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NIN Advice Please

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  • #76
    ditto its wierd i have my evaded attacks stand out as well

    oh and my chat filters are broken as well, i have tried everything to fix them, but they still dont work, its soooo annoying, i wanted to play blm, but i dont wanna play w/o my filters working, sometimes whole SC go by w/o me seeing anything, so i have a loud <call> on my ranger SC macro, and for my ninja i just assume no1 is counting my shadows because in the crowded jungles i can barely count them.
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


    • #77
      Well my chat filters are working perfectly, it just took some time to figure out what does what. If you need help I can lend you some help ^^

      Omni, from what I can tell you must set ON next to all the "NPC takes damage", "NPC avoides damage",...etc. Then you will not see other's damage.

      Ah, I see. Well I had my setup a bit differently. I had it so that when other's evade attacks it shows up as organe and myself shows up as a light purple. I also filtered out my own damage, but I think I might change that cause I want to know how much damage I do ^^

      Another thing I want to ask you guys, I'm 40 now and I'm going to do my AF but I noticed another weapon combination that just might be beter.

      ************* My Weapon Idea ***********
      +1% Double Attack
      Damage: 19
      Delay: 227

      Strength +1, Dexterity +1
      Damage: 20
      Delay: 195

      ************ AF weapons ***************
      Strength -1, Dexterity +2
      Damage: 21
      Delay: 216

      Strength +2, Dexterity -1
      Damage: 23
      Delay: 238

      Well as you can see, the AF weapons just basically give the stats of +1 to STR and +1 to DEX, which would be just about the equivilent of Ohaguro. The Niokiyotsuna is just an extra +1% to Double Attack, which is something I'm not quite understanding. At the level to equip it , which is LVL 38, NIN does not have Double Attack JT from WAR SJ, but this item obvious gives +1% to it, so does this mean I'm going to be able to have Double Attack 22 levels earliar then what I should have? Also, how often is 1% going to actually activate when I don't even have the JT Double Attack to begin with?

      The reason for these questions is that I have to kill a NM in Phomiuna Aquaducts, which someone told me I will be capped at lvl 40 so that would mean i would have to bring like a PT or an alliance to help me kill this NM. I just need to know if thise is going to be worth the effort and I mean I don't want this katana to be as useless as that other katana that was supppose to give -25% to spell interruptions.


      • #78
        ^^ naw i know perfectly well how to work the filters, they just arnt filtering out anything unless like w./e said i turn off everything but my partys actions.

        its lame..

        umm af weapons always suck, i dont know all the stats of the top of my head, but i do have 2 useless weapons, and one fairly useless weapon sitting in my mog collecting dust..BLM,RDM,RNG af weaps..

        i see alot of nins using Af weaps, and alot of drks using theirs, dont see too many toher jobs using theirs though.

        once you have all the ni buffs, let me know how inportant you think your melee is to

        i wish i could level my nin that high always with another nin, i would be the DD nin of course....(my background demands

        it would be so fun to not have to worry about the chaotic style of play ninja demands, just sit back deal your damage, debuff so the tank doesnt have to (with blind and para) and just deal dmg, i'd be saving so much on shihei shurikens would become a viable option, and i'd just rape mobs......lucky guy you...but your the tank right??? lol

        oh arshats gear looks kinda funky on elvaan, they look like they are wearing clown pants with a purple no offense was leveling rng in kuf last night and guivre poped and two nins and 4 rngs took him down, all level 75, all gil sellers im sure.
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #79
          lol, no offense taken ^^

          Well actually I plan on making both our NINs attack based, because just based on having Utsusemi: Ichi and Ni, I will always have 11 shadows up ( Ni, Ni, and then Ichi ) and even if those get mowed down, the other NIN has 11 shadows up as well and we can alternate just back and forth all day long for as long as we want (not to mention I'm always going to at least evade something ^^). So unlike other NINs I'm not going to have to concentrate 100% on evasion since I have the other NIN to back me up ^^ Another great thing is our WHM is now 40 so he has been Hasting us ( BTW, it chanages the Utsusemi: Ni timer from 45 seconds to 38 seconds ).

          Oh and you know what? I completely have given up on finding a 6th member. With just 5 members ( NIN, NIN, WHM, RDM, and THF) last night we were getting exp chain 4 and sometimes 5. So I can say NIN can do some decen damage, maybe it's cause we always keep Berserk up since we never get touched ^^

          Which brings me to my next point.....SATA Viper Bite seems like crap for NINs holding hate. I say this because I'm able to easily take back aggro with just a simple provoke most of the time. The fight goes something along the lines like this......( let me introduce characters first ^^ )

          NIN-2 = friend
          THF =..... well we'll just call him THF LOL, he doesn't need a name ^^

