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Shihei as much as 10k/stack now...

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  • Shihei as much as 10k/stack now...

    How the heck am I supposed to level ninja now? I dont exactly have gil problems, but 10k/stack is a little much. I dont want to blow all my gil on that. Has the price of shihei reached this price on other servers too? If so, anyone know why? Is it the people synthing it being greedy or are the costs to make going up? If its the former, then I can just get LS friends to synth it for me.

    One guy in my LS says it fluctuates daily and it was 7k/stack on saturday, but even that is pretty high... whats going on here? I had planned on leveling NIN to 37 as a subjob but at these prices, i'm looking at taking a 1-2 mil gil bath on it.
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server

  • #2
    Take up a craft, seriously.
    I got tired of getting bent over for 20-25k a stack on Hojo powder and leveled up cloth/smithing. I farm manticores now to make my own and sell the extra to fund my other tool expenses :p.

    I burn 300+ of each enfeeble powder per level now easily, I head to norg once a week to stock up on uchitake and the other elementals that people shamelessly price gouge on the auction house. Shihei costs are really nothing compared to the other ones, its running 4500-6k a stack, buy from ls member that has 60+ woodworking or I use a san doria mule to buy from there to save 1-2k per stack had I purchased them in Jueno.

    Buy extra ninja tools/food during the week and put them on a mule is a good idea to avoid the weekend price gouging.

    Costs are brutal, but ninja power has its price and the more time you spend playing the job, the more incentive there is to craft ninja tools to become self sufficient and not be at the mercy of auction house prices

    3 Mithra are better than 1...
    Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
    Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
    Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

    Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
    Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


    • #3
      Semi-related, I'm noticing that the prices for oil and powders have gone up considerably over the past 3 months as well (I see a trend here with consumables). Last stack I bought was (I think) 9.5k ... and when there are 60+ of them listed, you'd expect the price would be less. The price of 9.5k is up from around 5.5k approximatly 3 months ago. At times I think that crafters have organized into a union or something and are systematically raising prices. =)


      • #4
        Equipment in general is more expensive each passing month - all those people that make their gil farming clusters/crystals and components used in tradeskills want to be adequately compensated for their efforts.
        Beehive chips 5k a stack, 4k for a fire cluster - its pretty crazy what stuff costs especially on the weekends.

        3 Mithra are better than 1...
        Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
        Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
        Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

        Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
        Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


        • #5
          Thanks for the advice Navia.

          I have 2-3 people I can get to synth Shihei for me, so hopefully the price of ingredients arent too much. Even San d'Oria was 7k/stack last night when I checked, and Jeuno was 7.5k I think.

          I didnt realize they sold the elemental powders in Norg... gonna have to make a trip there to load up.

          As for leveling a craft. I would, except that I dont plan on taking ninja past 37 (at least I dont atm)

          Guess I'll have to do some research on how the various tools are made, and try crafting some of them myself.

          Luckily Tsura (sp?) comes in the most handy and is cheap as hell to make with low level alchemy skill.
          FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
          FFXI: Shiva Server


          • #6
            The elemental powders are sold in Norg by the elvaan lady on the small raft on the dock. The shop is closed on Darksday, hours are 9:00 to 23:00
            The quantities sold are usually 2 stacks maximum, with a minimum of 33 being purchaseable if someones been buying them out regularly.
            Prices start at 30gil each, going up to the 60-70ish per range if people have been buying alot from merchant, which is really good for Uchitake(Fire), Kawahori-Ogi(Air), Makibishi(Earth) and MizuDeppo(Water). I make my own tsurara, its cheaper than Norg price still.

            When restocking I go to norg when I am logging for the night, and buy what I can. In the morning before work I do a quick log on to buy whats available then. When I get home I buy some more when I log on to play so i've had 3 chances to buy some instead of wasting alot of time camping the merchant.

            3 Mithra are better than 1...
            Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
            Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
            Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

            Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
            Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


            • #7
              yeah start a craft and make and or make a friend who crafts.

              i have wood, my friend has gold and alchmey..

