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Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

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  • #16
    Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

    To my knowledge, HH Dynamis has a long standing policy of "If pressed for time, you eat R1". Sic Kirakun on them if they whine about the R1. =b
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #17
      Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      To my knowledge, HH Dynamis has a long standing policy of "If pressed for time, you eat R1". Sic Kirakun on them if they whine about the R1. =b
      Haha, yea that is the general rule for both of my shells RMT (really mean tarus) and HH. Last night we wiped to Dynamis Lord at 1%. 1 freakin' percent!

      But ya, 3 whms, 40 read bodies, nearly 2 minute recast while do the math >.>;

      Haste and double march helps lower that significantly as well as 15% haste from gear.


      • #18
        Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

        I don't think I've ever tested myself, but I've been told repeatedly that neither Haste spell nor March affect recast timers while you're under the effect of weakness. Only the haste on your gear works then.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #19
          Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

          Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
          I don't think I've ever tested myself, but I've been told repeatedly that neither Haste spell nor March affect recast timers while you're under the effect of weakness. Only the haste on your gear works then.
          I can say with 100% accuracy that it does in fact effect recast timers. I did run the test before, but don't have the numbers with me anymore. I will dig up that spreedsheet when I get home if I remember too.


          • #20
            Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

            Necro, he meant under Weakness.

            Which, it doesn't. I've tried to Haste myself when I was weakened and refresh still was at a nice Looooong recast of about 40+ seconds.

            On Topic:
            I love hasting the Tanks, and I'm sure the tanks love me hasting them. Being level 45 again brought back OLD memories. PT dynamics are so precarious, that one wrong move spills disaster. There isn't a lot of room for error in PTs before level 73..

            NO ONE (mages, melee or support) can appreciate that unless they've seen the worst and the best and were subject to the exp grind again.

            I'm dreading the 60s, btw. I might need a static to keep myself interested.
            The Tao of Ren
            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
            Originally posted by Kaeko
            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


            • #21
              Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

              Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
              Necro, he meant under Weakness.

              Which, it doesn't. I've tried to Haste myself when I was weakened and refresh still was at a nice Looooong recast of about 40+ seconds.
              That is what I meant as well. Perhaps the ratio it reduces is altered while weakened so you wouldn't notice lower recast spells, but I know that for Raise III it does make a difference, and fairly certain that it does effect Utsusemi.

              I'll reconfirm when I get home tonight.


              • #22
                Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                March has an effect O.o? Wow, I never notice that one~

                Let say Spider AoE Slow-aga on top of March, do they overlap? (which unlike AoE Slow overwirtes Haste?)
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                • #23
                  Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                  Originally posted by Celeal View Post
                  March has an effect O.o? Wow, I never notice that one~

                  Let say Spider AoE Slow-aga on top of March, do they overlap? (which unlike AoE Slow overwirtes Haste?)
                  Yes, just as Haste and March stack, so does Slow and March. I suppose the over all outcome would just be %March - %Slow = Your new % of haste/slow.

                  To my knowledge the only thing that removes Bard Songs is Erase (elegy and such) and Dispel. So you could also have elegy/haste on you as well.


                  • #24
                    Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                    From many veteran WHMs and RDMs on my server: Haste tank, screw everyone else (Someone already posted this above)

                    And it's true. 40 x 6 = 240 MP out the door and you haven't done anything else yet. Even if you were to reduce this to just melee players, the haster must haste him/herself to even make the cycle worthwhile (To cut down the wait between each haste) and most parties are TP burn which means that 4 of your party members are melee. That is still 40 x 5 = 200 MP.

                    However, if a WHM is paired with a RDM, then they can split haste assignment, thereby making it extremely rewarding and increases the effectiveness of the party across the board. If paired with a BRD, then just haste the tank, since the BRD has the ability to haste them all in a single song.

                    I remember when I first got Haste on my RDM, I abused it and went to town with in that party after I dinged. After that I realized how much of an mp hog it was and only focused on the tank. In traditional parties, I can haste 3 and refresh 3 in each cycle w/o issues. It's when I have to main heal some TP burn party that it gets annoying. :/


                    • #25
                      Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                      If you were the tank you should of been hasted if it were available, no questions asked. My main mage job is rdm, I always cast Haste on the tank, regardless of how short of mp I get, if I'm not using much mp because I'm not main heal or not refreshing many members I will generally haste the other DD.

                      However, in the case where the mage is really cutting it fine with their mp every fight and someone in the party other than tank wants haste I think it's understandable if they do not get it.