          Anyways, THF pulls and NIN-2 is always the first to tank and immediately unleashes a Blade: Retsu (For paralyze) while I cast Blind and RDM has Slow and WHM has Dia. THF has already done his SATA so as soon as I get behind the mob he attacks and aggro is transfered to me and I add in provoke. I wait until Provoke is up again and then I unlease a Balde: Rin ( *sigh* nothing else to go with Viper Bite atm ) + Berserk if it is up and THF follows up with SATA Viper Bite and RDM MBs Blizzard. NIN-2 has agrro now and I just provoke and.....well I just peel it off of NIN-2 I guess what I'm asking is how is THF a good way to allow NIN to hold aggro? Cause I thought as soon as THF SATA Viper Bite, I won't be able to pull hate no matter what, but it doesn't seem to hold true atm. Is my THF just not reaching his full damage scale? or is it perhaps I have tanked too long with Utsusemi? or does just casting Blind allow me that much more hate?or perhaps the THFs ability to allow someone to hold hate for longer increase with level?

          Oh and Thegod, this question is purely based for you. As one of the top tier damage dealers, how much damage do you deal in a round of combat? As in when you attack what is the highest damage you usually dish out? clear things up "What is the highest damage that one arrow had done for you notwithstanding critical hits?".

          Oh and one more thing: What do you think about "1 Venerer Ring and 1 Sniper Ring" vs "2 Sniper Rings"? I know with 1 Venerer Ringand 1 Sniper Ring I wll have +8 to accuracy ( 3 from Venerer and 5 from Sniper) where as 2 Sniper Rings will give +10 to accuracy, but will a 2 point in accuracy affect me too much? I'm just trying to find a cost effective solution ^^

          Thanks again for the help ^^


          • #80
            ummm, its hard to say...I mean are we only count IT++ mobs, are all xp mobs...

            i mean at 52 my last day in quicksands with a gun 30 levels short of cap i didnt nearly 200 to a ant.

            my average damage per round of combat is hard to measure as well, but like last night in kuftal my party was 50-52, me being the highest so i can honestly say i did 70% of the total damage done to the mob every time we faught....(easily 70% definately more)

            crabs and shell mobs: highest hit is 138 w/ critical using bow

            sand lizards and other soft mobs ive done up to 190+ with critical using a bow.

            it depends though, i lose +13 ranged attack if windy isnt in control of the xp area, so that hurts big time (but im pretty sure im at my rng atk cap, 90 on a crab w/o crit is the most/least my hits will do.

            err im confusing myself, ive been testing every food known to man lately, or otherwise i wouldnt remember these numbers.

            all these numbers are with yellow curry, i only use bison/marbled steak when im in a ranger party (heh kinda cheating to be the best rng in the party seeing as how even if someone had two hawkers+1, i only have one, they still couldnt match dmg output w/o using the same food, even elvaans)
            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


            • #81
              zempten: i used nin af katanas for a very long time. i didnt see anything worth getting till a lot later. i think the next thing i got was... the defense down katanas... then the hp drain katanas. i didnt have any of these new katanas to use when i was going thru that level.

              what kind of thf did you have? elvaan thf? sata-viperbite is pretty much one of the best ws in terms of dmg wise until sidewinder. my old set thf was mithra, and sata-viperbite did upwards of 500+ dmg. remember sa and ta are calculated with agi and dex. so just b/c u have lots of str doesnt mean its gonna hit hard. hence why many elvaan thfs arent so hot unless they have put some effort into boosting those stats. i pt once with a elvaan thf in kuftal and his normal sata was doing 150-200 dmg and a sata-vb of 350s~. it was real sad. but on the flip side ive pt with a thf in boyahda and he was doing great sata-de dmg. it all depends on that dex and agi.

              if u can find a rng to pt with you, you will have the strongest renkei combo available till 60s. blade:rin is super craps. actually ninja ws are just craps all together :p

              i have 1 venerer ring right now. and 1 +3dex ring. sorta been on the poor end lately hovering around 200k usually at all times but i was thinking about getting the +4 rare.ex acc ring, but i forgot i dont know how to obtain that yet ;p or getting 1 sniper. i would prefer finding out how to get jaeger ring so i can have +7 acc with 0 def. loss. while having 1 sniper is -10def, 2 being even worse. i guess it wouldnt matter but seeing how i get criticalled a lot if my shadows do drop, coupled with my ubar high hp, its a bit more important for me than some of the other ninjas.:sweat:
              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


              • #82
                YEAH SOME AVERAGELY EQUIPED HUMES, AND ALOT of elvaans (sorry for caps at work) dont have good sata viperbite numbers, i swear this hume 's max in quicsands was 300 points and he didnt even hit that all the time, its basically a pain to have a thf like that, because 3 ranged attacks and i matched his dmg....let alone a ws or barrage.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #83
                  Hm......that must be the reason then. He is an Elvaan THF, but I don't think his gear is lacking too much. Last time I checked he had a Leaping Lizard boots (if that means anything, I'm not sure I don't play THF, only got it to 26 for Flee.......well 25, I just happened to get 26 in the same PT ^^)

