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What race makes a good NIN?

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  • #16
    Re: What race makes a good NIN?

    all the hp in the world wont mean a thing when you cant keep your utsusemi up. a nin gets hit for 2-4 times more than a pld does with its piss poor defense rating.

    str is always good.
    vit doesnt mean anything as nin. you'll get tagged for 2-4 times more regardless of vit.

    agility isnt that important, since evasion does more for less.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #17
      Re: What race makes a good NIN?

      From a strictly racial point of view I would say Mithras make the best NIN and Galka or Elvaan make the best DRK.


      • #18
        Re: What race makes a good NIN?

        I love these kind of chats, because primarily they don't go anywhere. If he has already preconcieved of what he wants to play, and what he wants to look like, then that is the route that he will take.

        It takes quite a while before people realize that "Race means nothing" in terms of skill & items. Your number 1 priority is to learn your job that you like to play. Once you learn that well, get the items you need for that job to make you better than what you can previously accomplish to be.

        Omni is prime example of a Tarutaru who like to slash things than blowing them up. (Well if you count nin 2hr that doesn't count Omni... you know it doesn't...) There's another Tarutaru NIN @ 75 on our server that has really nice gear and does a great job at Kiting Kirin (Koagula). Then I've met a Tarutaru Paladin that tanks and does well in keeping hate (Senseless, also on his way to Excalibur, havn't checked him recently to see what his coin collection is at) There's also a JP Tarutaru RDM named Avesta that SOLO's various NM's and a God.

        What is important is... PLAY A JOB THAT YOU ENJOY AND THAT YOU CAN DO WELL AT
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #19
          Re: What race makes a good NIN?

          Ditto, Play a Job you like. im tired of people saying

          "oh elvaans are the best" or Mithra or Galka or Tarutaru the only race that is good at everything but also not Best or Worse at the jobs is Hume so basicly there the best is some cases.


          • #20
            Re: What race makes a good NIN?

            Originally posted by Taskmage
            Stats DO matter, but the natural difference in stats between races is nothing that can't be overcome with good equipment.Disagree entirely concerning hp and vit. Nin's method of tanking involves getting hit as little as possible, which minimizes the impact of hp and vit. If you're sturdy enough to survive until you recast blink (which can be no time at all depending on skill) then you have enough hp.
            You are wrong. On paper, they don't get hit. But in reality, believe me, they get hit. A lot. There are a lot monsters with TP moves that go right through Utsusemi such as AoE and breath attacks.

            And like it or not, but even the best NIN in the world WILL run out of shadows at some points, either by a streak of bad luck, not having a Haster or enemies with Dispel attacks.
            A good example is when exping on Goobues in the tree. When the healer isn't very fast with curing Parlysis and Silence, NIN will occasionally be left "naked" for a few seconds. When that happens and of course just now you see the Goob charging that well timed Uppercut, you will want to be Galka because a taru isn't going to survive it no matter how hard he prays.

            I'm not saying NIN have to invest in HP gear because that stat is extremely expensive, it is typically only raised by end-game NINs. There are other useful things to spend your equipment slots on like STR or evasion.
            BUT Galka have a huge advantage over the other races when it comes to survivabilty. And if there's one thing that's important to a tank, it's survivabilty. A dead tank is useless.
            AGI on the other hand, which you all swear by is almost the same for every race.
            Starting stats: MIT8 TAR8 GAL7 HUM7 ELV6.
            Either way, Galka aren't exactly poor in this stat.

            I'm not saying other races can't do it (one of the best NINs I've met is a taru), I'm just saying that Galka have the most favorable stats for the job. I don't see how anyone can say Mithra has the best stats for it (2nd lowest STR and HP of all races, AGI only very slightly better)
            Last edited by Wanta; 03-21-2006, 02:48 PM.


            • #21
              Re: What race makes a good NIN?

              He wasn't liking the "Race doesn't matter" answer, so I just fed him what he wanted to hear. I personally don't believe in race > job seeing as I play Tarudin >.>


              • #22
                Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                sorry, but you are wrong. if a nin is getting tagged for more than 4-5 times in a typical xp situation, he/she is doing something wrong. if they are going for the dd setup, they need to have more backline support since dd setup most likely invovles -evasion pieces. but to say a nin gets hit often is really not accurate. im not saying they evade 100% of anything but they shouldnt really have a hard time keeping shadows up/ not getting hit if everything is done correctly.

                i agree with you that more hp does help in those oh crap situations but as a taru nin, i havent had many times where ive feared the dreaded 1 shot. i think ive been 1 shotted only a handful of times in my 75 lvls. but i cant even count the number of times that having my utsusemi up longer has saved me.

                no one is swearing by agi. i dont think anyone has said anything big about agi. its evasion. agi slots are better used for str/atk/dex/acc. you're mixing it up.

                mithra are good nin b/c of the natural high agi. their agi is higher so it pushes up the 'soft cap' on evasion. then again, you need to be a nin yourself to really understand how much evasion really matters to you. dodging even just 2 attacks in your ni or ichi cycle means all the difference. while backline players might not even notice it, it IS very important.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #23
                  Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                  I have to agree with omni, Evasion is the #1 priority stat for NIN. Natural evasion helps tremendously with your utsu cycle.


