Merits really depends on your full job set.

                    Originally posted by Omni View Post
                    well, because i highly doubt you can drop 500 dmg per spell on all types of mobs. doing 500 dmg on imps isnt the same as doing 500dmg per spell on kirin or mamools or whatever.
                    Sevv... i was talking about an evasion tank setup. you'd need mambo if you went to tank byakko with an evasion setup. you can get byakko to miss you 60%+ of the time. no one does that shit anymore because ppl just tank with haste gear + enmity gear.
                    I have seen san and ni hit for a good amount of damage in wheel spam, Nin/Blm with Int and mab build, hot but expensive.

                    /drk is sexy that is why. You can solo tank byakko in a damage reduction set up with haste.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #11
                      Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                      Yeah... I was hitting 30-40 DMG on wheel spam the other night on Faust... it's not bad considering that it was Faust... ¬_¬ But I'd still like to see a bit more DMG out of the spells in that kind of situation. I'm pretty dead set on Meriting Ninjutsu just to be able to enfeeble some of the higher NMs and such.

                      For instance, I was able to continuously land Kurayami and Dokumori on Faust, but Hojo and Jubaku were continuously resisted... guessing he has a higher resistance to Ice.

                      Off topic quick question also, when EQing with the Elemental bonuses, do the +'s and -'s to certain elements apply just to damage taken from that element, or do they also increase strength with spells/abilities of that element?


                      • #12
                        Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                        Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                        Yeah... I was hitting 30-40 DMG on wheel spam the other night on Faust... it's not bad considering that it was Faust... ¬_¬ But I'd still like to see a bit more DMG out of the spells in that kind of situation. I'm pretty dead set on Meriting Ninjutsu just to be able to enfeeble some of the higher NMs and such.
                        For instance, I was able to continuously land Kurayami and Dokumori on Faust, but Hojo and Jubaku were continuously resisted... guessing he has a higher resistance to Ice.

                        He is ice based.

                        Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                        Off topic quick question also, when EQing with the Elemental bonuses, do the +'s and -'s to certain elements apply just to damage taken from that element, or do they also increase strength with spells/abilities of that element?
                        I will let a blm explain this to you.
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #13
                          Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                          Damn the non-believers, NIN/BLM ftw.

                          Like Sevv said though, it is ungodly expensive.

                          The following is pretty much required to justify spending the millions (yes, freaking millions) on elemental tools.

                          - H.Q. Staves for each spell
                          - Moldavite Earring
                          - Novio Earring
                          - Uggalepih Pendant
                          - Crap tonne of INT gear + food

                          and in the rest of the slots you'll want to try to get in as much haste as you can for the recasts since each San spell is 1 minute recast I believe? The guy I'm talking about has most of this (save Novio, he uses Loc. earring instead and swears by the fast cast) and loves it.

                          Both my friend and I want to try NIN/BLM badly but cringe at the cost. If you think RNG is bad, you ain't seen nothing. I'm not sure which is worse really, Top Tier Shuriken (quite likely) or /BLM ...

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                            Have him screenshot various mobs for reference. I know that ninjutsu does decent dmg but its practicalness is what im questioning. like everyone has been saying, just post some screenshots and all of us will stfu.

                            ideally, various screenshots on TW mobs, XP/Merit grade mobs of many different variety (ie: puks, mamools, trolls, colibri, etc) and end-game mobs (ie: sky, kings, sea, dynamis)

                            i know thats a lot to ss, which is why i said ideally. imps are pretty weak on defense so to me its not entirely impressive. if hes dropping 400dmg on kings then thats something to boast about. no magic-weak mobs either :p

                            i agree with the cost of gearing for a nin/blm. not funny at all but atleast you can sell all that gear back. not quite the same with rng.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #15
                              Re: Meriting Path for Ninja

                              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                              I'm not sure which is worse really, Top Tier Shuriken (quite likely) or /BLM ...
                              I don't think you can "spam" top tier shuriken.

                              Lv.75 Koga Shuriken: From quests; no history on FFXIAH (Ifrit).
                              Lv.73 Nokizaru Shuriken: It's "Rare".
                              Lv.60 Fuma Shuriken: Stacks to 12--you can't carry enough of this to spam, no matter how rich you are.
                              Also, San level -ton Ninjtus have recast of 60 seconds, while Ni level -ton's are at 45 seconds. You can't spam San level -ton's as much as the Ni level, so the casting cost would go down if your friend moved from Ni wheel to San wheel--unless he's using both.

                              If he's using both, what kind of damage does he claim he's getting out of the Ni wheel at Lv.75?
                              Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 10-12-2007, 03:55 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                              leaving no trace in the water.

                              - Mugaku

