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Main hand katana choice- level 75

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  • #31
    Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

    I didnt say I was comparing my U=u to someone elses Senj/fudo I tried both combos. Ive been using senj/fudo for over a month now and I find it to be about exactly the same. I think Senj /unji would be the best combo because 3% crit isnt going to make or break you and the delay would show.
    Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
    MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


    • #32
      Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

      I've heard this a few times, but where exactly was it proven the crit rate increase is only on the Kindred weapon?


      • #33
        Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

        Look at JJJ's post about halfway down.


        • #34
          Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

          Originally posted by Kakusaijin.
          That sounds exactly like what every other drone said.

          Just because you like the "Hundred Fists" style doesn't automatically mean that it's better for your DoT.

          If you can provide a mathimatical equation, or even a parser that can prove us wrong, please by all means, do so. But until you can, that post really doesn't mean anything. Good luck on finding either, though.
          My PS2 doesn't seem to want to give me a parser even when I say please :/ math, rather not.

          I don't know if Unsho's delay and stat bonuses can outdo Senjuinrikios base DMG and 6% crit rate. Honestly don't care either though.(bothers me so much I use senj + mamu+1)

          Senjuinrikio, Fudo, Mamushito+1, Unji, Unsho, Shiranui, etc all do such similar damage per hit at similar speeds it's not even worth thinking about.

          U.U still is, and alway swill be the best for people who like to go for as little delay as possible without losing much damage per hit for katanas like hototogisu.(that's all really)

          The secret is out!


          • #35
            Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

            Senjuinrikio, Fudo, Mamushito+1, Unji, Unsho, Shiranui, etc all do such similar damage per hit
            I lol'd.


            • #36
              Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

              I've used them >.> got the same numbers...why's that funny again?


              • #37
                Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                Alright I tried Senj/Unji for awhile and its pretty good. I still prefer Unji/unsho more though. Its hard for even me to believe but I see higher ws numbers with Unji/Unsho.... The Str and Dex Modifiers must REALLY be potent. I was pting with a war friend a couple months ago and he is a hardcore DD freak and very HQ gear wise. I was only parsing 2-3% under him and even he was surprised. I think Im getting 10tp return about every 2-3 rounds thanks to all the store tp items. I dunno about everyone else but I can do alot better with U/u. The other evening I did 1567 to a jnun with no Brd and Str down. Usually thought I can hit 1200-1300 with U/u a few times each pt and average is about 800-1k on Ws.

                Im not saying its a better combo but for me the numbers show. Btw I use Sole sushi
                Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
                MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


                • #38
                  Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                  Originally posted by Arximiro View Post
                  Alright I tried Senj/Unji for awhile and its pretty good. I still prefer Unji/unsho more though. Its hard for even me to believe but I see higher ws numbers with Unji/Unsho.... The Str and Dex Modifiers must REALLY be potent. I was pting with a war friend a couple months ago and he is a hardcore DD freak and very HQ gear wise. I was only parsing 2-3% under him and even he was surprised. I think Im getting 10tp return about every 2-3 rounds thanks to all the store tp items. I dunno about everyone else but I can do alot better with U/u. The other evening I did 1567 to a jnun with no Brd and Str down. Usually thought I can hit 1200-1300 with U/u a few times each pt and average is about 800-1k on Ws.

                  Im not saying its a better combo but for me the numbers show. Btw I use Sole sushi
                  When you say that you see higher WS numbers, did you parse, or did you just eyeball the damage? Eyeballing things can be colored by your own personal bias, and certainly makes it harder to judge averages.

                  I don't think the STR and DEX mods are as potent as you might think. WSC for Blade: Jin is 30% of STR and DEX. These values get combined, then floored (decimals truncated), then multiplied by an alpha value of 0.83 (at level 75), and then get floored again. The difference between Senju/Unji and Unji/Unsho is 3 STR and 3 DEX. Running various combinations of STR and DEX through a spreadsheet, this raises the WSC by either 1 or 2 (sometimes by 0, but only in less than half a percent of cases).

                  Perhaps the extra STR from U/U raises your fSTR by 1 as well. That still only raises WD (weapon skill base damage) by a total of 3. Meanwhile, Senju with latent unlocked starts off with base damage 38 - 32 = 6 points higher. Since WD, fSTR and WSC gets summed before being multiplied by pDif and fTP, there's no way for the extra STR and DEX from U/U to completely overcome the higher natural base damage of S/U.

                  Unless... the extra DEX from U/U pushed you past some magical crit rate tier. Even then, it would have to be a huge jump from one tier to the next, since Senju with unlocked latent also gives a sizeable boost to crit rate.
                  lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                  Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                  Fishing 60

                  Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                  Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                  Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                  Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                  • #39
                    Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                    Well one of my friends was parsing once in pt and also Ive pted with another friend Nin of mine who uses senj/fudo. But Im really not biased towards them Id actually prefer to use senj/unji. That would save me 500k and make more sense. But its easy to notice my wses are higher.. Even my friend with senj/fudo gets upset sometimes because he is a firm believer. Im not trying to say Im ironclad right or anything but its just painfully obvious everytime I pt with senj/unji or fudo... I dunno I dont really want to have to run my own parse, I usually just let the friends I pt with run parses. Its really not that big of deal Im just pointing out how things are going for me.
                    Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
                    MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


                    • #40
                      Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                      Originally posted by Hanzzo View Post
                      I thought Subtle Blow made your TP per hit less? Is that right, or is it something different?
                      Also for exp I'd go Senjuinriko/Shiranui or Fudo/Sen and for solo or other stuff like that use unji and unsho or the stun katana
                      No, subtle blow makes the monster gain less tp when you hit it

