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Maat fight thread

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  • Maat fight thread

    Ok, new poster here, and just thought I'd leave a thread here for everyone's accounts of their own Maat fight as a ninja.

    Now, this thread is for up and coming ninja's to look at and get kind of a feel for how this fight works. Any and all accounts of the fight are welcome, including those that you lost, cause you learn the most from the losses then other people's victories.
    I'll start things off:

    Maat fight: May 25, 2006. LVL. 66

    body: Scorpion Harness
    head: emperor hairpin
    neck: spirit torque / opo-opo necklace
    earrings: dodge earring/drone earring
    hands: AF
    rings: venerer/sun (venerer is +3 acc)
    back: amemet mantle
    waist: life belt
    legs: AF
    feet: AF
    ammo: bailathorn (+3acc)
    weapon: Kororito +1 X2

    Not the best equipment, but its adequate. Plenty of other options to make this better, but I'll leave equipment decisions up to you.

    Misc items: x7 hi-pots, vile elixer, x4 sleep potions, eye drops, echo drops, remedy, antidote, sole sushi, icarus wing. (items used: x4 hi-pots, x4 sleep potions, sole sushi, 1x antidote). I'm assuming you have the appropriate ninja tools as well.

    Actual Fight:
    Utsusemi: Ni is cast
    opo-opo necklace is equipped and x4 sleep potions used for 100%tp
    food is eaten
    enter arena=> weapons drawn, but Maat is not engaged.
    katon + suiton: Ni is cast to remove shadows (still far away from Maat; Maat casts spell as well)
    Maat is engaged; Maat's shadows are stripped.
    *Kurayami: Ni is cast. Immediately following Blade: Jin is used.
    Maat casts Utsusemi: Ni
    Strip Maat's shadows (I recasted around Ni around here as well)
    Hojo: Ni is casted on Maat.
    fight and recast as needed, heal using hi-pots as needed, and any detrimental effects placed upon you.
    Maat casts Utsusemi: Ni
    Strip Maat's shadows
    Jubaku: Ichi is cast (not that much time passed between Hojo and Jubaku being cast)
    continue fighting 100%tp is gained
    Blade: Jin is used
    Maat uses Mijin Gakure=> 194dmg taken (lucky)
    A couple more swings Maat gives up. Icarus wing was ready to be used, but because the battle ends, Icarus wing is not used.

    Total fight time 6min 36seconds. 2-3 minutes preparing, so its a short battle.
    Ok, I think this fight went really well, and I had a little bit of luck on my side. Maat used the ws Dragon Kick on me(shadows absorbed the ws), and not Asuran's Fist (which I'm sure can cause some trouble), if this happens try to put shadows up if you can Ni preferably, if low on health use hi-pots instead, shadows as soon as you can.
    Anyways, I was hit twice for 132 and 193 respectively, 519dmg taken total. Nothing hi-pots couldn't heal back, I ended the fight with 770hp/950+ (can't remember exactly). I was poisoned, but an antidote took care of that. Vile elixer was for just in case Maat doesn't give up right away after Mijin Gakure, or Asuran's fist was used. Try to keep hp high, I've heard accounts of Mijin Gakure doing 400+ dmg, so take care. Maat gave up around 20%hp or less.
    *note: Extremely lucky here, Maat was casting Utsusemi: Ni, just as I hit my Blade: Jin macro, thankfully it got through before shadows were cast.

    That's my Maat fight in a nutshell, Maat gave up very quickly after he used Mijin Gakure, and that's how I won. Just take any necessary precautions, and you should do just fine, and never panic, that's probably the number one thing that causes people to fail this fight. Hopefully this helps any up and coming ninja's, and I hope others who have done this fight can add their experiences as well, win or loss. BYE~ (sorry for the long post, hope I don't hurt anyone's eyes)

    Dignified Destruction 死ね 

    NINJA-> AF1{o} AF2(legs){o} AF3(body){o} AF4(feet){o} AF5(head){o} AF6(hands){o}

    NINJA AFv2-> head{o} body{o} hands{x} legs{o} feet{x}

    Limit Break-> 1{o} 2{o} 3{o} 4{o} 5{o} (Maat defeated at 66)

    Main=> 75nin. Rank7 Windurst, Zilart [completed], CoP [completed], ToAU 22, Merits:19 [crits +4]{katana +3}[Ninja tools expertise +1]

    Next up!~>> SMN (I need Fenrir and Diabolos)

  • #2
    Re: Maat fight thread

    congratulations on your win!

    pretty much went the same way for me.
    i geared up in all af. nothing really special. once you land kurayami, he starts to miss like crazy.

    entered, sleep 100tp, 4 elemental ni, kurayami, hojo, jubaku and went to town. didnt break my utsu cycle once. only dmg i took was from him landing a howling fist at the end of the fight. he gave up promptly after landing my 3rd blade: jin.

    you only really need to worry about hp if he blows up. if u like, bring a few hi-potions but i honestly dont think its needed. im a taru and i didnt have anything to fear, so the rest of the other races should be even better off.

    good luck!
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

