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Main hand katana choice- level 75

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  • #16
    Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

    no hidden effect on the 2 katanas. i have unji/unsho combo and i love them.. reason why they are good is just plain speed. hasted with U+U you attack so incredibly fast, its great. you will notice the delay when u switch from fudo/senji > U+U.

    many ppl argue that weapon dmg is just too low, honestly its not about the dmg, you end up doing more DoT then with U+U then fudo/senji. its like comparing a WAR to MNK, each individual hit from a mnk vs war isnt that much but the rate at which mnks hit ends up doing more then a war.


    • #17
      Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

      With my gear I have +43 Str and +40 Dex No haidate or osode yet, I use Unji+unsho I think ppl dont realize alot about the pair. The more you atk the more chance you have for double atk to trigger and crit hits. Str+5 and Dex+7 make up good for base swings and ws dmg, I ws from 600-1100 depending on brd or no brd and what mobs. Tp comes alot fast as well. Ive compared melee blows with ppl with senj fudo and they are the same or sometimes even more. Also since your atking so fast its very easy to cast while atking and not lose any blows, just takes good timing. Hope that answers your questions.
      Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
      MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


      • #18
        Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

        Well, I have no experience with the combo, but from what I've heard, Unji+unsho+DW4+suppa supposedly abused the TP floor as bad as a thf/nin dual wielding 2 150 delay daggers. However, with the tp floor being changed, it probably is not as good anymore.
        Calin - Ragnarok


        • #19
          Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

          Most of what I have heard is that people use the U/U combo for a haste setup. Low delay, plus all the other haste gear and hast spell is almost non stop hitting. Good DoT i would assume. Of course, I have yet to try this out, but it would be fun.

          [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
          [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
          San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
          Current: Apocolypse Nigh


          • #20
            Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

            U+U is dead since the TP nerf I'm afraid. I currently use Senju + Fudo.

            U+U was fun on soft mobs like deco weapons but was pretty crappy on statues and the like, at least in my experience. On deco weapons I parsed nearly identically with U+U or Senju+Fudo but that is with only Suppa and AF1 body and 9% haste.
            Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
   - Bahamut Endgame LS


            • #21
              Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

              Though I want a Rai Kunimitsu for Firesday, I'd probably offhand it to a Fudo or Sei[tab].

              If you have capped Critical Hit Rate merits, you're going to notice it a lot more in holding hate than you would a little lower delay. I normally critical for about 70 damage, and with only one Crit rate merit (I was only 75 for like a week, sue me. >.>) I see it often enough to want to add onto it more. I notice a big difference, also, in holding hate with my DEX gear and my STR gear. Criticals and base damage seem to appeal to my equipment a lot more than Haste and STR. But that's just how I play, I guess.


              • #22
                Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                I was under the impression that the unji and unsho combo had their damage calculated differently from all the other katannas, somewhat similar to h2h. I remember reading in the official pol patchnotes something to that effect.

                U+U or not We still hit the TP floor with 2x Fudo or Sejuinriko + Fudo and haste (when do you not have haste on?) so the tp argument is not very relevant in my opinion.
                Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                • #23
                  Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                  Its not dead heh... in Aht urgan areas its perfect. I do almost the same dmg as ppl with senj fudo on melee hits. I have maxed katana merits tho.
                  Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
                  MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


                  • #24
                    Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                    Senji/Fudo ftw


                    • #25
                      Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                      Senji/Shirianui ftw. Mamushito+1 X2 for solo.

                      U/U is dead since TP nerf, and I remember reading a detailed parser about S/Fudo outdamaging the hell out of U/U.
                      | PLD 75 | NIN 75 | SAM 72 | BRD 75 | RNG 48 | BLM 40 | WHM 37 |
                      Leader of the Templars of Baldur


                      • #26
                        Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                        lol if ppl realized that with jus a small amount of store tp you will get 10 tp with hits the rajas ring gives store tp the new assault chain gives store tp there is even a food that does it. Its only fair they nerfed the tp gain because it was unstoppable now its still alot faster tp and the dmg is the same. I melee for 90-120 with u+u with senj fudo its exactly the same so is the ws dmg Ive done both. only diff is with U+u you have alot more chances to double atk and get tp alot faster :/ maybe not worth 15 mil but still a decent ways better imho.
                        Last edited by Arximiro; 07-12-2007, 08:53 PM.
                        Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
                        MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


                        • #27
                          Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                          I'm sorry, but U/U simply does not hit as hard as fudo/senji, and saying that pretty much proves that you like the combo so much that you refuse to really take an objective look. Maybe you hit as hard if you use meat, and they use sushi, or if you have better gear etc. But all else being equal you don't hit as hard. You just don't.

                          U/U has a combined delay about 10% lower, but about 20% lower base damage. The math is right there. A few points of +STR and +DEX isn't going to compare to the increase in criticals either. And I've done a lot of solo testing with my MNK AF2 with +9 SB to be able to say with confidence that +2 isn't going to do much at all.

                          MNK has an equivalent to U/U in Vishu's Cesti. The difference is that Vishnu's aren't hard to get, so people actually see that they just aren't as good as Destroyers, Waghs, or even a 10k pair of Feral Fangs. What they are is a toy to watch yourself hit fast. U/U is basically the same thing.
                          75MNK | 75 SAM | 75 NIN | 75 BLU | 75 THF | 75 WAR


                          • #28
                            Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                            U/U has a combined delay about 10% lower, but about 20% lower base damage.

                            Also with Senjuinrikio, you have a higher chance to Critical. With full critical merits, and Senjuinrikio/Fudo, you have a Critical+13% weapon in your mainhand.

                            That will always be better for Blade: Jin. Also, the overall damage might come in slower, but it will be higher due to your increased critical rate on both hands.

                            Like the above poster will never be as good, no matter the circumstances.

                            Edit: Forgot to mention, the catch to Senjuinrikio is that the Critical+6% only works in the hand that it is in. (The same as all of the Kindred Battle weapons.) You'd want to mainhand it to a lower damage weapon due to the impact it has on your WS.

                            I've seen some people with Senjuinrikio/Unsho recently, and it seems good. Wish I could afford to try it, because I bet it would easily be better than Unji/Unsho. (Or vice versa, I can't remember.)


                            • #29
                              Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                              U.U still messes with the slightly lower tp floor. U.U still has great DoT abilities.

                              Go kill some DC-T's with max haste/DW gear + haste spell + marchx2 and your Senj + Unji combo.

                              Now, after doing that think to yourself... Do I like going hundred fists style? Would I like to go even faster than I am now?

                              After you say yes to both questions, ask yourself how you can possibly go faster without soul voice and brutal earring...It's Unji + Unsho vs Unji + Hototogisu then.


                              • #30
                                Re: Main hand katana choice- level 75

                                That sounds exactly like what every other drone said.

                                Just because you like the "Hundred Fists" style doesn't automatically mean that it's better for your DoT.

                                If you can provide a mathimatical equation, or even a parser that can prove us wrong, please by all means, do so. But until you can, that post really doesn't mean anything. Good luck on finding either, though.