                  • #24
                    Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                    id like to mention, evasion becomes much less of a concern once you start reaching 72-73. actually you do yourself less benefit by having a bunch of equip slots filled with evasion.

                    however, the first 90% of your nin career evasion means a lot.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #25
                      Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                      To me personally, race does not affect the NIN situation as much as other jobs, sure Taru might have less STR and HP, but the skill of the NIN keeping shadows up and knowing what to do when the "Oh shit shadows are down!" phase really seperates the men from the boys. Races like Galka and Elvaan just give you more leeway, but even then really, its not by that much i would think...the skill of the NIN is what determines its power, and i personally think the NIN is the job that require the greatest ammount of concentration and REALLY puts skill first and to the test. So if you suck, you suck not because you arent a Galka or Elvaan, you just plain suck or are camping vs the wrong mobs(like MNK type)...which can turn around and mean the same thing ;o

                      Props to all the good NINs who can keep shadows up and hate solid, i seen some awesome and pretty shitty NIN tanks and the differences are huge.
                      Last edited by lionx; 03-21-2006, 07:52 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                        Damn straight.


                        • #27
                          Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                          As I said in my previous post if you read it, all races can do NIN just fine. I just said Galka have an advantage and I illustrated it with an example of an oh-crap-situation as you call it.
                          Galka has the highest chance of surviving those and that is why they have an edge to the other races stat-wise.

                          The OP asked what the best race for NIN is, and that is Galka with their above average attack power and insanely high HP, period.
                          You are saying you don't swear by AGI, but at the same time you say Mithra have the best NIN stats because their AGI is (almost unnoticeably) higher.
                          Last edited by Wanta; 03-22-2006, 08:10 AM.


                          • #28
                            Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                            The only time the stats really matter is galka mages.
                            Besides that, FFXI is very flexible.

                            And not all ppl can play nin. Especially first timers (because nin is hard to play+costs shitloads of gil) ofcourse, the price of nin tools won't be that much of a burden if you can craft them.

                            Racial stat won't even be close to being noticeable until you hit 75, when there is around +-6-8 points of difference in the stats you're strong/weak at.

                            EDIT: One more thing to note.
                            The only really noticeable difference between races pre-75 is HP. HP is actually crucial at endgame+some mobs that you lvl off of. The biggest example would be sickle slash from spiders. Tarus are in a much more higher risk than elvaans/galkas (due to the low HP).


                            • #29
                              Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                              Originally posted by Wanta
                              As I said in my previous post if you read it, all races can do NIN just fine. I just said Galka have an advantage and I illustrated it with an example of an oh-crap-situation as you call it.
                              Galka has the highest chance of surviving those and that is why they have an edge to the other races stat-wise.

                              The OP asked what the best race for NIN is, and that is Galka with their above average attack power and insanely high HP, period.
                              You are saying you don't swear by AGI, but at the same time you say Mithra have the best NIN stats because their AGI is (almost unnoticeably) higher.
                              like ive said, you're wrong. you're judging the whole job on situations that happen oh, i'd say at best 10% of the time. so the other 90% of the time, who makes the better nin when they are tanking normally? the other 90% of the time when your hp doesnt really mean a damn, who wins out? just like your saying 'statistically' galka has this and that in THOSE situations, the other 90% of normal tanking, other races are statistically better at those other things too. so what then? now, if you have oh crap situations more often than not, id say your nin needs to get his timing down more.

                              the op obviously isnt really looking for an objective answer. he just wants someone to agree with him that elvaan are good ninjas so he can feel better about his choice. its been stated many many times that elvaans are good nins as well as other races but it still doesnt get through. nin entails many different stats. im sure as youve noticed by now, not 1 race has great stats for every catagory across the board. its different if you were a blm or mnk or sam, since those jobs focus on a few stats mainly. some people fail to get it into their heads there are no end all answers for everything. everyone keeps trying to find the 1 answer for their job in every single situation possible. it isnt going to happen. nin focuses on many things so its impossible to pinpoint down statistically what race is THE very best. if you play the job well, youll be great.
                              Last edited by Omni; 03-22-2006, 11:13 AM.
                              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                              • #30
                                Re: What race makes a good NIN?

                                A problem with nin/wars at especially low levels is holding hate so i guess elvaan galka, but then again holding hate is based on how you time voke so i guess i can support the no race matters at endgame.

                                A ? I have to nin is to whether use str or agi rings when tanking on swap them on the fly i know it depends on the melee setup since drk or sam will always get hit no matter how good the tank.

                                What do you use when you don't tank also?


                                Main Jobs- Rdm 60 Smn 31 Bst 28 Blu 27

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