              I make shihei and pretty much anything he needs at cost, and he saves me 50k a level by making me silver bullets at cost.

              shieh flucuates on titan as well, low is 5.5k high is 8.5k and i cant craft to make gil since my weekend play time is bad and my week day playtime is great, i'd take a loss during the week, and make a small profit during the weekends when i do sell shihei on the Ah.
              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


              • #8
                I possess friends who craft shihei for me when the AH prices are outrageous. I usually buy it off from AH. They range about 5K-7K max. Even though Emperor's hairpin, Sniper ring and O.Kote all cost over 800K now in Kujata, the price of Shihei hasn't changed for awhile so I'm still happy going to continue to level NIN.

                To reduce prices and optimize your chance of getting shihei, I suggest level Woodworking to 80+. That way you could basicly HQ every synth for 66 or even 99, I'm sure.
                Khalil - NIN72/WAR36

                NIN 72/PLD 61/WAR 36/MNK 20
                Cooking 60.9 - Fishing 30.1 - Leathercraft 10.9


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Khujy
                  They range about 5K-7K max.
                  Omg! Thats just insane, on Ragnarok UI shehie usually costs around 2-3K a stack. But yeah, I always synth my shehie incase I'm in a long party and my supply ran out.


                  • #10
                    Any other servers having downright stupid price jumps on Silent Oil? 10k for a stack (>_<)

                    3 Mithra are better than 1...
                    Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                    Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                    Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                    Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                    Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                    • #11
                      I must say since the last update, all prices have gone up. Silent Oils cost 9.4K a stack in Kujata. That is amazing considering prism powders cost only 5K. This is truly sad....
                      Khalil - NIN72/WAR36

                      NIN 72/PLD 61/WAR 36/MNK 20
                      Cooking 60.9 - Fishing 30.1 - Leathercraft 10.9


                      • #12
                        Yeah it doesn't seem to be getting any better, I may just roll a few farming sessions of gil into raising alchemy alittle higher to make my own oils. Non hq synthing other things I use is cheaper or mildly profitable compared to paying these new prices.
                        Too many people are rich+lazy (or buying gil) if I can make a profit on tradeskills at such low levels.

                        3 Mithra are better than 1...
                        Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                        Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                        Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                        Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                        Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                        • #13
                          Problem with the shihei on Shiva (9-10k now) is that Elm Logs used to be 3-4k, Bast parchment was 6k, and Shiehei wa 5.5k-7k... then: (chronological order):

                          1. Ghelsba 24/7-loggers *coughIGEgilSellers* raise price of Elm Logs to 8k after making a bot who buys the Elm Logs as soon as the guild opens in North Sandy.
                          2. Bast Parchment, because its main ingredient Elm Logs increased, now rise to 10-12k a stack.
                          3. Shihei goes up.

                          Moral of the story: Blame IGE and all the other gil selling sites, cause I watched this happen gradually over a period of a month.

                          Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                          RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                          • #14
                            Believe me, I do blame IGE and all other gil-selling methods on the net. Even though we do have bots in Kujata, their presence hasn't affected the economy yet...And I strongly believe they won't.

                            I just wish SE would give us a break from these inflated prices seeing as we are the most expensive job out there. Since I started playing on March, the launch of the PS2 version of FFXI, I've seen less and less NIN blink tanking and some even quitting NIN. But back then Shihei was very cheap according to our server's price history. It was at 4-5K a stack. But since November, the prices have skyrocked to the top, scaring a lot of newcomers to the NIN field and discouraging the most elite NIN above level 60. I just wish SE would do something about this...
                            Khalil - NIN72/WAR36

                            NIN 72/PLD 61/WAR 36/MNK 20
                            Cooking 60.9 - Fishing 30.1 - Leathercraft 10.9


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Khujy
                              Believe me, I do blame IGE and all other gil-selling methods on the net. Even though we do have bots in Kujata, their presence hasn't affected the economy yet...And I strongly believe they won't.

                              I just wish SE would give us a break from these inflated prices seeing as we are the most expensive job out there. Since I started playing on March, the launch of the PS2 version of FFXI, I've seen less and less NIN blink tanking and some even quitting NIN. But back then Shihei was very cheap according to our server's price history. It was at 4-5K a stack. But since November, the prices have skyrocked to the top, scaring a lot of newcomers to the NIN field and discouraging the most elite NIN above level 60. I just wish SE would do something about this...
                              while i agree that the prices are rediculous now, why should SE do anything? they don't set the prices, the players do. seriously if you complain so much stop being lazy blaming other people and craft your own.