                      • #26
                        Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                        Wow, very nice repsonses. First, pt set was: NIN, MNK, SAM, SMN, BLM, WHM. The only healing outside of me was to the MNK due to raging fists, but once he slowed down we were good to go.
                        I am a vet rdm and fully understand the haste/refresh cycles and tried to address the issue through /t and you all read the response I recieved.
                        Alwasys haste the tank for they are the one that will die for you to escape...
                        I can't wait to the 60's... <sigh>
                        "Excellence is my presence, never tense, never hesitant."
                        - Christopher Wallace
                        "Even on the darkest nights, I have the heart to fight"
                        - Tupac Shakur
                        " A crowded dies a thousand deaths, a Solider dies but one." Only was to play...


                        • #27
                          Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                          Originally posted by Keon View Post
                          I am a vet rdm and fully understand the haste/refresh cycles
                          I sometimes hated "veteran Red Mages" in parties. >_>; <_<;

                          They often forget it's not Lv.75, Convert won't give a Lv.50 RDM 800+ MP, and Fast Cast gear is the "hat" and only the "hat"--which isn't usable until Lv.60.

                          Had this one THF who wouldn't leave me alone in party... /tell after /tell of asking for Haste when I'm co-healer with a melee-Avatar SMN in a party which needed Refresh x4, and kept said stuff like "You still have 60 MP" in arguing for his 40 MP Haste. I seriously wanted to kill that "I'm RDM75, I can do it, why can't you?" THF.

                          Ended up leaving the party after he died and blamed me for it. (Guess what I just casted? Haste, to shut him up. And, why would a THF/NIN with Utusemi get beat down to 0 HP during the middle of a battle? Because he pulled without a /p macro before the current monster is dead, and I was too busy to notice and couldn't telepathically figure out what was happening.)

                          For a few days, I wouldn't put up seek flag until I put in the search comments "Showmo {No Thanks.}" Too bad a GM made me take it off. Who would have thought {No Thanks.} is language too harsh for FFXI? >_>;

                          * * *

                          I'm sure the OP isn't one of those kind of RDM75.

                          I guess my real point is just asking people to be a little more understanding of lower level mages when they recently received role changing spells. And, don't carry expectations from Lv.75 merit parties down to Lv.50 or something. ^_^;
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #28
                            Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                            I stated that asked through /t, not /p, about casting haste. I am not fond of the "vet rdm" as well and never mention it during play. I play to play, not to coach.
                            When my character is tanking I do expect the healers to know how to play their jobs. This is not a matter of knowing advance casting techniques. Haste should be used regardless of what you do. It is a great asset in exp pt, wether nin or pld tanks. The mp used to cast the spell clearly is justified by the effect.
                            "Excellence is my presence, never tense, never hesitant."
                            - Christopher Wallace
                            "Even on the darkest nights, I have the heart to fight"
                            - Tupac Shakur
                            " A crowded dies a thousand deaths, a Solider dies but one." Only was to play...


                            • #29
                              Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                              Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                              I sometimes hated "veteran Red Mages" in parties. >_>; <_<;

                              They often forget it's not Lv.75, Convert won't give a Lv.50 RDM 800+ MP, and Fast Cast gear is the "hat" and only the "hat"--which isn't usable until Lv.60.
                              I feel your pain, my red mage is only level 60 at the moment but sometimes I get really put off of leveling it. I don't mind people giving me helpful tips, red mage was my first mage I bothered to really level past 37 and when I had haste and refresh to handle with I wanted to make sure I cast on everyone I needed to and didn't miss anything. So I asked a 75 rdm friend who told me to Refresh > Haste > Refresh etc and then just start the cycle again when your own Refresh wears. However, I absolutely hate it when people decide to throw in their own opinion of your red mage skills, unasked and let's face it, most of the time they're just being arrogant. No one likes to be told how to play their job, no one plays a certain job exactly the same way. They have to learn what works best for them whilst leveling.

                              I once replaced a red mage in a level 55ish party, the leader spammed me with /tells saying I should be meleeing at the same time, to which I replied I wanted to rest as much as I could (especially seeing as they were pulling like it was a merit party) but he just complained how their last red mage, a taru red mage never had to rest. If I had the mp pool of a taru I would of gladly never rested However seeing as I don't have uber mp he had to shut up and put up with me needing to rest. But not after trying to argue how him ( a pup) needed haste a hell of a lot more than the tank.

                              I think if someone asks for advice on their job, give it to them, if not leave them the hell alone unless they are seriously messing up big time.


                              • #30
                                Re: Haste (Can I have it?) (Can you hear me?)

                                People are retarded.
                                Last edited by WishMaster3K; 07-26-2007, 09:01 AM.
                                The Tao of Ren
                                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                                Originally posted by Kaeko
                                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

