Before I begin, I realise this will be a hot potato but of late I've been questioning why every job 74+ can essentially have access to the one spell-like ability that makes us what we are.
Sure, our evasion skill plays no small part in our tanking role but no-one can deny the advent of Utsusemi: Ni at 37 is the turning point in our tanking career. The real issue I have is the fact every other job gets to acquire this class-defining ability. I don't see anyone else receiving regen 2, haste, refresh, D2, TH2, etc so why should any other job out there receive Ni. I understand the three shadows limit as a sub but that really doesn't hurt so much considering they also have Utsu Ichi to fall back on.
Other jobs bring their own strengths to the table whereas our main role is tanking in parties and DD a distant second if we can find the right party setup. I'd be interested in people's opinions on the idea of upping Utsusemi: Ni to level 38 or above thus negating it's ability to be used by non ninjas.
Sure, our evasion skill plays no small part in our tanking role but no-one can deny the advent of Utsusemi: Ni at 37 is the turning point in our tanking career. The real issue I have is the fact every other job gets to acquire this class-defining ability. I don't see anyone else receiving regen 2, haste, refresh, D2, TH2, etc so why should any other job out there receive Ni. I understand the three shadows limit as a sub but that really doesn't hurt so much considering they also have Utsu Ichi to fall back on.
Other jobs bring their own strengths to the table whereas our main role is tanking in parties and DD a distant second if we can find the right party setup. I'd be interested in people's opinions on the idea of upping Utsusemi: Ni to level 38 or above thus negating it's ability to be used by non ninjas.