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katana skill+ equips?

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  • katana skill+ equips?

    are their any katana skill+ equips? wondering if theirs any chance possable to get blade: ku at lvl 71..

  • #2
    Re: katana skill+ equips?

    Equipment skill+ will not make you learn any WS faster, though merit points will. I tried to get Spirits Within on my RNG; 5 levels under what you needed to learn it and I put on my Supp. on and no dice grandma.

    Though merit points will work, as see how you can learn sidewinder at like level 52/53 with enough merits.

    I hope that answered your question, though I wasn't sure why you would want to have it at 71, unless you meant the quest and even that equipment skill+ won't help.


    • #3
      Re: katana skill+ equips?

      No, you can't.

      Merits will increase skill, but you can't increase katana skill with any other job than ninja, which needs to be at 75 to do so.


      • #4
        Re: katana skill+ equips?

        "Merits will increase skill, but you can't increase katana skill with any other job than ninja, which needs to be at 75 to do so."

        Hm? You can merit level ANY Combat Skills with ANY job, as long as it's Lv.75. Only job-specific merits are restricted to jobs, so you don't need to be a Ninja to power up Katana skill. 空 is a good WS but when compared to 迅... good game. Why would you want it so fast?
        Last edited by kazuri; 07-17-2005, 10:33 PM.
        Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


        • #5
          Re: katana skill+ equips?

          you can only merit combat skills that your 75 Job can use.

          ie as a ninja i can't merit great axe.

          and since only ninjas can use katana...
          Wandering Minstrel~


          • #6
            Re: katana skill+ equips?

            wanted to know because i dont want to wait another 30k exp just to get ku...i want it now lol


            • #7
              Re: katana skill+ equips?

              Originally posted by Koroco
              Though merit points will work, as see how you can learn sidewinder at like level 52/53 with enough merits.
              This is not true. You can buy the merits, yes, but it will NOT help you learn WS any faster, level-wise. A friend of mine tried exactly this and was disappointed to find out that it is your natural unmodified skill level that affects how you learn WS.



              • #8
                Re: katana skill+ equips?

                I swear I've heard of ppl using Dagger merits to learn Shark Bite @65 instead of 66 for thf. Also I partied with a Lv69 THF that could use Eviseration.


                • #9
                  Re: katana skill+ equips?

                  lol you will just have to wait like the rest of us.

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #10
                    Re: katana skill+ equips?

                    Originally posted by Sindinista
                    I swear I've heard of ppl using Dagger merits to learn Shark Bite @65 instead of 66 for thf. Also I partied with a Lv69 THF that could use Eviseration.
                    Most likely they already had their dagger skill high enough from another job (RDM, perhaps), and had already learned the WS's. The merits simply got their skill high enough on THF to use the WS's they already had earlier.


                    • #11
                      Re: katana skill+ equips?

                      Originally posted by Sindinista
                      I swear I've heard of ppl using Dagger merits to learn Shark Bite @65 instead of 66 for thf. Also I partied with a Lv69 THF that could use Eviseration.
                      for thf the required skill level to use eviseration is actually obtained at 67 without merit adjustments. All that is required is for that person to have obtained the ws by questing it with another job. There are several jobs that can obtain eviseration from rdm, bard, warrior, bst, ninja, ranger can all obtain the ws at 75. This goes for alot of others quested weapon skills. Most of these skills with the exception of really a handful, can be used by lvl 70 if you have gone through the trouble of obtaining them with another job, Paladin's early aquistion of retribution and black halo is only one job example of this. Sure meriting up a weapon will give it to you at lower levels as well. Level 75 monks often have the ability to use Raging Fists in 40 cap areas while the ws is actually obtained at 41.
                      75BRD, 75NIN, 75SMN, 67RDM, 56WHM
                      Rank 10 Windurst | Rank 10 Bastok | Rank 8 Sand'Oria
                      Zilart COMPLETE | Promathia COMPLETE
                      Smithing 78+1 Cooking 60 Fishing 21



                      • #12
                        Re: katana skill+ equips?

                        Originally posted by kazuri
                        "Merits will increase skill, but you can't increase katana skill with any other job than ninja, which needs to be at 75 to do so."

                        Hm? You can merit level ANY Combat Skills with ANY job, as long as it's Lv.75. Only job-specific merits are restricted to jobs, so you don't need to be a Ninja to power up Katana skill. 空 is a good WS but when compared to 迅... good game. Why would you want it so fast?
                        Actually, it is exactly as I said. No other job can use Katana, as such, ONLY NINJA at 75 can add merits to Katana skill. You cannot get Blade: Ku early.

                        If a job (say RNG for example) can use that weapon, then at 75 they can add skill to it. A RNG could add skill to dagger, axe marks, archery etc. Then if that person was to level THF for instance, they would already have the added dagger skill and could get evisceration earlier. Same thing if this person added skill to archery then lvl'd SAM, sidewinder a level or so early than a normal sam.

                        The 75 job you have must be able to use the weapon in order to add skill to it w/ merits.


                        • #13
                          Re: katana skill+ equips?

                          eh no, when you have a level 75 job u can push all combat skills.
                          its like saying you cant push evasion if you are not thf 75.
                          if u get the SC earlier i dont know but i know u can push your skills even if that job is not 75.
                          the only thing you cant push is the job specific things what would be things like Huton accuracy ><
                          all other things take effect not matter what level or job. i have +30mp with every job as soon as i hit level 10 lol rocks when you play brd

                          CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                          Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                          • #14
                            Re: katana skill+ equips?

                            Originally posted by nsxtasy

                            The 75 job you have must be able to use the weapon in order to add skill to it w/ merits.
                            Only Ninja can merit Katana skill. Hence, you cannot get Blade: Ku early. Plain and simple.


                            • #15
                              Re: katana skill+ equips?

                              You can only merit points into a combat skill that your job has skill in.

                              Ninja can merit H2H, Sword, Katana, Archery, Throwing, Great Katana, Club, Dagger, Marksmanship, Eva, and Parry.

                              Since Ninja's are the only one that can use Katana's/have skill in it, they are the only ones that can raise it with merits. So... you can't get Ku early. Don't know why you would want it early anyways. Jin is still better ^.^
                              Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
                              Ninja - 75
                              Paladin - 44
                              Warrior - 39
                              Thief - 37
                              Samurai - 32
                              Ranger - 25
                              Monk - 24
                              Beast Master - 20
                              Black Mage - 20
                              Whm - 14

