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Ninja's who say "Ni"

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  • #16
    Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

    I was always told THF TH does NOT affect:

    Rare/ex and BCNM drops.


    • #17
      Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

      Wow... that really makes me feel like a dope... =/

      Noob-Cakes FTW


      • #18
        Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

        If I recall correctly TH modifies quantity of drops, not quality. Considering that you (usually) get 6 items per run, with a set format (you always get 1 hect eye and 1 mercury from under obs, for example), I don't think that TH would apply here.

        To the OP, my best advice is not to hold out for BCs exclusively but to find a niche in which you can make gil which you support with peripheral activities such as bcnming. It took a while but I was eventually able to save up enough cash money to outright buy the scroll.

        Keep in mind that, even if you DO win, you're not even guaranteed the drop, so BCs are pretty much a gamble and not an assurance.


        • #19
          Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

          Yeah, I have the money to outright buy Utsusemi Ni, but if I do that... one: there goes all my savings, and two: I don't feel much like I accomplished anything.

          I may be trying to go too far too fast in the game though... I'm probably going to give Royal Jellies a run through and if that goes nastily too then I think I'll just suck it up and buy the scroll.


          • #20
            Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

            Originally posted by Jei View Post
            Under Observation is a really easy BC. However, you really need to be 40 Nin and already have all Ni spells to win it.
            Agreed, My GF did this this past weekend and got Ni twice in one night... I don't remember how many runs that night though, maybe 5.

            My success rate in victories for this BCNM is high too... lost my first time because I was not experienced with it.

            Ask a friend to do it for you. Figure something out so that you can get it and pay them back somehow.


            • #21
              Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

              I won this bc 6 times last night and got nothing worthwhile. It's really hit or miss, and if you consider yourself a lucky person you might get something more valuable than 30k.

              Nin is just a really high upkeep job. Equipping mine at 40 took over 400k (Scrolls, tools, armor, accessories) and I didn't even purchase the high-end equipment (emp pin, for example). A player who doesn't have a good source of money (and, as such, a means of getting 500k without breaking their bank) may want to consider putting off nin until later on.


              • #22
                Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                Royal Jelly has a fairly craptastic drop rate for the good stuff. Out of the 12-14 times I've done it I've only seen 2-3 erase and 1 archer's ring drop. It's best to save up and buy this stuff. BCNM drops are more luck then anything so I wouldn't be too worried about 'accomplishments'. Camp NM gear for that satisfaction, at least that stuff you can show off.

                As for the ele spells, they are a PAIN IN THE ASS to farm. I was in Oz massacring Conquistadors for 3 weeks and all I got were the three cheapy spell drops. There's a reason some are more expensive then others, it's because some of the spells just DO NOT DROP. I know what you're thinking, I should've taken a thf with TH2. Only problem was that I was the thf with TH2. I ended up buying those three expensive spells. =/
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #23
                  Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                  Thanks for all the feed back folks, This has been a HUGE help in influencing my decision. I have a couple good friends who might take out Jelly for me, but I really do think I'm just gonna buy the scrolls.

                  If the drop rates are really so crappy it's just not worth the added stress, I like the suggestion of camping some NMs for cool stuff... I've actually been planing to head out and camp VE now that I have my RNG Sub up for THF. Also, I got a level 75 pally buddy who wants to camp some Ochido's Kote... so that should be fun =P.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                    Originally posted by Eji Kazuma View Post
                    Thanks for all the feed back folks, This has been a HUGE help in influencing my decision. I have a couple good friends who might take out Jelly for me, but I really do think I'm just gonna buy the scrolls.

                    If the drop rates are really so crappy it's just not worth the added stress, I like the suggestion of camping some NMs for cool stuff... I've actually been planing to head out and camp VE now that I have my RNG Sub up for THF. Also, I got a level 75 pally buddy who wants to camp some Ochido's Kote... so that should be fun =P.
                    Hey, you're on Diabolos. So am I. Maybe I can talk to my GF about handing one over. send me a /tell. Same name as here.


                    • #25
                      Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                      DUDE! That would be AWESOME! But that is a lot to hand over, if it's not okay for her to hand it over then I'll just buy it directly from her. That way atleast the cash is going to a player and not some RMT's.


                      • #26
                        Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                        Ok. Just send me a tell. I'll talk with her and work out a deal with ya.


                        • #27
                          Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                          Uhoh... I just checked... one of them has been sold for 550k... so I guess she has 1 left, lol.


                          • #28
                            Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                            Sweet, my name is just Eji on the game... but I'm at work ATM so it'll be a little while before I can hop on the game.

                            Will you guys be on at all later tonight?

                            EDIT: GAH! That's okay though, like I said... If I gotta I'll just buy it from her. I'd rather the money go to a player then just some random RMT if I'm gonna buy it.


                            • #29
                              Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                              Royal Jelly's is such an easy BCNM as long as your 2 melees are up to par. I did it back on my old Galka character with another WAR/MNK and a WHM/BLM. The WHM handled Binding the jellies, using Elemental Seal on the first one and also started us melee's off with Haste. I'd assume it'd go alittle easier on my Hume RDM with both Gravity and Convert available. We never once let a Jelly hit the middle(although the last one was always abit close) with the exception of one time we let the last Jelly with weak HP hit it so I could see what would happen first hand.

                              I really do like that BCNM, it's one of the few BCNM's that could be done with practically any 2 melee jobs and 1 mage job that can Heal/Bind and also has very good drop rates. On my Galka I went 2/4 on Ni, and also got a Phalanx scroll for my RDM. I'm planning on doing it again very very soon since my xp static partners finally got enough seals.

                              But yea, if you can't BCNM it(if you equip yourself for DD and have a great DD and mage it's doable) just buy ity, Ni is an extremely important spell that seperates NIN mains from NIN subs in regards to tanking ability untl 74, you can always just do Under Observation at 40 and remake it easily.
                              Cleverness - Hades
                              DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                              • #30
                                Re: Ninja's who say "Ni"

                                I gotta Admit, even a 'CHANCE' at a peacock charm is worth trying Under Observation. Sure... the Chance that you'll get one is practicly as low as getting the drop of jaggedy eared jack... but still... it's a chance =P

