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nin cost per lvl

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  • nin cost per lvl

    hey all u ninja's. hows it hangin?

    no offense to any warriors out there, but i really hate lvling the WAR job, but the thing is, i play PLD, so i need to. then i thought, what if i lvled NIN to sub for WAR, maybe it wouldnt be so bad then.

    slight problem: lets just say i'm not the richest guy around. could somebody please tell me the amount of gil i would spend per lvl on ninja tools through the dunes. it would be really helpful to have an estimate of what i would be spending.

    thanks in advance
    back, after... 3 months?
    cuz WoW just totally sucks

    And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

  • #2
    Re: nin cost per lvl

    Shihei prices are always fluctuating, and differ from server to server. In addition, you could use a very different amount of shihei per party, depending on the skill of your back ups.

    It's been a while since I leveled Ninja, but I recall using at most two stacks of shihei per level early on. Since you're only going through the dunes, I'd say be ready to spend maybe 150-300k on ninja tools though level 20, but it can change given a few different circumstances.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


    • #3
      Re: nin cost per lvl

      WAR/NIN can't solo tank effectively 'til 1) level 58 with a BRD (Carnage Elegy) or 2) 74 for subbed Utsusemi: Ni. I'm not sure what you want to get out of NIN sub, but if it's DDing, may as well just go WAR/THF. Pai Pai Master nailed it though, I recall using a bit under a stack of Shihei per hour.


      • #4
        Re: nin cost per lvl

        Originally posted by Armando
        WAR/NIN can't solo tank effectively 'til 1) level 58 with a BRD (Carnage Elegy) or 2) 74 for subbed Utsusemi: Ni. I'm not sure what you want to get out of NIN sub, but if it's DDing, may as well just go WAR/THF. Pai Pai Master nailed it though, I recall using a bit under a stack of Shihei per hour.
        well, all i want to do is make WAR a bit cooler to lvl for me, while at the same time lvling NIN for other subs such as THF or PLD (during ballista)
        back, after... 3 months?
        cuz WoW just totally sucks

        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


        • #5
          Re: nin cost per lvl

          lvling nin 12 to 37, get into, or create duo tank parties. best would be 2 tanks that have utsusemi. every 5 shadows, you trade hate. works really well.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: nin cost per lvl

            Well it looks like your only putting your WAR to 37 so in that case your NIN would have to be level 18. Assuming that you quest all your scrolls thats gonna be cheap.

            As far as level 18 equipment goes the most expensive piece would probably be the +3 evasion back piece @ approx 100k Kujata price. Throw in about 500k worth of lowbie equipment if you go for the +1 stuff and your good. You'll see a good 90% of that gil back though when your done leveling.
            75BLM/41RDM WHM37 61NIN/WAR37 MNK10 THF8
            Bastok: 10 Windurst: 7-1
            ZM: DONE CoP 8-1 ToAU8
            Goldsmithing: 48.7+1 Clothcraft: 83.0+1


            • #7
              Re: nin cost per lvl

              NIN doesn't become insanely expensive til 40+. Pre-40, you won't be using the Tonjutsu Wheel too much since the long cast makes it inefficient, and Shihei usage with only Ichi is negligible. Now, I mean that as in compared to after 37 when you get Ni. Pre-37/40, I'd say if an estimate was needed it'd be anywhere from 75k-100k/lvl depending on your servers economy. Keep in mind, that's strictly tools and food cost. If you're using any of the sushi's above and beyond squid, it can get a lil more pricey. I didn't start using Dorado til I was solo-tanking IE: No backup vokers after 37 when you get Ni.

              EDIT: Also, each lvl it will get a little more expensive for the per lvl cost due to more exp being required to lvl.
              Last edited by Intensity; 01-26-2006, 08:22 AM.


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