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equipment, 60+ opinions/ideation!

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  • equipment, 60+ opinions/ideation!

    individual posts exist of this.. but, let's get everyone's opinion here. i usually level with another ninja my level, so we swap hate, so on and so forth. i have an attack equipment build that consists of (ideally, speaking)

    ochiudo's kote
    life belt
    royal guard's collar

    that i use when i don't have hate. and i have a defense one consisting of:

    federation tekko
    spirit torque
    survival belt

    that i use when i do have hate. and one thing i've recently tried out and liked is:

    /item "Blinding Potion" <me>
    /wait 3
    /equip Left Ear "Bat Earring" <me>
    /equip Right Ear "Bat Earring" <me> (bat earring = eva+15, while blinded)

    seems to work well for nasty situations. also have:

    /equip "Ninja Hatsuburi" <me>
    /ma "Kurayami: Ni" <t>

    wish list includes:

    scorpion harness (going to try and solo with 2x NIN lv 60 and WHM lv 75 {yikes})
    ninjutsu torque
    sniper's rings

    so, opinions/criticisms? what are you r equipment builds for varying situations?

  • #2
    Ochiudo's Kote is a good gear towards offensive dmg, but there is a new kote out named Horomusha Kote that gives +15 ATK and no evasion penalty. It's a bit costier in Ragnarok, but I'd look into buying that.

    Swapping Ninjutsu Skill+ equipment when casting spells is great. I wouldn't bother with Ninjutsu Torque, however. Although it's good, it's not so great that it's needed.

    Otherwise you look great, save up for that Scorpion Harness.
    Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


    • #3
      i can only see using a scorpion harness in exp if you don't have a bard. otherwise byrnie + sushi is far superior, ochidos are nice, keep them and forget the evasion penalty.

      you don't metion +enmity gear? i had to wear erris earrings all the way since everytime i switched to evasion ones the other melee whined at me -_-;;

      a ninja with an evasion build pre-70 is not particularily effective, its much more beneficial to hit hard and accurately. yes in certain scenarios (if you have a THF for example) you'll hold hate, but your damage output sucks and if you are PT with ranger then your evasion becomes meaningless.

      i think if your partying with 2 NIN its your main problem: 2NIN=slower kills=longer fights=need to evade more...

      don't take it the wrong way, but maybe you need to take the bull by the horns so to speak: you _can_ tank as a ninja without all these blind potion stuff!
      when i leveled ninja the other 2 melees in my set party were both very agressive in their playstyle (the 'you're tanking this Ladon at 69 whether you like it or not' kind^^) and it forced me to play a certain style, i didn't always succeed but it was alot of fun and the exp always flowed.

      i guess i rambled a bit there, hope some of it made sense @@;;
      Wandering Minstrel~


      • #4
        my take on some of the points given...

        ochidos kote isnt great for nin. katana base dmg is so low and ws dmg isnt spectacular, so boosting your atk isnt all that efficient in my eyes. if i were to boost dmg output id put it into str and dex/acc. since nin atks frequently, the str will bring your avg. dmg higher. having a high variance of dmg imo, isnt as effective.

        i totally think that an nin with evasion build is effective pre 70. im only 71 atm, and ive been mainly an evasion build nin most of the time. i did have a _im_a_taru_and_i_need_to_overcompensate_for_the_lack_of_STR phase. so i had +27str w/ food but sadly enough i couldnt hit a battering ram if it was 2 feet from me and my life depended on it. keeping hate hasnt really been an issue. i set pt with a thf for a while, but after 60 my set broke up and had no thf to regularly place hate one me. i set with a drk/thf now but hate is all up to me until they are ready for renkei. w/ kurayami,hojo, elementals and provoke i think hate wasnt really an issue.

        but i definately have to aggree with niland on playing aggressive. having 2 nin does slow you down. having a 3 or even 4 melee pt makes those kills a lot faster. if you bring the mob down quicker, the less utsusemi youll have to cast adn the less chance youll get into trouble. esp. if youre fighting a mob maybe 1-2 lvls early.

        dont forget about evasion torque. better than spirit torque since it adds 'skill' rather than just evasion.

        i also feel you dont need bat earrings either. never thot about using those myself, my dodge earrings are just fine but if you insist, try using melody earrings and have a bard. a better idea than being blind. if u cant hit the mob, ur hate holding skill will be kaput and evasion will be meaningless.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #5
          well, to clarify, the bat earrings are strictly for sticky situations. I.E, party needs to cast escape, party needs a little MP regen, etc. i don't dare touch them without a good reason

          and how we did 2x ninja went like this... 2xNIN, BRD, RNG, BLM, THF.Thief pulls, one ninja provokes, the other sets up for SATA with Sidewinder >> Viper Bite. The thief and ranger get TP pretty darn quickly, so they could pop off 2-3 skillchains a party, all the while BLM is magic bursting Freeze on them. Worked pretty well, especially in boyahda for some reason, chain x5's and 250+ exp apiece... not slow at all, and relatively safe

          i did realize, however, that i had a pretty tough time keeping hate from a dark knight without a thief. wasn't hitting as often as i should, but i sure dodged a lot >.>

          i suppose i'm a little obsessive about /equip macros though... equipment for all situations


