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Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
Used OpenCanvas, Microsoft Paint, and AtlantaView.
Galeleo -New FFXI Player-
~Server: Diabolos~ *Linkshell: FinalEclipse*
-Lvl 33 Red Mage
-Lvl 16 Samurai
-Lvl 10 Warrior
-Lvl 10 Ninja
-Lvl 8 Black Mage
-Lvl 6 Beastmaster
-Lvl 7 Ranger
Improving -
Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
Once upon a time I soloed as NIN/RDM all the way to Ni. After getting Nikkariaoe and using Aquaveil I'd rarely get interrupted, plus I'm a Fast Cast addict.
Does this have anything to do with the OP? I have no idea, but for soloing xp NIN/RDM was great.sigpic
"In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.
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Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
Cool! Thanks :D
Used OpenCanvas, Microsoft Paint, and AtlantaView.
Galeleo -New FFXI Player-
~Server: Diabolos~ *Linkshell: FinalEclipse*
-Lvl 33 Red Mage
-Lvl 16 Samurai
-Lvl 10 Warrior
-Lvl 10 Ninja
-Lvl 8 Black Mage
-Lvl 6 Beastmaster
-Lvl 7 Ranger
Thanks 0
Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
How about Ninja/Thief?
Used OpenCanvas, Microsoft Paint, and AtlantaView.
Galeleo -New FFXI Player-
~Server: Diabolos~ *Linkshell: FinalEclipse*
-Lvl 33 Red Mage
-Lvl 16 Samurai
-Lvl 10 Warrior
-Lvl 10 Ninja
-Lvl 8 Black Mage
-Lvl 6 Beastmaster
-Lvl 7 Ranger
Thanks 0
Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
nin/rdm is pretty good after you get Ni elemental ninjutsu and before you could get Magic Attack Bonus II from /blm, prodided you're willing to shell out for ninja tools. So from about 40-59 I guess. You get an MAB trait which gives your spells 20% more damage, 10% less wait time between utsusemi or elemental wheel casts from the Fast Cast trait, and if for some reason the spell damage doesn't hold hate on its own you get Bind and Blind too. Magic defense bonus and sleep at 50. Be warned though, it's extremely difficult and expensive to play, and it's likely you'll run into people who don't understand the combo that will deride you or try to talk you out of it.
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Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
^ What T.M. said.
It's also great for BCNM 40: Under Observation. By lv 60 it's not really that great anymore though, since you'll be missing out on berserk and double attack from /WAR and MAB II from /BLM.
If you *really* are obsessed with fast cast though, it could be used at 70+ along with haste gear and a Loquacious earring for some crazy fast ninjutsu spamming, but that's ridiculously expensive and IMO, only really worth it on /BLM for the damage boost.
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Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
nin/rdm allows me to solo alot of things when I can't get help. Stoneskin is a major plus when soloing that nm you know is gonna hit ya.
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Re: Ninja/Red Mage Is it good?
Seems good for soloing.
Stoneskin (stack mnd where you can to boost this)
Phalanx (-8-10 damage taken depending on Enhancing skill @75)
Aquaveil (less interrupts of ninjitsu casting)
Dia/Bio (dots and defense/attack down)
Protect/shell (some extra defense and magic defense)
MAB +20 (stronger Ni nukes, to compare /BLM is +24 after the 2nd trait)
Fast Cast (recast reduction of 5% @ 30, 7.5% @70 , and double that reduction to cast times)
Mainhand a dagger to recover mp with Energy Drain
Comparing to /BLM for a nuking build, /RDM offers way more utility. /BLM offers only +4 MAB and Bio I/II. Either sub can generate enough hate to tank in the 40's from nuke spam.Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10
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