Re: Re-envisioning NIN
Honestly the best idea I've heard so far to balance Nin tanking is to make Utsu a non-100% dmg blocker. Instead you make it a 'chance' to block/evade dmg based on your current shadow count. But in the end that would only do so much, so I figure adding two new abilities for Pld would even the playing field.
One ability would be a spell, that when in effect, would turn all dmg blocked with a shield to 0. In essance bringing back the older shield blocking system where no dmg was recieved when blocked with a shield. And the second idea would be a short recast (about 2 minutes) JA that would negate any dmg dealt from the next offensive spell cast on the target, and turn it into MP gained. Basically it would be Celes' Runic ability from FFXI, which would fit perfectly on Pld as it helps with two of Pld's glaring problems. Those being MP dependancy and the total inability to negate magic damage, two things nin does not have to worry about.
Those three changes would drastically change the playing field for tanks, without causing major overhauls to the way the game is played.
Honestly the best idea I've heard so far to balance Nin tanking is to make Utsu a non-100% dmg blocker. Instead you make it a 'chance' to block/evade dmg based on your current shadow count. But in the end that would only do so much, so I figure adding two new abilities for Pld would even the playing field.
One ability would be a spell, that when in effect, would turn all dmg blocked with a shield to 0. In essance bringing back the older shield blocking system where no dmg was recieved when blocked with a shield. And the second idea would be a short recast (about 2 minutes) JA that would negate any dmg dealt from the next offensive spell cast on the target, and turn it into MP gained. Basically it would be Celes' Runic ability from FFXI, which would fit perfectly on Pld as it helps with two of Pld's glaring problems. Those being MP dependancy and the total inability to negate magic damage, two things nin does not have to worry about.
Those three changes would drastically change the playing field for tanks, without causing major overhauls to the way the game is played.