                  Hm......well maybe I'll stick with that AF Katanas.....or I'll be the lab rat and test out how those combinations work against the AF Katanas. Getting the AF Katanas shouldn't be too hard. I remeber soloing them for my LS NIN. However, getting the Niokiyotsuna is going to be a bitch ; ; I just read on that it is going to take a PT of 14 people...........omg I hate it when they do that. I think I'll just try it with a PT of like 3 NINs or something ^^ But first I need to get Promyvion access ROFL, gosh I lack so bad ; ; *cry*

                  Note: If I'm going to test this I'm going to need a parser.....does anyone know where I can get one? Last time I read about downloading a parser there was something on it that took the guys equipment and stuff so I'm a abit scared to just go google search it. If anyone has one they could link me to I'd be grateful. Oh and does this violate the third party software bad thingy thing? If so I'm sorry I asked

                  Yeah, I want the Jaeger Ring as well, but no information has been posted on it (well rumors so far). The best I can get is the Venerer or just 2 Snipers ( For some reason I keep wanting to typing Snipper lol ). Sniper is going to be tough though as I can't really find anyone on my server that I know that has Leathercraft at 90+. I really don't mind the Defense Down that comes with Sniper Rings, mainly because I don't get hit ( much thanks for Utsusemi and my other NIN ^^ ). Do Archer Rings sell for more then Sniper Rings? lol I should go check on my server ^^


                  • #84
                    sata damage is determined by dex

                    thats why mithras are the best defense

                    tarus mp ool is like mtihras dex pool, no other race comes even a lil close to mithras max dex.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #85
                      snipers are made from archers, and they typcially sell arond the same price. you can always go camp them in the bottom lvl of ordelles with all the other asshole gil-farmers. 1/100ish drop rate is what i hear. havent gotten one myself, claimed about 20 so far :\
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #86
                        Yeah last night spent 4 to 5 hours trying to camp for the Och. Kote and the only claim on one NM and it didn't drop ; ; *cry* NM hunting is the worse .........well coffer as well........


                        • #87
                          unless you spend lots of time camping mdp or gallant, youre chances of just showing up and getting it are almost next to nil. esp if you have gil farmers on your server. the ones on remora tend to have 1 bst in their pt. and they tell their pet to stay right in front of you... yea bitch move aint it? imagine with 4 bsts running around. youd prolly save urself frustration if u just bought it.
                          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                          • #88
                  's my Situation. I have 1 million gil atm. So.....well if I buy a Fuma and a Och. Kote I'm at least down to just 100k. If I keep going on NIN at the rate I'm going I'm going to need to buy Scorpion Harness and that right now is at 3 to 5 million gil. So that's why I was hoping on camping these NMs and get the items and keep saving up for the Scorpion Harness so by the time I hit 58 I can buy it...I hope lol.

                            BTW, speaking of claiming the mobs. Does anyone have expereince on Provoke VS Charm VS RDM's Dia VS BLM's Stun? Cause last night I swear my RDM's Dia was not beating a RDM/WAR's Provoke, I think it's cause I had to stop and cast where as the RDM/WAR could just keep running and then use Provoke. I'm going to try again.

                            Well..........all the gil sellers are in ORdel Caverns...for now at least ROFL. Last night there were like 9 people in a yeah....I'll just keep praying cause I want to get the Scorpion Harness ^^


                            • #89
                              you dont -need- scrp harness. its sure damn nice to have but a lot of shinobis, including myself, can hold their own w/o.

                              well, imo, its all about targeting. how fast you target the mob wins you the pull. not really the speed of voke or stun or w/e. and yes, if u have to stop, wait that extra 1.5sec for latency to make sure you stopped, you will lose the pull.

                              for myself, in small-medium sized areas with lots of mobs near by, /targetnpc isnt going to work, as well as opening ur /ja or /ma and spamming enter till something comes up to target. i usually have my left hand on my voke macro and my right hand on my mouse. i position myself where i am in range for most of the spawn area as well as have a good view of it too. keep my mouse cursor moving around and single click on the mob when it spawns while hitting voke macro. dunno how i got used to this but it wins me a good amount of pulls in crowded areas. which then ppl start blaming me for botting cuz they dont believe i can target with tab that quickly and accurately. i just act like i dont speak engrish ;p just dont push ur mouse cursor too far to the edge of the screen cuz then itll auto scroll that way :p
                              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                              • #90
                                Ah, really? That would be nice to know I can pull my own without a scrop harness.

                                Anyways a update ^^ It's not pretty at all. I'm getting my ass kicked across the room by these 2 gilselles. RDM/WAR and MNK/THF. MNK's Chi Blast is always winning or when the mob is spawned further away RDM/WAR's Provoke is faster then mine ; ; So far.............4 days........4 claims...........0 drops ; ; *cry* I guess I just might have to resort to buying , bleh

