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NIN tank?

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  • #16
    Re: NIN tank?

    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
    Sadly, that opinion is all too widespread yet people still expect the 75 paladin to appear and tank the mobs a ninja can't. Makes me wonder how they're supposed to level and compensate for lost xp on HNMs when they're viewed as such a poor tank alongside ninja.
    Agreed. I'll commonly take whoever is LFG as long as they don't have a bad reputation. There's also quite a few PLDs on my server who I would invite before any NIN I wasn't familiar with, based on my prior experience with them. I never had a problem repeteadly chain 5'ing with a good PLD at any level, so I don't quite know where the animosity towards them is coming from.
    Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

    THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


    • #17
      Re: NIN tank?

      as a thf, i party with mostly ninja tanks. the reason isn't because ninjas are better than pld's, so much as ninjas really need a thf to be at their best (post 33). with a pld, i feel rather useless because the pld doesn't need me lol. however, a pt with both a nin and a thf is fun. the nin can keep hate well enough to function and he takes less damage than a pld.

      try a nin nin thf/nin thf/nin blm rdm 33+ pt. that's a fun pt setup. no one gets hit, no one loses hate, and you get 2 mb'sts on any fight that lasts over 10 seconds ,4 mb's with a rdm who knows how to burst too.

      and did i mention no downtime? you can chain as long as there's mobs to chain.

      i dont have animosity towards pld's. i simply like ninjas better.
      Last edited by aegina; 11-22-2005, 07:54 AM.

      ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
      Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
      I live to entertain!


      • #18
        Re: NIN tank?

        Being a THF myself I completely understand. NINs make it easy for us to meet our max potential, and that's a nice trait in a tank for any DD. Most NINs prefer to have a THF around, but this is not always the case as there are several level ranges where NINs do fine on their own. One thing I notice about PLD is they generally like to pile on the hate in mass quantities, and they DO generally like having THF around. Now if they're going to work with you or not is another story completely ;p

        I guess the best thing I could say is PLD's are "different," but its still quite possible to exp completely effectively with them, even as THF. Just have to be in synch, being in a static helps. In exp hell the PLD knows how we do it so well that he conserves his MP best as he can, we pull mobs as they die. If he loses hate due to MP being low, he knows the skillchain is coming shortly with the THF to put it back on him. I never honestly stopped a chain because the PLD was a little low on MP, they have plenty of abilities on their own right to hold hate fine. Set the tone by pulling quickly, most PLDs can keep up even if they dont know it ;p

        I can say one thing though, I've been in parties with NIN tanks where we were doing things I KNEW I couldn't do with a PLD. But it definitely goes both ways . . .
        Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

        THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


        • #19
          Re: NIN tank?

          At low lvls, nins can tank easily depending on how fast the pt can kill the mob. Just have shadows up, start recast before the last shadow gets eaten (not after all the shadows are down), then if u timed it correctly, u'll get a fresh new batch of shadows. Thats 6 (its been a while since I played so I could be wrong) free evaded hits. A great pt will be able to kill the mob soon after u run out of shadows.


          • #20
            Re: NIN tank?

            yes, it's six evaded hits, plus however many hits you dodged naturally.

            i think the op met a ninja who didnt have the timing down. it took me a couple levels to get the hang of blink-tanking. it wasn't until level 14-17 ish i think that i really started to tank well, because i kept losing count of my and my partner's shadows.

            but in 37 levels, i only had one person die on me (not counting the puller dying away from camp during a bad pull). and i dont think i died either. my one person who died, oddly enough, was a bard who somehow pulled hate and was one-shotted by a screwdriver. how the heck can a taru bard pull hate off two ninja tanks? my shadows were down and the other ninja's provoke wasn't ready.

            other than that one death in dunes, all went well 1-37
            Last edited by aegina; 11-22-2005, 07:46 AM.

            ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
            Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
            I live to entertain!


            • #21
              Re: NIN tank?

              Well 6 hits is really 5 often, to eat a shadows to keep from getting interrupted. double attack, WS, and stuff ruins calculations. It's been made worse since multi shadow raping WSs.

              It used to be that gobling killing was the best xp from 15->30 for nins, but not anymore since gobbie rush takes 3 shadows now, not 1, which defeats much of the purpose of choosing goblins.

              Nin's get very little breaks pre 37, just got to live with it.


              • #22
                Re: NIN tank?

                thanks for the info
                My Split Personality
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                • #23
                  Re: NIN tank?

                  np both pld's and ninjas are very good tanks. what really annoys me tho are the warriors who refuse to tank.

                  but each of the different tanking jobs does their own thing in thier own way.

                  ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                  Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                  I live to entertain!


                  • #24
                    Re: NIN tank?

                    Originally posted by kuu
                    Well 6 hits is really 5 often, to eat a shadows to keep from getting interrupted. double attack, WS, and stuff ruins calculations. It's been made worse since multi shadow raping WSs.
                    I forgot, but at what lvl range do the mobs u xp in starts to have double attack? I don't remember being double attacked till around 25.


                    • #25
                      Re: NIN tank?

                      Originally posted by Kagerou
                      I forgot, but at what lvl range do the mobs u xp in starts to have double attack? I don't remember being double attacked till around 25.
                      Earilier, depending on what levels your pt at. Mandy is most noticable, but I remember crabs having double attack in qufim, been a while though.

                      Beastmen's have it real earily. Wouldn't be surprised if gobs in Valkrum have them.

                      Guestimating, if they have it at lvl 25 like wars, then lvl 25 monster would be faught by a pt at lvl 19-22.


                      • #26
                        Re: NIN tank?

                        I agree, about the wars not wanting to tank. Makes me angry to. Really when they have better armor then me and they only want to secdondary tank >
                        My Split Personality
                        Which FF Character Are You?

                        Which FF Character Are You?


                        • #27
                          Re: NIN tank?

                          i remember being double attacked once in awhile in dunes, by pugils. it was rare, but it happened.

                          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                          I live to entertain!

