How the heck am I supposed to level ninja now? I dont exactly have gil problems, but 10k/stack is a little much. I dont want to blow all my gil on that. Has the price of shihei reached this price on other servers too? If so, anyone know why? Is it the people synthing it being greedy or are the costs to make going up? If its the former, then I can just get LS friends to synth it for me.
One guy in my LS says it fluctuates daily and it was 7k/stack on saturday, but even that is pretty high... whats going on here? I had planned on leveling NIN to 37 as a subjob but at these prices, i'm looking at taking a 1-2 mil gil bath on it.
One guy in my LS says it fluctuates daily and it was 7k/stack on saturday, but even that is pretty high... whats going on here? I had planned on leveling NIN to 37 as a subjob but at these prices, i'm looking at taking a 1-2 mil gil bath on it.