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Flame Ring or Breeze Ring

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  • Flame Ring or Breeze Ring

    Flame Ring : Def 3, str 5, int 2, mnd -2. Lv 74
    Breeze Ring : Def 3, vit 2, agi 5, int -2. Lv 74

    Was curious which ring is best for a blink tanking ninja in your opinions.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Not that I've got high enough to be able to comment on this properly, but I'd say Breeze over Flame.

    Evasion is important for a Ninja, more so than Utsu I'd say. Basically Utsu should be there to back Evasion up, not the other way around, at least that's how I feel, so any extra agi is always welcome. Add to that a little extra vit for when you do get hit and that out-ways extra str.
    Zethy - Taru - 44THF
    Jene - Hume - 75MNK (Retired)


    • #3
      STR is always nice, as is AGI... it really depends what you do with your nin in the endgame.

      i'm using breeze right now since i wanted to try the max-AGI build. i like this alot and it works well for me but i guess ideally you'd have both sets^^
      Wandering Minstrel~


      • #4
        Hm, I would say it depends on your other gear, and what you are doing.
        In an exp PT, the Flame Ring would probably be the better choice, for solo, depending on how hard the mob your fighting is, Breeze could be better, Evasion/Agi is always nice for when you solo, but if its a lot lower level then you, or if your farming, Flame would be better.
        For HNM's, I dont know too much about it, but the Breeze for the Vit and Agi would be better if you dont have a Bomb/Bloodbead Ring?(The ones with +75 & +50HP) or a Jelly Ring.

        Sorry I cant say which is really better ^^
        Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
        Ninja - 75
        Paladin - 44
        Warrior - 39
        Thief - 37
        Samurai - 32
        Ranger - 25
        Monk - 24
        Beast Master - 20
        Black Mage - 20
        Whm - 14


        • #5
          Every Ninja I've ever met who was at 75 has told me that the moment you reach that magical 7 and 5, insane amounts of evasion equipment lose a lot of importance and becomes much more of a situational option.

          I can't speak for myself though.

          ^. You have now seen everything..

          Name: Kiyotaru.
          Ethinticity: Windurstian.
          Home: Norg
          Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

          Linkshells: Come and go.


          • #6
            kiyosuki, yes that is correct.

            but only in certain cases such as god fights where vitality HP is the safest bet. as for ground HNMs such as KB, nidhogg and aspi, KB is kited, both nid and aspi are tanked by plds. evasion is still nice when you dual bune or guivre or solo other nms.

            also can't leave out tiamat vrtra and jorg, where ninjas go in with loads of vitality and even equip an earth staff, evasion works fine as long as the mob is within a certain lvl limit, but if it passes that threshold evasion will lose its charm.


            • #7
              Buy snipers, focus on accuracy equipment, and you won't have to shell out thousands of gil on spamming elemental cycles or enfeebles to hold hate. We can be very good damage dealers given that we are able to connect our hits.
              Dead: Nidhogg, Aspi, King Behemoth, Fafnir, Suzaku, Genbu, Byakko, Seriyu, Kirin, Jormungand, Tiamat, and Vrtra

              Next up: Ouryu, Dynamis Lord?


              • #8
                once you reach that level, there is absolutely no need for sniper's rings. with optical hat, scorpion harness, and lifebelt, that is already +30 accurracy. you won't be missing much in a regular exp party and tanking regular HNM's (i.e. serket, bune, simurgh, etc...)

                however, for GodHNM's evasion is pretty much useless and so is accurracy and strength. focus on enmity, haste, and vitality for those fights. the key is to take damage and lower your recast timer as much as you can...


                • #9
                  once you reach that level, there is absolutely no need for sniper's rings. with optical hat, scorpion harness, and lifebelt, that is already +30 accurracy. you won't be missing much in a regular exp party and tanking regular HNM's (i.e. serket, bune, simurgh, etc...)
                  Assuming you're using a Kirin's Osode or Speed Belt (or both), you'd need to regain that accuracy in other locations, which would be in either your gloves (+10 accuracy kote from Tiamat,) the Shura pants (+7 accuracy +5 str), or in your rings (+10 accuracy.) The +10 STR and +10 AGI you could possibily gain from rings would be accounted for in your body armor.

                  however, for GodHNM's evasion is pretty much useless and so is accurracy and strength. focus on enmity, haste, and vitality for those fights. the key is to take damage and lower your recast timer as much as you can...
                  For Kirin and KB it is best to focus on emnity gear if you're at the point where you have enough HP to survive consecutive Great Whirlwinds or a Meteor. I haven't experimented with pure haste yet (Missing Dusk Gloves and a HQ Panzer Mask), but it's essential to tanking things like Suzaku, Genbu, Hakutaku, or even Seiryu well. I'm still iffy about a NIN ever being able to solo tank Byakko straight up... perhaps we could solo kite it somehow, lol.
                  Dead: Nidhogg, Aspi, King Behemoth, Fafnir, Suzaku, Genbu, Byakko, Seriyu, Kirin, Jormungand, Tiamat, and Vrtra

                  Next up: Ouryu, Dynamis Lord?


                  • #10
                    I'm personally more worried about capping parry than what rings I wear now.
                    STR rings are nice for farming I find, AGI rings if im tanking xp stuff since I eat sushi and xp monsters check as 'low evasion' with just a scorp harness and lifebelt on.
                    Level 75ninjas I talk to say evasion is worthless on HNM and being able to parry often is a real life saver.

                    3 Mithra are better than 1...
                    Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                    Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                    Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                    Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                    Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Navia
                      Level 75ninjas I talk to say evasion is worthless on HNM and being able to parry often is a real life saver.
                      i think thats a bad statement.

                      there isnt 'one' HNM and there are different methods to killing them that work, mambo-tanking with evasion build ninjas is often a good tactic.
                      Wandering Minstrel~


                      • #12
                        I'm a 63 nin but more importantly a 75 drk, so i get to see alot of nins in action.

                        Generally on any sky NM there's one of two ways to go.

                        Enmity gear or haste gear.

                        Evasion gear isn't an option on SKy NMs (well, maybe on the pop items nms like zippy and ukilimi) but during an actual god fight, evasion gear isn't going to cut it. It's like ACC vs. gods, no matter how much you pile on, you're still going to miss more than you hit, and a good bit more. it's just because the mob is such a higher level than you.

                        For example, our main LS ninja tank was tanking genbu 3x a few weeks ago during sky raid. in three fights, he evaded genbu twice.

                        He, too, as navia said, stated that parry was more effective than evasion.

                        Red this..

                        Censorship sucks..

