So i started lvling Nin last nite. Spent a few hours at it and got to lvl 10 pretty fast with my empress band. But to my questions --> Should i focus more on Agi, Eva, Dex and Str more than anything? Secondly, Whats some great food besides Meat mithkabobs? Should I maybe go Boiled Crab for Def+ or stick with meat kabobs? Also anyone on fariy i could use the help with the Ichi quests in Norg...
last question I also started lvling CC becasue of all the Yag necklaces and wind crystals from lvlin in Sarutabu is that a good craft to accompany Nin?
last question I also started lvling CC becasue of all the Yag necklaces and wind crystals from lvlin in Sarutabu is that a good craft to accompany Nin?