          • #6
            if you arent hitting as often, just regular auto attacking will make hate shakey for you. just as long as youre landing consistant amount of hits, hate will be ok until your pt members want to unload for a renkei or something.
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • #7
              some updates and observations...

              i recently got all covered up in acc/att+ gear, for when i don't have hate. rarely missed velociraptors, and we were chaining 5's ^^. venerer ring, bailathorn, and royal knight's neck-thingy really helped. also i added fang earrings (att+4, eva-4) for when i'm not tanking, and royal knight's body and legs (total STR+6, DEX+6, att+6). and, when i do have hate, it's usual eva+ stuff (dodge earrings, spirit torque, hairpin) and AF. so... it's a whole lotta equipment to carry around, but i didn't lose hate to a trigger-happy sidewindering ranger or a divine seal /curaga ^^. works pretty well imo. also, adding the cache-nez to provoke macro worked nicely (enmity+2) i did about 5-12 extra damage per swing with the att+ offensive equipment.

              one thing i'm not so sure about is rings. at my level the best +eva ones are agi+3 apiece, which isn't all too helpful. (i dodge against IT's-VT's pretty well, almost never have a gap i between ni and ichi). i usually have one of those and a venerer ring, but i'm not sure if i should just dump it for another acc+... or, i see some people wearing tiger rings, which are AGI+2 att+2 i think.

              what do you other ninjas level 55-65 wear?


              • #8
                i never liked tiger rings myself.
                i wear sniper + venerer.

                i chucked my bailathorn. twice. ; ; they were pretty cheap on ragnarok from what i remember, i bought them for 3k there. on remora theyre pretty pricey. o well, i need to get myself a ungur boomerang anyways.

                if you go for a defensive reduction build once u can wear arhats, jelly ring is an option.

                im not sure how much a difference it is for other races but taru and mithra have the higher or agilities out of the races. i never really put anything into boosting +agi unless it was already on a piece of armor that im wearing for another purpose.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #9
                  my early 60's gear.

                  head: emp hairpin > macroed to af for certain debuffs,
                  neck: royal gaurds collar > macroed torque for emergency ninjitsu casting.
                  earring 1: elusive earring > eris took this place in brd pts
                  earring 2: eris earring > brd pts found me going melody earring
                  body: SCORPION HARNESS
                  hands: af hands til arits
                  ring 1: sniper ring
                  ring 2: smermaid ring > macroed second sniper ring.
                  back: went bate cape til 61. switched to amenet +1
                  waist: lifebelt
                  legs: ninja af til arits > still macro pants depending on situations.
                  feet: ninja af til arits

                  if your having problems holding hate you need to revamp you control of it. the object is to not dominate the hate as a pld would do. but only to control it loosely, just enough hate to keep a mob focused on you. yet still make it easy for the pt member to turn the mob whe the s.c is coming,

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #10
                    wow. bailathorns are 100k/pop on cait sith ! >.> had to remove that pesky /ra <t> macro when i got it .

                    um~ hm. i'm not having trouble trouble keeping hate, the RNG can still peel it off with barrage >> unlimited shot >> other RNG buffies + sidewinder, in time for the thief's SATA on me. i haven't had too much need for enmity+ stuff yet, but i usually party with a thief, so it's not much trouble.

                    i think, with your opinions, i'll dump that AGI+3 ring ... um~ melody earring, what's that do?

                    sorry for all my questions, but you guys are really being quite helpful ^^ i'm trying to cover the main points of different "builds" into swappable setups, since in my party dynamic i have a little more flexibility.


                    • #11
                      melody earring give either 5 or 6 evasion skill depending on if you get the melody earring, or the +1 version. evasion skill goes on your stat skill. so say your at 207 capped. with a brd song. an the earring equiped it goes up to 212, or 213. making you seem like your a lvl or 2 higher then what you really are.

                      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                      • #12
                        yea they are pretty pricey on remora too :\ i havent checked in a while, not gonna bother with it anymore. the sad thing is that i dont even know i threw it. so i dont get to see the cool bind effect or whatever. i just come back to my mog one day and notice its not there ; ;

                        im not too experienced with +enmity equips. ive never really used any except for the ones that you get from wearing arhats. i wonder what would be a useful number for +enmity where it really starts making a difference. +10? +15?
                        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                        • #13
                          Well, i swap to enmity for voke. And having +2, or 3, enmity is a good amount. I swap to like +12 or 13, and i can get it off whoever is getting hit. That's a LOT of hate.
                          75 Nin

                          Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.

